Villains Template

Chapter 647: ceremony

General Ludendorff felt young again after inhaling the vapors of the espresso wine.

The changes brought about by the secret wine are continuous. The heroes in the mythology who have the blood of the gods can still gain their holdings after drinking the secret wine brewed by the gods, which is most intuitively manifested in vitality. , which is immortality.

General Ludendorff is not too young, otherwise he would not be able to sit in the position of general. In addition to his family background, he also has enough resume, which requires age to endure.

Moreover, now that the war is tight and supplies are scarce, as a general he must lead by example, he has not had enough to eat for a while, and has been running around, understanding the situation, appeasing soldiers, coordinating supplies, commanding the war, and persuading The higher-ups who had the intention of surrendering continued the war.

This has kept General Ludendorff's body in a sub-healthy state. If it weren't for his strong fighting spirit and the evil magic handed down from his family, he would probably have fallen somewhere, when he inhaled the fairy wine. After that, his hunger, his exhaustion, his old age and weakness, all his negative states were swept away.

There is a light in General Ludendorff's body, and with his breathing, heartbeat, and blood circulation flowing in his body, his body is reflected in every detail, and his muscles, bones, internal organs, and blood vessels can be clearly seen.

Not only that, General Ludendorff also felt an unprecedented force gushing out of his body, which made his physical strength, stamina, and anti-strike ability rapidly improve. The increase in strength made his brain's control over the body out of balance.

General Ludendorff's body began to tremble involuntarily, like an epileptic seizure. He subconsciously reached out to support the table, so that he could rely on it. General Ludendorff's subordinates were deformed by the way, twisted into an irregular shape, with half of General Ludendorff's palm print, and his fingerprint palm print was clearly printed on it.

"Doctor, how much do you know about the **** of war we serve and worship?"

After the body was nourished by the savory wine, General Ludendorff's brain began to re-adapt and control the body. He opened his mouth and said to Dr. Poison Elizabeth Maru: "He is war, he is everything in war, as long as there is Where the war takes place, there is His presence."

"Doctor, we have always worshiped the God of War, and we have been planning everything for his awakening. This war is the ceremony for us to wake up the God of War and carry out the ceremony for him to come to this world."

"This is just a ritual?" Elizabeth Maru expressed her difficulty in accepting this, and said, "I can't understand it? Among the magic books I read, the biggest ritual mentioned is to construct a microcosm. A large-scale device for material research, through which we can more clearly understand the essence of the world, and through it we can realize the transformation of elements, but its cost can support the consumption of a large-scale battle.”

"What is your ritual?" said General Ludendorff: "An altar is built out of stones on the top of the mountain, and at fixed times of the year, a bonfire is lit on the altar, and forbidden spells are chanted and the gods are called out. his real name to get his attention?"

"Everything we can perceive is related to the gods. We recognize them through contact with gods. What we get is truth, and what we get by summarizing is knowledge. Only through rituals close to the authority of gods. Only then can we have contact with the gods—the ritual of awakening the **** of war is carried out by war. Millions of people have died, tens of millions of people have been injured, countless creations have been destroyed, countless people have been displaced, and hundreds of billions of assets have evaporated. This is our ritual, destruction, killing, wailing, death, despair, famine..."

General Ludendorff muttered some inexplicable words, which were all brought about by the war.

Doctor Poison Elizabeth Maru asked: "General, where is the ceremony, now we have almost no time, our defeat and irreversibility, the war is about to end."

"No, the war is not allowed to end without our permission. It is absolutely not allowed to end until the blood of the last person is drained!" General Ludendorff said: "The ceremony is the last step, and the most important. A crucial step, our guide and the intrusion into Shemisgara, brought the war to that peaceful place, where the authority of the **** of war appeared there, and the final ceremony was like a sophisticated instrument that began to turn The first gear drives the rest of the parts into motion."

"He's a good seed." As a spy who infiltrated his secret research institute, Dr. Poison Elizabeth Maru met Steve Trevor: "Our little wizard doesn't know his mission—and, we How to convince the emperor, and the group of ministers who advocate surrender."

"I need more of this potion, Xianwei Mijiu." General Ludendorff had full control over his body at this time. He picked up the box full of ampoules in front of Elizabeth Maru and said to her: "As long as the emperor sees the powerful power it can provide, and sees the super soldiers made of immortal secret wine, the war will not stop, the armistice agreement will not be signed, and there is hope for a comeback, he will not pass up this opportunity."

"In addition, I need you to study a poisonous gas, a poisonous gas with terrible power. Those ministers of the surrender faction will be the beneficiaries of this poisonous gas!"

Diana and Steve were lucky that their ship met a small steamer on the way to London, and Steve Trevor, with his eloquence and the cash on him, asked the small steamer to take them for a while. Procedure.

It's just that the closer you get to London, the worse Diana's expression becomes.

This is the capital of the Sunset Hill Empire, and prides itself on being London at the center of the world.

It is also an industrial capital. Coal burns in the hearth as the power to drive machinery. The pungent smoke goes up the chimney to the sky, completely obscuring the sky. Combined with the foggy and rainy weather, it seems that there will never be sunshine here. Same.

