Villains Template

Chapter 626: question

"your world?"

Yue Si questioned. From Nick Fury's simple three or two sentences, he could hear that the Nick Fury in front of him was unexpectedly an old acquaintance, and he was actually from the world where the deity came with the fleet. Nick Fury.

The deity of Yue Si graciously gave the people of that world the opportunity to change their destiny, so that they could prove themselves through war and seize their freedom from the empire - war is the driving force that directly promotes the development of science and technology, and it is also related to the entire race and the In the future war, the deity of Yue Si is very much looking forward to the potential that human beings can show.

Moreover, those thorns jumped out, and then they were wiped out in one wave, and the rest was very easy to say.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury has daily contact with superpowers, mutants, scientists, alien technology and aliens. He has seen the world more widely than ordinary people, and knows people and can mobilize The resources are also very large.

A certain Yuesi avatar and Nick Fury are old acquaintances, and they used the aggressive method to stimulate Nick Fury once, and reminded Black Braised Egg in vague language that there is a parallel world, and let him work hard in this regard. (See Chapter 533 for details)

Then what Nick Fury did is not what Yue Si knew. The memory of Yue Si that he was made to pay attention to is here, and then he entered the new world to obtain the technology tree, but he entered "The Legend of the White Snake" The world, I didn't expect to go around and come back here again.

It seems that Nick Fury has really achieved success, completing the exploration of parallel worlds, using an uninterrupted universe as a base station, accumulating strength, and always preparing to counterattack back to his original world.

However, even if he sees it, Yue Si will not point it out. Is it not good to be an undercover agent to watch a play? You can take a ride and return to the world where the deity is located. During this period, you can also find out about Nick Friedo. What has been done - just, according to the character of the black marinated egg, it must be the style of divided management, everyone only knows the part they are responsible for, but no one knows the whole picture of the plan.

And even if he asks for the appearance of these Spider-Man, Nick Fury is not all the truth, hiding something, exaggerating something, in short, to stimulate the compassion and sense of justice of these superheroes, let them participate in his plan.

However, these are all speculations of Yue Si. If this Nick Fury is not the one he thinks, it is actually Nick Fury from another parallel world, and what he has encountered is actually an event influenced by some transmigrators. , that is not impossible.

After all, there are many XXX in the United States at a certain point, and there are countless XXX in the Marvel world.

Pretending to be suspicious, Yue Si said to Nick Fury: "So, you are not from this world? I have conducted a simple investigation into the current world before, although a lot of things have happened in it, But it's not as bad as you said, the people on the street at least have a plain but happy life, and they don't see the crisis you mentioned at all."

"We were forcibly brought into this world, and it was also your handwriting. Let things come to an end. Then use righteousness and morality to kidnap us, and let us contribute our strength to your plan."

Nick Fury glanced at Yue Si, really just one, and said, "It's not as simple as you think."

"In order to hold the future of mankind in the hands of mankind, we use war to seize the freedom that belongs to mankind, but the other party is a super civilization with a fleet that covers the sky and the sun, and we, the earth civilization, have not even explored our own home planet. , so we can only seek help from a world with the same civilization and the same values, that is, the parallel time and space in cognition.”

"On my own authority, I mobilized a group of experts in space physics and quantum physics to form a huge scientific research team, led by Dr. Hank Pym, borrowing the knowledge and power of magic, and Hank Pym. Dr. Pym's greatest achievement in the quantum realm, the Pym particle, and we've finally done it."

"With the help of scientists and magicians, and the study of the origin of the world, we have discovered a tachyon in the quantum world, but Dr. Hank Pym said that tachyon is actually a kind of high-dimensional tachyon. Low-dimensional projections, which are not particles in nature, are an existence that I cannot understand."

Having said that, Nick Fury's one-eyed glanced at Yue Si, saw his curiosity and eagerness, and then continued his description.

"But even if you don't understand it, it's enough to achieve our goal, realize the observation and interference of parallel worlds, that is, parallel world travel in conventional cognition - but, no one has ever done related types of research and experiments, never No one has combined magic and technology to explore space and time."

"Fortunately, our first experiment was successful, and we found a world where there is no such terrifying enemy, although this world has experienced too many crises, the invasion of the Chitarians, trying to destroy the entire world. The world is drawn into darkness by the dark elves, the artificial intelligence Ultron who wants to destroy mankind, the HYDRA insight plan, and the tyrant who successfully wiped out half of the human beings in the universe, and the tyrant who is ready to repeat it after being stopped by the Avengers."

"My world, which diverged from this world in the general direction, was also after the invasion of the Chitauri."

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. in this world has been disbanded for various reasons, but the only person who knows me best is me. I will definitely not be so content to remain silent, but secretly maintain the peace of this world - I found me in this world, He found the superheroes of this world through his connections, luckily, after they learned what happened in my world, they were willing to lend a hand to me to save a world that was about to be enslaved by an evil civilization, and that was their A reason to be a superhero."

Valley title

"But just relying on the power of the world's superheroes is not enough."

