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Chapter 739: Madam Ban, you should take the blame

As a child, Guan Shanyue's character is that he doesn't know how to take care of a baby, but holding a child is a matter of skill, otherwise the child will be uncomfortable, and the person holding the child will have sore arms and shoulders, so Yue Si directly asked He picked up a rattan basket, put the bedding on it, put Naruto Uzumaki in it, and carried it all the way.

"This is…?"

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Yue Si and then at Naruto Uzumaki who was sleeping, and asked in confusion.

After all, whoever suddenly picks up a child when he is a guest at someone else's house will surprise the host.

And looking at Yue Si's hair color and pupil color, as well as his age, it is obvious that this child is not his, unless the woman is a blonde with blue hair and blue eyes (Samyi:?), besides, the children of the ninja world are too early to mature. will not mature to this degree.

"The orphan of the fourth Hokage Naruto Minato, and at the same time, he is also the current Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli." Yue Si unreservedly stated the identity of Naruto Uzumaki, without hiding or concealing it.

However, as soon as Yue Si said this, Uchiha Fuyue narrowed his eyes, and there were three hooks in his pupils: "Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

The entire Konoha Village is about to spread. The Nine-Tails Rebellion was caused by his Uchiha clan, and indirectly killed the fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato. Now Yue Si brings the orphans of the fourth Hokage to the door, which is very compelling. suspicion.

Although Yue Si is their business partner of the Uchiha family, it is true that Uchiha Fuyue has not forgotten that Yue Si is a very active ninja on the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War, and his strength is very strong. Although Yue Si and the village were filthy due to the selection of the fourth-generation Hokage, it was learned from outside analysis that the teacher of the fourth-generation Hokage, who is one of the Konoha Sannin together with Orochimaru, also made a special trip to teach him. Yue Si resolved this contradiction for a while.

Now that Yue Si is directly bringing people to the door, it is hard not to make people doubt his purpose and motives.

And after what happened last night, a considerable number of people should know that Sharonyan has the ability to control tailed beasts. Although it requires a special pupil technique to do it, the outside world doesn't know it.

Therefore, Yue Si came with the people of the nine tails this time, and he still came to the door with a polite attitude and made no secret of his style, but it made Uchiha Fuyue even more shocked, because this can be summed up in one word. - "Rites before soldiers".

In terms of etiquette, Yue Si has given enough. One can imagine how intense the action will be if the two sides do not reach an agreement.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I just ask your Excellency to do me a favor." Yue Si said with a smile on his face: "To be precise, ask Mrs. Zun to do me a favor. Among the people I know, Now only Mrs. Zun is the most suitable."

Then, Yue Si brought Anbu to the door to send Naruto Uzumaki to him when it was just dawn. He couldn't get rid of it. Even if he threw it outside the door, no one would pick it up. In the end, he had no choice but to adopt it by himself, and Naruto Uzumaki cried because of hunger. The matter was told to Uchiha Fuyake in detail.

After listening to Yue Si's complaint, Uchiha Fuyue breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, Yue Si brought four generations of Hokage orphans to the door to provoke him, but he did not expect that he really wanted something, and the plot was only the food of his second son Sasuke. .

The purpose is very simple, it's completely overthinking it.

And, to a certain extent, Yue Si's behavior is very candid. When the rest of the people are avoiding Uchiha, Yue Si does the opposite, with four generations of orphans and nine tails. Naruto Uzumaki, who has dual identities as Hiroshima, came to the door.

It's just that the Uchiha family are stingy in expressing their emotions. What Uchiha Fuyue thinks in his heart can't be seen from his face.

"What's his name?" Uchiha Fuyue opened his eyes, the Sharinyan had closed, and returned to his normal pupil color, looking at Naruto Uzumaki with an inexplicable expression.

"Naruto Uzumaki—but, in order to protect his identity, I will give him a different name." Yue Si said in a very serious tone, "For example, Daigoro or Shirou, you have brought up Patriarch Uchiha. Two children, who have experience in naming names, can you help me choose?"

Note: "Daigoro" is from "Gintama", and the character of "Writing an observation diary from one to the end" is Daigoro Kitaoji, and is dubbed by Junko Takeuchi, the seiyuu of Naruto Uzumaki.

