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Chapter 705: AB brothers

The heat of the ground is sensed by the soles of the feet through the soles of the shoes, and the eyes are full of mess. The original lush forest can no longer be seen as it was before. The ground is covered with coke, which is the traces of being burned by the high temperature flames, and there are also traces of being baked. The roasted earth has been clumped into lumps.

The drastic changes in the airflow caused by the release of heat have not subsided yet. The original air here has been almost consumed by the immortal technique and the blasting clay. The surrounding air disappeared and slowly flowed here, but it still gave them a feeling of burning their airways. And breathing is a little difficult, people can't help but take a deep breath.

Occasionally, it can be seen that the original shape can no longer be seen, and it is obviously an iron block that has re-solidified after being melted. It is the ninja gear that the ninja wears, kunai, shuriken, and katana. Under the shock of the explosion and the heat, they lost their original shape.

As for those ninjas, not to mention, there is no steel in the flesh and blood.

And this is just the effect of three mortar shells. Those Konoha ninjas looked at each other and understood the shock in each other's hearts. This is the case for each of them - the power of this new type of ninja is so terrifying, I am afraid it will change. The way of future warfare.

If you let Yue Si know what they think, they will sneer. Where is this? The end of the battle between Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara was shocking. Any casual blow is a powerful ninjutsu that changes the terrain. , Although it is difficult to move mountains and reclaim the sea, it is almost the same level. It can only be regarded as a slightly difficult level, and it can be done with a little seriousness.

Smashing the mountains and filling up the valleys is only the level of two people testing each other. A hair-tailed beast jade directly opens up a river leading to the sea, and even hits the other side of the sea.

The famous scenic spot in the ninja world, the Valley of the End, is only formed by the aftermath of the battle between two people. If you count it, it can be regarded as a "crater" in front of you.

After receiving reports from the ninjas, the ninjas of the Nara clan, who were the commanders, began to pay attention to Yue Si, a team that had a new type of ninja gear, and began to consider whether they could use this new type of ninja gear to do something.

It's a pity that Yue Si and the others used Naruto to test all aspects of the new ninja gear. In name, the Nara clan's ninja cannot command them, but everyone is a Konoha ninja. In such a serious situation Under the circumstances, the ninja of the Nara clan and Zhezhi Hanshiro reached an agreement.

Their ammunition has not been exhausted, and they can stay here for a while in the name of experimenting with new ninja gear. The ninjas of the Nara clan can provide them with a suitable test occasion, and they conduct experiments according to the reference he provided.

When the ninjas of the Nara clan came, among the four ninjas in the Banshiro class, only Zhezhi Hanshiro was the upper ninja, Chen Wuzuo and Hyuga Asao were both the chunin, and Yue Si, who was an alternative shape, was in charge of things. It must be Zhezhi Hanshiro. new

Yue Si has no opinion on this. Experimenting with new ninja gear or something is just a pretense, as long as he can stay in the front line, he waits for Orochimaru to complete the task and turn around with himself, and then find the Uchiha clan. The unlucky ninja used it to carry out the "mixed potion" experiment to help them complete the improvement of Sharinyan.

Zhezhi Hanshiro also consulted his opinion, and after Yue Si agreed, Zhezhi Hanshiro agreed to the proposal of the Nara clan ninja.

At the beginning, there were not many occasions when Yue Si and the others needed to be dispatched, but as time went on, the frequency of dispatch became higher and higher, and there were too many attacks by small ninjas. Clearing up the small ninjas that will cause greater casualties is when the mortars are in full swing, and weapons of mass destruction are so useful.

Especially the cloud bombs, even if they avoided the first wave of blows by relying on the earth escape, but the ensuing low oxygen and high temperature environment is also a continuous blow.

"About two kilometers away, there is a team of ninjas, whose identity is uncertain, and it is most likely Yun Ninja's ninja."

During a certain "testing of new ninja tools", Asao Hyuga, who had been using chakra to enhance White Fang's ability, suddenly said to the others, she tried her best to widen her eyes, but her face was worried: " They are chasing a ninja, and they are approaching the direction we are going. The ninja they are chasing, his chakra I have seen before, is Konoha's ninja."

"Can you confirm it?" Zhezhi Hanshiro stopped, stood on the branch of a big tree, and asked Hyuga Ashuo while leaning on the trunk.

