Villains Template

Chapter 577: space elevator

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"Where?" The representative of the foot basin said impatiently.

The technology of space elevator, all countries in the world... Well, some countries have this plan, because only a certain economic foundation and technical accumulation can research this project, compared with rocket carrying and space shuttle, the transportation capacity of space elevator And the cost is quite low, which is crucial to the significance of human beings building a space base outside the atmosphere.

Just like the transportation of food and grass during long-distance warfare in ancient times, 70% of the food and grass may be consumed on the road, because the people who transport the food and grass, horses, cattle and other livestock also need to eat, and people eat the chews of horses and consume them. just big.

Assuming that there is a space elevator, it is equivalent to laying a railway. Even if a horse-drawn train is used, the transportation volume is greatly doubled.

In fact, the best choice for the location of the ground part of the space elevator is in the equatorial area, because then the synchronous orbit can be kept parallel to the ground, and the cable connecting the ground and the outer space base station will not be cut off.

However, when the technology reaches a certain level, many problems will no longer be problems - but for the many countries present, it is still a technical problem that needs to be solved.

Again, when it is impossible to manufacture, it is lucky enough to be able to buy it.

"3-chome, Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, and Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo." Yue Si said: "You have seven days to clean up the site, we need a large piece of leveled ground, and the site will be inspected at that time. , if the acceptance fails, it is equivalent to automatically giving up the space elevator quota, and other countries will buy it first."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" The representative of the foot basin repeated the two addresses and roared loudly: "You are a crime!"

Yue Si ignored the representative of the foot basin, but said: "Our factory has produced enough materials for the space elevator. If necessary, we can help support the construction. The construction period is expected to be three to five years."

"I protest!" The representative of the foot basin asked his Meidi father for help, but the US emperor's father didn't seem to see him and listened to Yue Si's speech seriously. This situation made the foot basin representative feel a chill in his heart and a look of frustration on his face.

Dad, am I not your eldest son?

"Okay, the issue about the space elevator project is over!" Yue Si said coldly: "Next, it will be my proposals in other aspects, just proposals, not instructions and orders."

"I protest! I protest!" The representative of the foot basin made a vigorous movement, took off his leather shoes and knocked on the chair, attracting everyone's attention to him: "I object to the location of the space elevator, I protest! "

"Because those two addresses are where our imperial residence and the Yasukuni latrine are located! He did it on purpose!"

"Excuse me, this representative, what is your major in high school?" Yue Si looked at the representative of the foot basin and asked a question.

"Law, I graduated from the law department." The representative of the foot basin said, he is an excellent graduate.

Yue Si nodded: "You are a liberal arts student, so why do you have to point fingers in aerospace engineering? Obviously you don't understand anything in this regard, even a skilled worker who welds rocket shells is inferior, why can you question an aerospace engineer? The team's judgment?"

The representative of the foot basin was trembling all over, and it could be seen that he was very emotional. He pointed to Yue Si and said, "He did it on purpose, and he deliberately targeted us. I propose to deprive him of his qualifications as a Wallfacer and punish him for a crime against humanity. "

The blood is on the head, and the representative of the foot basin feels hot on his face.

However, no one paid attention to the representative of the foot basin, because no one knew what kind of exchange principle Yue Si represented in the promise of paid exchange of space elevator technology.

Whether it is the nearest exchange, or the one with the higher price, has not yet been known, but they unconditionally agree to exclude the foot basin.

Because removing the foot basin is equivalent to solving a potential competitor for them, no matter what the foot basin is, it is also a developed country. Although the land area is small, it is also in the middle and upper reaches of the world, and it is geographically indescribable. The country faces each other across the sea, and they may not know the saying "close to the water, get the moon first", but they understand the truth.

It's a good thing for them that a strong competitor is eliminated before they even play.

In outer space exploration, the advantages achieved by each step ahead will be infinitely magnified in the future, so they must lead.

In fact, the representative of the foot basin also knew this in his heart. After losing the support of the American Emperor's father, his speech was powerless, although because of the threat of the Trisolaran, the indescribable country did not allow them to carry out the discussion due to the consideration of the community of human destiny. War reparations, however, they no longer have the confidence to speak, even his American emperor's father is the same.

The reason why he showed such a gesture was just acting. It was not only them at the meeting, but also countless reporters and cameramen. They did not have the opportunity to ask questions for the time being. They could only faithfully report everything that happened at the scene and broadcast the to all parts of the world.

After the facial plan was launched and announced, after five weeks of fermentation, a considerable number of people have paid attention to this predicted meeting, and they are eager to find out from this meeting. The power to persevere.

Therefore, the representative of the foot basin must fight for reasons, even if he knows that his protest is invalid, but he must make a gesture of fighting for reasons, because he is a person, a person who needs to live in human society, even if the protest is useless, But at least he protested, even if it was just a performance, even if it was just a posturing, but as long as it appeared in the video and broadcast it, it was enough to explain to some people.

Someone who can sit in this position, who can have a seat on the Planetary Defense Council, don't treat him like a clown.

It's a pity that Yue Si didn't intend to let him go. He pointed to the representative of the foot basin and said, "I apply and search his body! For my personal safety."

Yue Si's words were clearly implemented. Several powerful security guards in black suits and sunglasses stepped forward, held up the representative of the foot basin, and then began to search him in front of the public.

"You have no right to do this to me!"

He was held up by two security guards who were a little bigger in size, and grabbed his arms with a grabbing technique. The representative of the foot basin turned into a cross shape, constantly twisting and struggling, shouting, how to pretend before. Silly Chong opened his eyes and talked nonsense. He also had a purpose. Now that he came out like this, it was a real humiliation to him.