"Shirou" comes from Shirou Emiya of the "FATE" series, and is dubbed by Sasuke Uchiha's voice actor Nori Akira Sugiyama.

Yue Si played a seiyuu meme here, but Uchiha Fuyue didn't understand, and couldn't understand.

"Shirou..." Uchiha Fuyue, who didn't know that Yue Si was actually joking, talked about the name and thought about it very seriously. He felt that the name had a sense of justice, and he must be a partner of justice when he grows up. people.

After unilaterally finalizing the name of Naruto Uzumaki in the future, Uchiha Fuyue shouted: "Itachi!"

Not long after, a little boy wearing a Uchiha fan logo came over, saluted Yue Uchiha Fuyue and said, "Father."

Yue Si looked at Uchiha Itachi, who was still a little young. At such a young age, he had such deep nasolabial folds (tear grooves), and his future achievements were limitless.

"Invite your mother here." Uchiha Fuyue said to Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi nodded, turned his head and went to the backyard. After a while, Uchiha Mikoto, who was holding Uchiha Sasuke, came over.

Uchiha Fuyue revealed the identity of Uzumaki Naruto and the fact that Yue Si came to visit. Uchiha Mikoto handed Sasuke to Uchiha Itachi and took Uzumaki Naruto out of the rattan frame, showing infinite love and pity He stroked Naruto Uzumaki's little face: "What a poor child."

Sasuke Uchiha, who was held by his brother, noticed something and turned to look at Naruto Uzumaki in his mother's arms.

I don't know if it was being held by the person in the role of "mother" or for other reasons, Naruto Uzumaki woke up, didn't cry or make trouble, but turned his head to look at Sasuke Uchiha.

At this moment, the two people who are entangled in fate meet for the first time. The reincarnation of this generation of Indra and Ashura Chakra finally meet. The two people who are destined to meet here will have a closer relationship than in the original book. Because they can be called compatriots.

In fact, Yue Si didn't expect the Uchiha family to come here at first, but unfortunately there are not many people he knows and has a good relationship with who can go to the full moon wine and the hundred-year-old banquet. It's just that Neji Hyuga is already over a year old and has already passed the age of weaning.

Uchiha Mikoto left with the two babies, leaving Yue Si and Uchiha Fuyue to drink tea and chat together.

"The business is over, now we can talk about some unimportant things." Yue Si took a sip of tea and said to Uchiha Fuyue: "Patriarch Uchiha, I came here on the way and heard a lot of bad news for Uchiha. , although it is just a rumor among the villagers, but it represents a general direction, in order to appease the people, the high-level Konoha will definitely suppress the Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Fuyue also took a sip of tea to make himself look calmer, and then said with the air of the Uchiha clan chief: "What advice do you have?"

"Patriarch Uchiha, I have a question. Are all the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, and do they have any blood that strays outside?" Yue Si answered the question with a question, but he showed Uchiha Fuyue a way of thinking. He conveys an idea.

Uchiha Fuyue narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "As far as I know, there is no. After the establishment of Konoha Village, the blood of the Uchiha family has not been lost outside the village."

In any case, the family measures of the Uchiha family are still in place. Although it can’t be said that the widows, widows and disabled people are supported, but at least relying on the welfare of the family, Uchiha Obito’s grandmother can raise Obito. big.

"Really not?" Yue Si asked in a skeptical tone: "Although such a statement may offend the Uchiha family, has there been no rebellion in Konoha Jiancun over the years? Those Don't agree with Konoha's idea, choose a ninja who defected?"

After such a "reminder" by Yue Si, Uchiha Fuyue suddenly thought of something and said: "There are in the history of Uchiha, the legendary Uchiha, Ninja Shura, Uchiha Madara!"

"That was shortly after Konoha was established. Lord Hokage of the first generation was widely expected to become the first Hokage of Konoha Village. Lord Madara Uchiha felt isolated by the entire Konoha and left the village. He called on all Uchihas to leave with him, but none of Uchiha was willing to follow Madara-sama, Madara-sama left alone."

