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Chapter 652: Become a god

"This is the end of the journey."

Steve Trevor was lying on the ground, hiding himself with the help of the night, the grass, and the gray and dusty cloak on his body, holding the binoculars and looking at the military base in the distance.

Along the way, they have experienced tragic battles, countless fights, broken through heavy enemy formations, and obtained information from countless people by relying on the mantra lasso, and finally arrived at their destination.

Pointing to the command tower in the military base, Steve Trevor said, "There, that's the command tower."

Diana's eyesight was terrifyingly good, and that's what Steve Trevor came to the conclusion along the way, that she could see farther than him and see things more clearly without the aid of a telescope.

"You stay here and don't move."

Diana sorted out her equipment, hung the shield behind her back, adjusted the angle of the hilt of the Excalibur, and carefully wrapped the mantra lasso around her waist: "I can feel the power of the God of War, I Has been able to understand the authority of the God of War."

"All it takes is God of War to be dealt with, and the war is over - I can feel it, where my destiny is pulling me there, where it's the end of it all."

After speaking, Diana, who was half squatting, stood up and started walking quickly, then Benz, whose speed was beyond the speed of a galloping horse, rushed to the fence of the military base, and crossed the fence with a light jump. Inside the military base.

Her action attracted attention, the bright beam of the searchlight shone over, but she couldn't keep up with Diana's figure, she could only see her charging all the way, and the corpses left behind, soldiers of the Second Empire wearing Anna's men fell like chopping melons and vegetables.

After fighting and fighting along the way, Diana's strength gradually awakened, and her fighting skills were sharpened to a very strong level. As long as he thought about it, nothing could stop her.

All the way forward, Diana broke into the command tower. It was brightly lit, and there were several people dressed in costumes waiting here. From those people, Diana did not feel hostile, but an indescribable eagerness.

And in the center of the room, a huge creation was placed there, it was a complex machine.

"Welcome, from Paradise Island, the Amazonian princess, the daughter of Zeus and Diana." A middle-aged man dressed as a gentleman on crutches saluted Diana and said with an undisguised excitement: " When I was in London before, I knew you were there, but because of my status at the time, I didn't go to see you because of my status at that time, and I was entangled in worldly affairs."

"Please don't be nervous. Before your arrival, I have already ordered that no matter what happens, soldiers are not allowed to enter here." Diana once saw in the data, the main battle of the Second Empire, Pai Lu General Dendorff spoke.

"For today, we have been preparing for ninety-nine years, a full ninety-nine years, and finally, finally let you come to us."

Two people dressed as officers carried a person to the conning tower, threw the person into the room, and then turned to leave. The person they threw over was Steve Trevor.

Steve Trevor was originally in ambush outside the military base, but after Diana left, two super warriors who used savory wine captured Steve Trevor, who was well disguised, Under the night, the gray cloak made him blend into the night, but he could not escape the eyes of the super soldier.

But the two super warriors did not impose violence on him, but brought him to the conning tower and brought it in front of everyone.

The shattered Steve Trevor looked at the others in amazement and read out their names one by one. As a spy, he is very good at intelligence, and he appeared in this room. The people here are all high-level, high-level from the Entente and Allied countries, who can influence the direction of the war, including Steve Trevor's boss, Colonel Jimlet, and a lot of people who provided him with this trip. Helping Sir Patrick, the gentleman who greeted Diana in the first place was him.

If they could appear in a room peacefully, then there would be no war.

Of course, there was one other guy who wasn't very high-level, but Steve Trevor remembered him, the owner of the tavern where he first heard the story of Paradise Island's existence, and he was the one who supplemented himself with Zadok Something other than an old man's story.

However, the dressing of the tavern owner at this time did not match his identity. He was wearing a sophisticated suit, with a straight posture, standing with the surrounding high-level nobles, and there was nothing conspicuous, as if he was born to belong to one of them.

"How could it be you, why would it be you?" Steve Trevor asked in disbelief.