Nick Fury said here, turned around in place, looked at all kinds of Spider-Man and Peter Parker around, and let them see their sincere black face: "The development of the parallel world observation interference device is used for It has been nearly ten years. During these ten years, countless wars have occurred, and countless people have been involved in the war one after another... Countless new weapons have flowed out of the weapons laboratory and delivered to the soldiers... In those ten years In less than time, the achievements of human beings are unimaginable. All kinds of weapons that only exist in science fiction have entered reality, but they still cannot change the decline of human beings in war. It was stripped from the ground, thrown into the sky, and then smashed to the ground again, completely destroying an entire army."

"Fortunately, they kept their promise to give humanity a chance to resist, to defeat humanity with war after war—or a large population was a valuable resource for them, and they didn't use that kind of weapon. In densely populated cities, it's only used in sparsely populated, less densely populated places."

"A gravitational weapon?" Yue Si said at the right time, acting like a scientist with due curiosity, and questioning Nick Fury's words: "Also, I'd love to know about the aggressor you describe. How to use human beings as resources? Is it like using them as production tools like the black slave trade in the past, or is it like the Chinese laborers in the past, they were sold as the most despicable pigs, engaged in high-intensity labor, and finally caught. White people slaughtered their debts."

"No, human beings are more like a kind of fuel or sacrifice in their eyes." Nick Fury said: "They have a huge pyramid altar, and through specific rituals, they can set the body and soul of human beings on fire, into a special use of energy - and the magician who helped me, he told me that they used magic, and that was actually a trade, trading the existence of those people to some powerful magical entity, from them Get a lot of magic power."

Nick Fury liked Yue Si's question. If it weren't for Yue Si, he would not be able to speak out about the brutality of the human empire. As he said before, superheroes are a group of people with strong moral values. , For this kind of inhumane thing, it must be able to stir their nerves, just like now, the expressions on the faces of the superheroes sitting here have changed.

It turned out as he expected.

And Yue Si finally confirmed that this Nick Fury was the Nick Fury who was counted in the plan as he had guessed.

Yue Si then asked: "What about urban warfare, since large groups are not opponents, it is undoubtedly a good way to introduce the enemy into urban warfare."

Nick Fury also shook his head: "In combat in sparsely populated areas, humans succumb to their super weapons, and in cities, humans also have no advantage. Although their soldiers look like humans, even the most ordinary A group, regardless of physical fitness, combat literacy, and combat awareness, must surpass the best human soldiers. The most important thing is that their weapons and equipment are very luxurious, and their individual equipment is equipped with laser guns that can penetrate the armor of main battle tanks. , ray guns that can tear matter from the molecular bond level, and fully enclosed power armor—Iron Man’s billion-dollar power armor that they can distribute to every soldier.”

Since part of Spider-Man's world doesn't have Iron Man, Nick Fury gave them a little time to learn about the Iron Man in this world, and his Iron Suit.

"You only started the official introduction after our arrival, then, you know our arrival, and know how many people we have come. After Peter Parker of this world found us, you seemed to confirm our number - this Is it related to your parallel world observation device?" Yue Si started targeting Nick Fury again and explained his motives for this behavior.

"Although I am a scientist, I am also a superhero and a businessman. Although I have no insight into the evil of human nature, I am quite familiar with it. I will not trust you 100% just because of your statement, because everything The information comes from your statement, and you can completely reverse the truth—assuming that the enemy you describe, that terrifying civilization, is actually a human being,”

"Lies sometimes don't need to make up anything, just simply cut the facts, or hide something, or change the position in which you describe something, and you can achieve unexpected results - like I once had a crush on a girl who described herself in the third person on social accounts and gave herself a nickname because she often posted some selfies of herself, which could be used as a way for her to protect herself , so for a long time, I thought it was another girl using that account."

"Social network?" Peter Parker, who came to this world with Yue Si, muttered this word in his heart.

Due to the reasons of the times, in the world he lives in, although smartphones and wireless networks have appeared, they have not been popularized. The scale of social networks is far from enough to reach the level of this world, and then he suddenly understood, Yue In fact, Si is protecting himself with lies and fabricated lies, which Yue Si has already told others.

But this did not prevent Yue Si's words from being understood by others, and they all looked at Nick Fury with suspicious eyes.

Although they were already here when Yue Si came here, in fact, like Yue Si, they came to this world for less than a day, and instinctively suspected This is right self-protection.

And relying on the spider sense between Spider-Man, they can sit together, but not necessarily for outsiders - Nick Fury just sat in this room earlier than all of them.

Seeing that the spear was pointed at Nick Fury, the Spider-Man in this world, the big boy Peter Parker stood up and vouched for Nick Fury: "I can prove that Director Fury is actually a good... Although he He is not a good person, after all, he is a special agent, and he is still the top group of special agents, so he is definitely not a good person, but he is on the side of mankind, I can guarantee it."

"Boy, I teach you a truth. As a superhero, you should maintain a heart of doubting everything. What you see and the information you receive may be deliberately arranged by your enemies to mislead you. , even if the other party looks very pitiful and is a person in need." Peter Parker stopped the big boy Peter Parker who wanted to get ahead, this is the lesson he learned through blood and tears.

Yue Si said: "The Peter Parker of this world, the gentleman you trust, is the gentleman of this world... You just called him Director Fury, then call him Black Braised Egg—just like Hei Lu Dan said that he is a person from another world, how can you guarantee that he has the same character and position as the one you know, and is equally worthy of your trust."

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