Villains Template

Chapter 650: growing up

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, the villains template

While the expectations were good, everything happened as Steve Trevor envisioned.

The physicist invited by Sir Patrick looked at Steve Trevor's notebook for a long time, and checked it with a pencil for a long time, saying: "In theory, this super weapon is practical, although the excerpts In the notes, I made a few mistakes in formulas and parameters, and omitted key parts, but after checking, it is theoretically feasible..."

However, things like war are not so simple. Sir Patrick can only interfere with a small part of the scope with his influence. Even though he has drawn some ministers and high-level military officials through his influence, not all Everyone agrees with Steve Trevor's assessment that the most important thing right now is to sign a peace treaty with the Second Reich.

Even if they are in high positions, they don't have to go to the front in person, but no one wants to see that the war continues. Although there must be some people who make money in it, it is definitely not them. The war has greatly reduced their property and the power in their hands. also began to weaken.

With peace on the horizon, no one is going to keep the war going because of a possibility, because that superweapon is only theoretically possible.

In the end, the results of the discussion in a small meeting were still unhappy, maintaining the results of the previous meeting.

Sir Patrick brought Steve Trevor into the conference room after the meeting and said, "Captain Trevor, I know you're upset, but I can't interfere with other people's decisions."

Steve Trevor said: "Sir Patrick, I have decided to go to the confines of the Second Empire in person to verify the existence of that super weapon again, or rely on my strength to destroy it."

"Can you identify where the Second Empire's secret factory producing this superweapon is?" Sir Patrick asked. "Our intelligence officers are compiling information and can roughly identify several locations."

Steve Trevor said: "If my judgment is correct, it should be xxx."

Sir Patrick limped to the map, found the place on the map, exchanged a few words with the intelligence personnel, and finally confirmed: "Your judgment is very valuable, there is a secret factory of the Second Empire in this place. It is very likely that there has been an unusual movement of personnel and materials here recently."

Steve Trevor talked to Diana about the super weapon, and Diana said that if such a weapon really exists, God of War must be there too, because it is a super weapon that changes the method of warfare, war God must have made it successful into this world, and that would have greatly enhanced His power.

Therefore, the address they obtained from the spy is very likely the location of the secret factory.

"Although our proposal has been rejected, I have decided to do something." Sir Patrick said: "I will fund the formation of multiple spy teams in my name, and send them in batches to the secret factory of the Second Empire - you Will lead a team to xxx. According to the current war situation, you need to go from **** to xxx, to xxx, and finally to your destination. If you take this route, you only need to cross a battlefield. It's the safest one."

"Thank you sir." Steve Trevor was a little surprised, because the line was exactly the same as what the previous spy said, but as a spy, he didn't show his emotions: "I think, I alone That's enough, I've already found a helper."

Soon, an event funded by Sir Patrick came into the hands of Steve Trevor, along with two special passes to identify the two and allow them to safely pass through their own turf will not be harassed.

One is Steve Trevor and the other is Diana Prince.

England is an island country, surrounded by water, and the first step to travel must be a boat. Steve Trevor and Diana took the necessary things and set off. On the way to the port, they encountered a group of people from Soldiers retreating from the battlefield.

They were injured or disabled, looked sad, or numb. Many people lost their ability to move. They were pushed by stretchers or carts. They got off the retreating ships and returned to the cities in the rear for rehabilitation and treatment.

From them, Diana did not feel that the Amazons on Paradise Island were happy when they heard the battle, and even if they sacrificed in the battle, it was a valuable self-knowledge, but a kind of sadness, a pain, a kind of sadness.

"Why are they like this." Diana looked at Steve Trevor: "Is this also caused by the war?"

Steve Trevor said: "Yes, but at least they survived until the end of the war and were able to withdraw from the field alive and safely, and although they lost their healthy limbs, they at least kept themselves. life - have you understood the authority of the God of War again?"

"I must stop the **** of war as soon as possible."

Diana said seriously: "I originally thought that the power of the **** of war would weaken with the end of the war and become stronger because of the birth of super weapons, but I was wrong, these people, these people who were hurt by the war , their pain, the wounds in their hearts, will continue to feed the **** of war—the effects of war can last long after it's over."

As Sir Patrick said, the spy's route was the safest route, and Diana and Steve Trevor didn't encounter a war at all before reaching the frontier, and they didn't stop their progress. , the only thing restricting the speed of the two people is Steve Trevor's legs.

As a mortal, even if Steve Trevor is elite, his physical quality is incomparable to Diana in all aspects, plus not all roads are smooth, ravaged by gunfire, raining mud, lack of Conservation, walking deep and shallow, it takes five days to drive out of the planned three-day journey.

However, in the process, Diana became more and more aware of the war, the land bombed by artillery, the smoke and blood in the air and the rancid smell; the grotesque corpses lying on the roadside; being separated from her family, A child crying helplessly; an ordinary person shouting his family's name; a refugee holding his luggage tightly...

There are wagons driven by fleeing people with wheels stuck in mud puddles, coachman slashing horses with whips, passengers jumping out of the car, pushing the wheels, pushing the carriage while watching the pedestrians vigilantly, lest those victims Transform into perpetrators and inflict violence on them.