"I can be sure." Hyuga Asao nodded affirmatively: "Of those four people, two of them have reached the level of Joinin's chakra, and the other two, their chakra level is at the level of monsters—no, That is the monster, one of the ninjas, he is a human Zhuli, he has a very terrible chakra in his body, and a tailed beast is sealed in his body."

Hearing this sentence, Zhezhi Hanshiro no longer doubted Hyuga's judgment. Basically, only the Five Great Kingdoms possessed the power of human pillars, and the only person who appeared in this direction was Yun Ren of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Then Zhezhi Hanshiro looked at Shi Wu Zuo, and at this time he gave an order and asked the veteran to give advice, and Shi Wu Zuo lived up to expectations and immediately made a decision: "The original plan was canceled, we will evade and avoid it. The other side’s path forward, don’t make contact with the other side.”

This decision is not a mistake. Although they have a new type of ninja gear, the combination of one upper ninja plus two middle ninjas and one lower ninja is not a match for Ren Zhuli at all. The existence of the tailed beast Chakra is at least Only a team of elite Jōnin can resist. Although the four of them can't be called old, weak or disabled, their strength on the bright side is definitely not enough.

Not to mention, in addition to Ren Zhuli, the opponent has two Shang Ninjas and a monster-level ninja.

Thanks to the presence of white-eyed ninjas, they were able to find each other's traces before making contact, so they did not make contact with each other.

As for the Konoha ninja being chased, sorry.

"Let's go!" Yue Si took off the scroll from his body and threw it to Zhezhi Hanshiro: "The mortar is sealed inside, and you should have learned the handprints and techniques of unsealing during this period of time. Take it and leave. Come on! I'm going to meet those Yun Ninja ninjas for a while."

Catching the scroll, Zhezhi Hanshiro asked, "Why..."

"Since it has been determined that the ninja being chased is the Konoha ninja, that is our companion. For the sake of our own safety, I can't do this kind of thing!" Yue Si straightened his belt. The two knives stuck on it, posing as the protagonist of the king's blood, said the words of righteousness: "I'm going to save our companions!"

Looking at Yue Si's tall and straight posture and listening to his energetic and **** words, Chen Wuzuo felt shy, he was annoyed by his withdrawal, but this emotion only lasted for a few seconds Zhong was wiped out by Chen Wu Zuo's instinct and habit of survival.

For him, his own survival is the first priority.

"Let's go quickly, the farther you can escape, the better! Don't look back and escape!" Yue Si looked at the three members of Banshiro's class and said, "This is a reckless decision I made by myself, don't make a decision for my youthful arrogance. And waste your life!"

"Moreover, if you are here, it will drag down my strength instead!"

Zhezhi Hanshiro wanted to say something, but was stopped by Hyuga Ashuo: "Hanshiro, we should listen to Guan Shanyue!"

Under the gaze of the white eyes, the chakra hidden in Yue Si's body began to surge, and it had reached a very terrifying thing. Yue Si did not exaggerate. If he waited for the three of them to be present, it would be a drag on him. If only he If there is one, it is possible to save the Konoha Ninja from the hands of the four Yun Ninjas.

Seeing that his teammates said so, Zhezhi Hanshiro didn't insist anymore, and ordered: "Withdraw!"

Then the three of them turned into black shadows, and quickly escaped in the direction away from the four Yun Ninjas, and Yue Si, who was running the power of [Current Push], also ran in the direction pointed out by Hyuga A Shoto.

Looking back at the back of Yue Si charging forward, Chen Wuzuo felt that this teenage ninja was extraordinarily tall - "As expected of the disciple of Lord Orochimaru, he is a first-class ninja in terms of strength and temperament."

The three ninjas, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, became famous and got the name of "Konoha Sannin", but they were given by the enemy.

In the second ninja war, Yuyin declared war on Konoha, and the demigod of the ninja world, Shanzhaoyu Hanzo, released a wide range of poisons, causing a large number of ninjas to fall. In the end, only Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru were left on the battlefield. Still insisting, Hanzo appreciates them very much, so he gave them the name of "Konoha Sannin".

Although there is only one person in Yue Si now, but like the Sannin at that time, he did not give up when facing an invincible opponent, but moved forward to save his comrades.