"After a few years, Madam Madara came back, but he came back as an enemy of Konoha. He also brought back the strongest tailed beast, Nine Tails, to fight against the first Hokage-sama..."

Yue Siyi put his palms together, as excited as he heard some gossip, and said: "That's right, no one knows what happened to Uchiha Madara in the years he left Konoha, in case he married a wife while he was outside the village. Having a child, leaving behind your own blood, leaving behind your own ideas and techniques, and developing another Uchiha... Uchiha Patriarch, do you think there is such a possibility."

"Your remarks...Well, it's not unreasonable." Uchiha Fuyue originally wanted to refute Yue Si's blind analysis. After all, no matter what happened to Uchiha Madara, he was also the senior of their Uchiha family, and it was the Uchiha family who spoke out. Characters with rows of faces.

However, as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, he held back his original emotions for the first time, and began to think about whether the hypothesis proposed by Yue Si was feasible.

Last night's nine-tailed attack, the dung pot was buckled on the head of the Uchiha family and did not run away. This is a helpless thing. However, Uchiha and Uchiha are different, even Uchi, who is known for being cold and inhumane. In the wave clan, there are also hot-blooded idiots like Uchiha Obito, and there are also a few ninjas who pursue the "will of fire".

So, why can't there be another Uchiha outside Konoha Village?

For example, the bloodline left by Madara Uchiha, the old predecessor of Uchiha, has grown and grown over the years, and has cultivated a powerful Sharinja ninja. from.

After all, Madara Uchiha did it once by controlling the nine-tailed attack on Konoha through the Sharinyan, but he was stopped by the first Hokage Senju Hashirama. His descendants followed the example of their ancestors and did such a big thing. Very reasonable.

Although this means disrespecting the ancestors, it is okay for the dead ancestors to bear some stigma for his descendants.

Madara Uchiha, for the sake of your Uchiha clan, you will take another slap in the face!

After all, taking this statement out, Uchiha at least provided an explanation for the nine-tailed attack to the village, provided a past statement that everyone can say, and transferred Konoha's hatred of Uchiha elsewhere.

In order to end the war between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Pharaoh also created a powerful enemy called "Dr Manhattan" for them.

Of course, for this explanation, whether you believe it or not, Uchiha Fuyue believes it anyway.

"Hey, hey, Uchiha Patriarch, don't take my words seriously. I learned how to write with teacher Jiraiya. This is my personal imagination. Don't take this statement seriously." Yue Si saw Uchiha. Fuyue's expression changed, but he shied away: "Patriarch Uchiha, do you agree, I used this as a prototype, adapted it, and wrote it into my book—by the way, I'm preparing my first book, If it is published at that time, I hope you will support the Uchiha chief."

On the contrary, Uchiha Fuyue understood something and said, "No, this secret belonging to Uchiha was revealed to you during the chat."

Then the two tacitly raised their teacups and gestured to each other.

"Five Hokage Can you tell me?" Uchiha Fugaku put down the teacup and said meaningfully.

In the previous competition for the position of the four generations of Hokage, Yue Si's teacher, Orochimaru, was unsuccessful. Now that the fourth generation of Hokage Naruto Feng Minato has died, the possibility of Orochimaru taking the position is very high, so Uchiha Fuyue wants to ask Yue Si's opinion.

Having said that, Yue Si shook his head: "It's impossible, from the selection of the fourth-generation Hokage candidate, we can know that the position of Hokage has nothing to do with Mr. Orochimaru, but Mr. Jiraiya is possible. "

It was almost time for lunch, Uchiha Fuyue was going to stay with Yue Si for dinner, but Yue Si shied away and left with Naruto Uzumaki. If he doesn’t leave, the Anbu ninja waiting outside will probably be unable to bear it any longer. It is estimated that he will wait for himself. When we went out, it was the three generations of Hokage who came with the people.

However, unlike when he came with a rattan box with Naruto Uzumaki, when Yue Si left, he pushed Naruto Uzumaki with a stroller, and the rattan box in his hand was also full of various The stuff, including baby clothes, was a part of Uchiha Sasuke's stuff that Uchiha Mikoto took out and gave it to Uzumaki Naruto. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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