Originally, he may have been regarded as a tragic hero, at least his reputation has been gained, but after such an appearance, his dignity has been wiped out, and the only way to go is to bow and step down: "I am the representative of the foot basin in the Planetary Defense Council. , you have no right to do this to me!"

However, after taking something out of the leather shoes he was holding, the representative of the foot basin was dumbfounded, and he shouted: "It's not my thing, it's framed!"

It was a thumb-sized thing that looked like a stick of chewing gum. It was made of engineering plastic and only had a hole at one end, through which a needle tip could be seen sticking out.

Upon seeing this, the representative of the foot basin was immediately carried away, and the security personnel also took out the ziplock bag and said that the thing was packed.

During this period, the camera did not stop, and all the events before and after were recorded. At the same time, the camera shutter sounded non-stop, taking pictures of the ugly state represented by the foot basin.

The high-frequency assassination incidents that Yue Si encountered made his security a top priority. The eto organization showed unprecedented activity in the matter of physically destroying Yue Si, which also made Yue Si's importance. To vaguely surpass the other three Wallfacers, after reviewing at the meeting, the security on Yue Si was increased, and the fact that the foot basin representative was searched in front of everyone was actually compliant.

Even the security guards who protect Yue Si, their identities have been reviewed - the method used is very simple, just let the security guards memorize a paragraph, the content of the words is roughly that he was actually infiltrated by the Planetary Defense Council. Eto's spy, joining eto just to gain intelligence, showing allegiance to the Trisolaran is just a job.

This method is very crude, whether it works or not can be said, but at least it is an insurance. Like the Wall Face Project, it uses the transparent thinking of the Trisolaran, and there is no concept of lies.

Because the Trisolarans can't tell whether it's a lie or not, even if they know it's what the Planetary Defense Council told them to say, but who knows if it's true or not, and similarly, the eto organization can't verify what those people really think - the most important thing Yes, the Trisolarans are not happy.

As for the other three Wallfacers other than Yue Si, eto seems to think they don't exist. Yue Si suffered two consecutive assassinations on the day he took office as a Wallfacer, and they were still in a loop. The other three There was no movement on the Wallfacer's side at all—no, it can't be said that there was no movement. According to the information that eto voluntarily announced, they had already formulated a response plan for the Wallfacer plan, and selected Wallfacers for the three Wallfacers.

They will analyze the various behaviors of the Wallfacers, find their real strategic plan and purpose, and then decipher it - although at this stage, the three Wallfacers basically do not have a clear goal in their brains, they are just constantly looking for an idea, Especially disturbed by Yue Si's almost heroic approach, their thinking became more and more difficult to finalize.

After the representative of the foot basin was taken away, Yue Si continued: "Although the biggest enemy of mankind is the Trisolaran fleet, people need work, food, entertainment..."

Yue Si also gave a long speech, saying that although human beings need to concentrate on developing the military and move fast into space, the issue of people's livelihood cannot be ignored, and humans cannot kill themselves before the Trisolaran invades.

What human beings have to do in the next four hundred years is to work hard to climb the technology tree and transform science and technology into productive forces, so as to bring about the upgrade of civilization, so as to obtain powerful scientific and technological power, in order to fight against the Trisolaran. Aggression, not just desperate to resist the invasion of the Trisolarans, Xiang Yu has prerequisites for playing the game.

In Yue Si's speech, it is required to strictly implement a five-day, eight-hour work system, and overtime must be paid for overtime and other related benefits...

Of course, because the scope of the above is too broad, it is beyond the resources that Yue Si's Wallfacer can call, so it is more like a proposal than part of the Wallfacer plan.

Almost when Yue Si finished his speech, the security guard who had left with the foot basin representative came over and wanted to say something to Yue Si, but Yue Si directly asked him to announce it to the camera without covering up. Cover: "According to the dismantling analysis, the device we found is a miniature crossbow arrow, made of simple parts made of engineering plastics, and the only metal original is a spring, which is smaller than the spring in a mechanical pencil. No. 1, but the needle and arrow fired by this power have an effective range of five meters, and the needle is a micro-syringe with a lethal toxin of unknown composition, which works in thirty seconds and kills in two minutes."

The security personnel's words caused an uproar, but it was also within Yue Si's expectations.

Because, that gadget was placed on the representative of the foot basin, and he made it himself.

Relying on the glasses that disappeared, he once left the podium, walked to the representative of the foot basin, gave him two slaps, and then took out the little thing from his body and threw it into the other person's shoe.

When a dog comes out to bite for its owner, it must be prepared to be beaten down with a stick, and even if it bites a person, it wants to get out of the body and be beautiful.

This little episode aside, after Yue Si finished speaking what he wanted to express, the meeting ended quickly.

The other three Wallfacers did not leave at the invitation of Yue Si, but randomly selected a room. Before Yue Si arrived, the three of them had a brief discussion and exchanged their experiences without revealing their strategic plans~ and the recent news about the Wallbreakers, and then they felt a sense of fear and ridicule.

Imagine that your words and deeds are being monitored by Tomoko 24/7. Every micro-expression, look in your eyes, even eating, going to the toilet, and the great harmony of human beings will be recorded by Tomoko and broadcast to eto's Wallbreakers. to analyze their real thoughts.

What a terrifying thing that would have been - no more privacy in your life, and a perverted character watching your every word and deed.

As for ridicule, it comes from Yue Si.

Eto didn't set up a wallbreaker for Yue Si at all, but planned to destroy him directly, physically destroying him.

What does that mean?

It means that both eto and Trisolaran are afraid of Yue Si, because Yue Si's strategic plan is effective and can really threaten Trisolaran. The position in the war will be completely reversed, and humanity will emerge victorious without any surprises.

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