"Captain Trevor, do you remember the story Zadok told you, the captain's name?" Colonel Jimlet asked.

"Segnol Gimlet..." Steve Trevor murmured.

"Yes, that man is me, and I am that mean Captain Senor Gimlet," said Colonel Gimlet.

"The stories you hear are basically true, Captain Trevor." The tavern owner said: "Zaddock is just an ordinary person, and we handed the story to him and spread it through his mouth, Propagating under my watch, what you hear is mostly true."

"Ninety-nine years ago, our ship was captured by the Amazons. Fortunately, that year, the Amazon queen Hippolyta was pregnant and was the blood of the **** Zeus, but the son of the **** only had half the blood of the gods, only A demigod."

Diana murmured, "That child, it's me."

Colonel Gimlet said: "In order for the demigods to become real gods, the Amazons made an agreement with us captives, and we need to help them complete a ritual that makes the descendants of the **** Zeus real gods, to become gods of war. , and we shall gain freedom, gold, knowledge, and long life."

"With knowledge and gold, we have all become influential nobles, with long lives, we have plenty of time to do what we want to do, spread to different countries, control all kinds of power - this The war was secretly promoted by us, the contradictions in the partition of the colonies, the uneven economic development, and the unequal division of the order, we tried our best to make these contradictions appear, and then ignite it one day.”

"This war is a ritual. The lives of more than one billion people have been affected by the war, the casualties have reached more than 30 million, and hundreds of billions of assets have evaporated out of thin air. The means of war and the weapons that humans use to kill each other have emerged one after another. R&D, that’s what we can do.”

The tavern owner said: "And I need to choose the most important sacrifice to complete the ceremony, and through him, can I promote the true completion of the ceremony. After decades of searching, I found Steve Trevor, and wanted to Do your best, through the exchange of interests, through magic to induce thinking, let you step by step on the road we paved for you, and let you know about Paradise Island and Amazons through Zadok, and you know about Paradise Island The more of them, the more attracted to Paradise Island.”

"Under the manipulation of fate, you came into contact with Paradise Island. Through you, as a guide, you brought the Son of God out of Paradise Island, and guided the Son of God step by step to understand what war is, and let her inherit from Zeus. The divine power of God constantly usurps the authority of the God of War and transforms into the God of War.”

"During this period, we have also continuously sent people to provide you with the information we want you to know, so that you can follow the rituals we have arranged and take the Son of God to complete it, to contact war, to contact hunger, killing, death, destruction..."

"Now, there is only one last step left. Only the last prop is needed to complete the transformation of the Son of God, and we can serve the great God of War as the family of the God of War."

Hearing what the tavern owner told, Steve Trevor's breathing became very heavy for a while. This fact made him unacceptable, and he could only calm his heart by taking deep breaths.

"Are so many people's lives so worthless in your eyes?"

Steve Trevor growled.

"Human beings are humble existences, and their existence is meaningless. For the gods, it is meaningless, and even the universe itself is meaningless. Those people who can participate in the rituals of the gods belong to their pleasure."

As the only woman in the crowd apart from Diana, Poison Doctor Elizabeth Pill said to Steve Trevor: "Have you ever really known the universe?"

"In the beginning, the oldest **** in the universe was Chaos, the **** of chaos. Chaos gave birth to the goddess Gaia, the goddess of love, and the **** of the abyss. Rebos and Nix, the **** of night, combine to give birth to "light" and "day." Gaia gives birth to Uranus, the **** of the sky."

"We, everything in this world, are formed by the **** of the sky, Uranus. To explain in today's scientific language, Uranus is the space itself, the most basic particle of matter, formed by the distortion and folds of space. of."

"Humanity itself is meaningless. The value of human beings are all added to themselves by human beings. Humans are small and humble existences."

The words of Dr. Poison Elizabeth Pill made it difficult for Steve Trevor to accept, although these people did not show their strength, did not treat themselves violently, and did not let themselves see something beyond recognition, Existence beyond conscience, but just their words, even the ones he'd heard and repeated before, gave Steve Trevor a chill from start to finish.