Not long ago, the sky over London was not only the smoke, but also the smoke of war. The Second Empire launched air raids on this place more than once, and bombed it with airship fleets.

As Steve Trevor said, the war has come to an end, and the Second Empire has no strength to bomb any more. The decline of the battlefield can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. There is only one final step left to sign the armistice - wounded beasts are at their most terrifying and aggressive, and no one is letting their guard down.

However, everyone is full of confidence in the failure of the Second Empire. The reconstruction of bombed cities is underway, stagnant production is recovering steadily and orderly, and a modern city is showing its vitality.

However, the scars left by the war are not so easily erased. Diana can feel the power of the God of War, just like his priesthood, war is his authority, war is his body, War is his strength.

The greater the scale of the war, the stronger the power of the God of War.

"Welcome to London, the land of civilization!"

Steve Trevor told Diana that he had a confidence, a confidence in the civilization to which he belonged, a confidence in victory.

That is the productive force developed by human beings through technological expansion, tall buildings, steel bridges, ships with black smoke...

Although he is an Amelika, no matter how fierce the Angsa gang fights, they will not be separated.

But Diana said, "I hate this place, I hate the sky here, I hate the air here, I hate the sound here."

"Well..." Steve Trevor recalled the environment of Paradise Island, and found that his pride was unconvincing in the environment of Paradise Island - but the billowing smoke was a symbol of industrialization and countless backwardness The country is unattainable.

"Yeah, not everyone likes it here," Steve Trevor said.

After speaking, Steve Trevor thought of one thing. He wanted to find the original tavern, go to the owner of the tavern to ask about the old man Zadok, find the old man Zadok, and get more from him , about Paradise Island, about the Amazons.

Whether the healer who treated him, or Diana herself, said that he was the first man to step into Paradise Island.

Although the descriptions of Paradise Island and the Amazons are inaccurate, Zadok's story can be verified in many ways, and it is clear that things are different. Steve Trevor wants to figure out what's wrong - after all, he has a living Amazon next to him, and a princess of Paradise Island.

When the ship docked, Steve Trevor paid the management fee to the manager, and then took Diana towards his destination, the liaison office of the expeditionary force. Through that relationship, he could communicate to the real high-level The intelligence he had detected revealed the secret weapon that could determine the situation of the war and influence the direction of the war.

But as soon as they landed, trouble came. The streets of the city were in a hurry, and there were countless idlers standing on the corners with nothing to do. The war had destroyed a lot. They had no jobs and stood there without a purpose, waiting for a temporary job. work in hand.

Or play clumsy juggling and magic tricks, and perform performances to those soldiers, who have ample rations, and rely on performances to please soldiers, and get a little bit of food or other things from them that can help them survive.

But at this moment they were all stagnant. They were surprised by Diana's beauty, her temperament, and her dress. The cloak was covered with close-fitting armor. The contrast was great, and the whole person exuded an indescribable The allure makes people unable to take their eyes off her.

"Good morning, beauty."

"What a beauty."

The most famous thing in England is not the so-called gentleman, it is all propaganda and bragging, hooligans are their nature, those soldiers began to whistle and tease Diana with words.

It is the nature of all human beings to look around. Some people stopped for Diana's beauty and dress, and those who had good things began to gather in the direction of Diana, talking loudly and unabashedly about Diana.

"Can I kill them?" Diana said to Steve Trevor very seriously. The behavior of those people made her feel very uncomfortable. She regarded it as a provocation. According to her childhood education, What should be done now is to cut down all those people and atone for their sins with their lives and blood.

When speaking, Diana stretched her hand to the back of her neck. The divine weapon of Paradise Island she carried, the Excalibur, was worn on her back, and she could draw the sword as soon as she raised her hand. Steve Trevor had seen it with his own eyes, and Diana was really able to do what she said.

"Hey, please don't!" Steve Trevor hurriedly dragged Diana through the streets: "I'll take you to change your clothes, your dress is too conspicuous here - if you want to go to the battlefield If you find the word of the **** of war on then learn to hide yourself first, your dress is too conspicuous, it is easy for others to notice your difference."

"I felt the power of the God of War."

Diana's words made Steve Trevor so nervous, he looked around hastily and asked, "Where?"

On the way, Diana told Steve Trevor about everything about the God of War in the Paradise Island records, although Trevor did not believe it completely, nor did he disbelieve it, but only the one depicted by Diana had a powerful Power, a terrifying **** that can wipe out all animals and plants on the earth with a war replaces the image of a super powerful person.

But even so, the opponent is an existence that cannot be matched by human power.

"I mean, the power of war, that is the authority of the **** of war." Diana said: "Seeing this city, seeing those people, I can feel the impact of war on them from them, that It is also the power of the God of War, and everything caused by war is the embodiment of the authority of the God of War.”

"So have you forgiven them for their offense, after all, they were also victims of war," Steve Trevor asked, not simply blaming Diana's maverick look for what happened before.

"No, I don't confuse the two things." Diana said in murderous words still very seriously.

Steve Trevor ended up picking a modest dress and coat for Diana, covering up her close-fitting armor and making her look less conspicuous, this time, except for the one with the shield and longsword. The riots never happened again, aside from the dress-up that drew passersby's backs - it would have been better if Diana walked like the rest of the women, not like a warrior.

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