Shimoyama Heibei is an ordinary Konoha elite Jōnin. Not long ago, he and his team went all the way deep, sneaked into the territory of the Land of Thunder, and spied on the transfer of Yunnin's personnel, but in the retreat It was discovered by Yun Ren at that time that his teammates had sacrificed themselves to Yun Ren in order to cover him who had escaped with information. Originally he was about to succeed, but when he crossed the border between a small country and a small country, he was caught. This team of Yun Ren found it and chased after him.

According to Shimoyama Heibei's memory, as long as he persists for a while, he will soon be able to contact the outer cordon of Konoha Ninja, and he will be able to get the help of Konoha Ninja immediately.

Sure enough, he saw a ninja who was wrapped in an arc rushing towards him. Although the other party was not wearing the green vest of the Konoha ninja, but on the forehead guard that was used as a belt, it was Konoha. symbols of.

This is a Konoha ninja, and is still very strong.

"Help me stop them!" Shimoyama Heirai immediately shouted when he saw the other party.

And the Konoha ninja wearing a sackcloth-colored windbreaker heard the words, and immediately pulled out the samurai sword from his waist, and the speed of advance accelerated, so fast that he was surprised, and he crossed a long distance in an instant.

"Haha, I'm excited!"

On the back of the Heibei who brought him down, among the four ninjas who originally pursued him, Yun Ninja, who was two meters tall, dark-skinned, and rough-looking, shouted loudly, and then was covered by Lei Dun chakra, and there was electricity in his body. The watch flickered, and the hair started to grow.

This state activates the cloud ninja cells, and the speed of nerve transmission is greatly enhanced, which means that his body strength, strength and speed have increased several times: "Lei Dun·Blinking Technique, and, Lei Dun·Lei Li Hot knife!"

Yun Ren was like an electric light, and he rushed to the back of Shimoyama Heibei in an instant, and slashed his neck with a hand knife, and right in front of Shimoyama Heibei, the Konoha Ninja's sword also reached the same position.

With a sound of "Boom", the samurai sword was broken by the hand sword, and half of it was still held in the hands of the Konoha ninja, but the other half flew high and fell to the ground on one side, and the tip of the sword pierced the ground.

With a "pop" sound, Shimoyama Hirabei's head and torso fell to the ground together.

Until he died, Heibei Shimoyama didn't understand why the Konoha ninja in front of him attacked him. Although there was a reason behind the death of the Konoha ninja, the samurai sword of the Konoha ninja was also one of the reasons.

"He betrayed the village."

This was the last thought in Shimoyama Heibei's mind - but who made him unlucky, it was Yue Si.

"Yo, long time no see, Ai! Bi, do you still like rap that much?"

With a loud voice, Yue Si held the sword of the son of the third generation of Raikage and the future fourth generation of Raikage Ai on the back of the knife, and greeted the four cloud ninjas with a kind of exuberant enthusiasm.

"Rabbi Eight-tailed is me! Yay! Ah!" Over there, a similarly dark-skinned man wearing sunglasses has a blue "iron" tattoo on the outside of his right upper arm, which is the mark left by the "Iron Armor Seal": "It turns out that it's you, the guy who hasn't seen him for several years and has grown so powerful! You stupid-ass, you bastard!"

This Yun is Yun Ren's contemporary eight-tailed man Zhuli, Kirabi.

Unlike other ninja villages, the original name of Yun Ren's Raikage has been erased, and there is only one name, that is Ai (A). This "Ai" in front of Yue Si has confirmed the future successor of Raikage, so he Also changed the name to "Ai"; and "Ai" must have a partner who can use the ratio (B) of the combined ninjutsu "Lei Dun · Jue Niu Lei Plough Hot Knife", which is Kirabi.

These few greetings from Yue Si have already revealed his identity, and Kirabi has also recognized his identity.

Just before Ai could withdraw his strength, Yue Si placed his palm on his chest with one hand, spit it out, and beat Ai until he flew backwards and rammed into a big tree.

However, Yue Si did not mention it. In Lei Dun Chakra mode, Ai's body strength increased several times, and there was a layer of Lei Dun Chakra as protection. Yue Si's palm only produced a "repulsion" effect on him. The effect did not cause much damage.

Although he was not injured, Ai was outraged, angry at Yue Si's sneak attack, which made the electric light entangled in his body surge. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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