Among them, the most dangerous are those remnant soldiers, both the enemy and the other, are very dangerous.

Broken up for a variety of reasons, they have no logistical support, no food or clothing, but they have something no one else has - weapons and the confidence to kill someone without mercy.

Under the premise of having weapons in their hands, they are trained to be stronger than ordinary people. They can **** food from ordinary people and their belongings without caring. When they meet beautiful women, they will not be surprised. to vent to them his wild side.

Or, like driving a wild beast, let the fleeing populace run away and take their lives recklessly—with the capacity and rate of fire of a bolt-action rifle, if the populace gathers to fight back against them. It is impossible to take away many people's lives at all, and it will endanger themselves. Only by using fear to drive them away and let them flee, can they be given a chance.

At first, when Diana saw this situation, she would ignore Steve Trevor's dissuasion and go to help the people she saw, help lift the carriage out of the mud, and kill the violent people. Soldiers, or disarm those soldiers and leave it to the angry people.

But after a lot of experience, Diana looked down on her, because no matter how strong she was, she could only solve the problems in front of her, and couldn't help everyone affected by the order destroyed by the war.

And, sometimes, those who are helped by her will question her, question her powerful and inhuman side, and question why she didn't take action earlier - that way, people can be prevented from being abused, looted, and killed. pain of.

In the beginning, Diana would be angry at the harsh criticism of those she helped, and the more she experienced, the less she looked down on it. As long as she didn't interfere with her, she would just sit on the sidelines and watch the tragedy happen in front of her eyes. .

Because all of this is part of the war, Diana has become more aware of the power and authority of the God of War.

In the eyes of Steve Trevor, Diana became more and more strange, from a **** Paradise Island to a cold and mature existence.

Of course, that was when Diana was not involved. If things touched her, Diana would not let it go. After leaving London, Diana returned to the make-up when she left Paradise Island, wearing a cloak. Close-fitting armor, Diana, who has been dressed in this since she was a child, felt the familiarity she deserved under this kind of clothes.

And this means that Diana's unparalleled beauty has lost its cover, and those tyrannical soldiers will be conquered by her face and unattainable beauty, and they will boldly attack Diana.

At this time, Diana will show her increasingly powerful strength. With a shield, she can smash the defeated soldiers into the air. With a twist, they can twist their rifles into garbage, and with a backhand sword, they can connect the defeated soldiers. Cleave in half with a weapon.

But after Diana once again shredded the rout who had the guts on her, Steve Trevor said: "It's not right, it's not right!"

Steve Trevor used a twisted rifle to pick up a **** military uniform with minced meat, and said: "The most recent defeats we encountered were all from the Allied side."

Trevor took out the map again, comparing the current position and the front line marked on the map: "Where we are now, there is still a distance from the front line, even if there is a small-scale defeat, but there are so many defeats. Soldiers, very abnormal, in the control area behind the front line, the officers will gather the defeated soldiers..."

"Unless, the Second Empire won a big victory and completely collapsed the front lines of the Allied Powers... In this way, the current situation is possible - Diana."

Diana asked, "What's the matter?"

"Next time I'll stay alive, I need to know what happened." Steve Trevor frowned.

Diana nodded and looked in the direction of the woods, although her vision was blocked by the dense trees, she seemed to see something: "I understand-I feel the divine power of the God of War, the more I understand the power of war, , He also noticed me, and as the records describe the stories of gods and heroes, He will send his own children and his own men to stop me."

"What?" This time it was Steve Trevor's turn to be confused.

It didn't take long for Steve Trevor to understand what Diana was talking about.

It was a few rout soldiers who were robbing the refugees' carriages and supplies. Diana simply eliminated a few of them, leaving only one alive, and made him kneel on the ground. "Ask your question now, and ask him what you want to know," Rever said.

Steve Trevor licked his lips and said, "What happened to you, aren't you on the front lines, why are you here?"

Under the power of the mantra lasso, the rout had to speak, and said, "This is the front line, we have failed, and the people of the Second Empire have rout us, and we have rout all the way!"

"What happened! Did the soldiers of the Second Empire have any secret weapon?" Steve Trevor asked.

"They sent super Those people have great strength, have terrible bodies, run faster than fast horses, bullets can't hurt them, they can overturn trucks with their bare hands, fists Worse than artillery shells, it can easily jump to the roof." The rout said: "Our counterattack could not kill them effectively at all, our front line was broken up, and we could only keep running away to the rear. , and they kept advancing, chasing after us.”

"Super Soldier!" Steve Trevor was silent for a moment, then looked at Diana again - the description of this rout, and the power that Diana showed.

Apparently, the so-called **** of war sent his minions to help the soldiers of the Second Empire.

"He's useless!" Steve Trevor asked a few more questions until the trooper had told Diana all he knew.

Diana lifted the mantra noose vigorously, and the cervical vertebra of the broken soldier whose throat was strangled by the mantra noose was strangled, and fell to the ground softly, without life.

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