You do not belong to yourself, the tiniest parts that make up your body belong to someone, every tiniest particle does not actually exist, it is an illusory illusion, like throwing a The ripples caused by the stones are just an accidental phenomenon.

Steve Trevor heard the roar, it was the roar of the aircraft engine, and he looked out through the observation window of the conning tower, and a very large aircraft was starting, taxiing on the runway, and gradually rising. null.

"That plane was carrying the big killer that I developed and manufactured. With the help of the Second Empire, the big killer that I made is a big killer that can destroy a city with a single bomb." Elizabeth Maru Said: "And that is just the success of a trivial exploration of the nature of Uranus, the **** of the sky, and it will be the last link of the whole plan."


Steve Trevor looked at Diana for help, but found that his companions along the way had changed.

Diana's incomparable beauty became more and more false, like a piece of fine porcelain, but the beauty was unreal, and a crack started from the center of her eyebrows and gradually spread to the whole body, making her body become broken, but temporarily adhered. Together, it reminded Steve Trevor of the treasure called Ice Crack Porcelain that his father brought back from the eastern land and stole it from the eastern palace more than ten years ago.

"What's the matter, Steve."

Diana looked at Steve Trevor, her black hair began to wriggle, twisted into strands like tentacles, and through the cracks in her face, Steve Trevor could see the inside of Diana's body The darkness that hides deeper.

"Ah!" Steve Trevor's mental breakdown, rushed out of the conning tower, fell to the ground, but still staggered and ran.

"The Amazons shape their bodies out of clay, and Zeus infuses them with their souls..." Sir Patrick said: "The clay shapes a false body and infuses it with the truth that belongs to the gods. This is the truth of the Amazons. As the son of God, He The existence of her is still beyond the sight of human beings, she is hidden in the shell specially shaped for her by the Amazons, a perfect creation."

Sir Patrick bowed to Diana and said, "Son of God, only one last step is required. That weapon of war is the weapon to end war."

Then, everyone in the room knelt down in Diana's direction.

Diana walked over to the machine in the center of the room and pressed a top-most button with her "fragmented" palm.

In the cabin of the lifted bomber, the huge killer received an order and exploded instantly.

It was like a sun appeared in the night sky, and a huge ball of light appeared in the middle of the sky. Anyone who looked directly at the light was instantly melted, followed by shock waves, high temperatures, electromagnetic pulses, and the sound of the sky falling apart. .

As the big killer showed its power, Diana's clay shell peeled off piece by piece, shedding the part that belonged to the Amazons, and truly became a god, gained the concept of war, and became the **** of war.

Summary The inspiration for this article is DC Comics "House of Horrors", which subverts the story of superheroes.

Wonder Woman Diana Prince's identity in the restarted N52 world is set as the illegitimate daughter of Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, and Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons, with demigod blood. This setting is substituted here with the identity of Yoggsothoth's son and the Whitley brothers in "The Dunwich Horror".

Every thirty-three years, the Amazons of Paradise Island capture and induce males to mate, then kill them when they achieve their goals, mirroring the process by which the Deeps and Humans create hybrid offspring—essentially females The deep diver mates with a male human. In "The Haze of Innsmouth", the male protagonist's deep diver bloodline is inherited from his grandmother who was married to Arkham from Innsmouth.

Wonder Woman obtained the qualification of God of War and transformed into an indescribable existence, which also draws on the ending of "The Haze of Innsmouth" - the hybrid of deep diver and human is a human attitude in childhood, when it is with the deep diver The same kind of contact or the generation of extreme emotions will awaken, and the physical appearance and thinking will continue to transform towards the deep diver - the name of Zadok is also derived from this book.

Originally, I wanted to make Wonder Woman into a system, but because of the update frequency required by the Internet, I didn't have the intention to carefully carve it out, so I wrote it and wrote it, but it was biased towards Meiman fans.

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