Villains Template

Chapter 554: take a name

"Why did the donor say such a thing!"

When the old monk saw Yue Si, he leaned on a tin stick and did not salute, and asked coldly - what Yue Si said before was really rude. That kind of charlatans, fake monks and fake Taoists are first-class people, how can this be tolerated, the Buddha still has the appearance of anger, not to mention that he is far from the realm of the Buddha.

Yue Si changed out of the Taoist robe he was wearing before, and found a scholar's clothes to wear. There was no beard on his lips and no scarf on his head. He looked very young, with a high level of cultivation, and the old monk couldn't see through it. An ordinary person would use this attitude.

Although this old monk does have selfish intentions, it can be regarded as annoyed and angry. He asks Xu Jiaorong for that monster. If he is alive, he will bring it back to the temple to suppress it. By reciting the Buddhist scriptures, he will be able to resolve his evil spirit and make him submit to Buddhism. It is a virtue.

Even if the monster is dead, it is still useful. The Buddha's venerable Bodhisattva has medicine king, but also has medicinal pills. Buddhism and Taoism have been copying each other in competition for nearly a thousand years. How can they not learn the way of medicine, such as The famous Shaolin Da Huan Dan.

The old monk asked for the monster's body, so he wanted to use it for alchemy and medicine. He had seen the tail of the scorpion spirit elsewhere. He already knew what the monster was, and the things that could be used as medicine had been determined, so he came to Qiantang County to carry out begging.

Of course, the main thing is to be the main, and the second is to discuss. There are many monsters in the world, but few can be used as medicine.

"Why do you say this? Oh, when the monsters are harming people, you have to deal with other things that you can't get rid of. When people subdue the monsters, you are still on the road. They remove the monsters, and after disassembling the people, they give peace of mind to the people. Fang Zi used the monster's corpse to make wine to benefit one party, you monk came out to ask for it with empty mouth, so it's unreasonable."

Yue Si gestured to Xu Jiaorong with his eyes, Xu Jiaorong immediately understood, kept silent, just stood at the door and watched the excitement, watching Yue Si and the old monk aligning: "The masters will subdue demons and eliminate demons, and will also Monsters have been refined into medicinal materials, and they say that drinking wine is good for people. You monk came up and said that monsters are poisonous—you say, do we believe in the master who shot, or you, a monk who did nothing. "

"Bah, you shouldn't be called a monk, you should be a bald donkey, a thief...he~tui!"

Yue Si spat a few times on the ground at the old monk's feet, deliberately disgusting the old monk.

In just a few days, the stone tablet recording Xu Xian's conquest of the demon has not been erected, and the word of mouth has gradually deviated from its original appearance. The old monk did not know that the scorpion spirit was surrendered by Xu Xian, and went straight to the scorpion. He didn't have the time or mind to ask others about the news, and he didn't know what happened. Hearing what Yue Si said, the old monk's thinking was misled, thinking that some passing Taoist would attack the demon and deviate from it. things as they are.

Xu Jiaorong saw this situation, and with Yue Si's gesture, she clearly knew that Yue Si was playing tricks on this old monk, and suddenly laughed out loud, the joy was unbearable.

Yue Si had always acted like an expert before, as if everything was within his expectations, he was confident and unhurried, giving people a sense of alienation, but now that kind of out-of-this-world air doesn't seem to exist, with a sense of urgency. The mundane, from high above to down-to-earth, makes people more willing to trust him - that is, become more human.

This contrast is particularly interesting. Xu Jiaorong was shaken by the old monk's lion's roar before, but Yue Si just woke her up. Now Xu Jiaorong's mood is extremely fluctuating, and she immediately laughed out loud.

Yue Si's insults and Xu Jiaorong's sneer made the old monk feel a sense of ignorance, but he had a cultivation base and noticed his own emotional fluctuations. ."

Hearing Yue Si's words, there were pedestrians on the road approaching here. It is human nature to join in the fun, and soon some people gathered.

Yue Si took advantage of this opportunity to strike while the iron was hot, pointed to the old monk and said to Xu Jiaorong, "He is not a Buddhist, but a superstition. What method, or the art of speaking, or the use of a drug to make you bewildered, and then you can believe whatever you say."

Hearing this, Xu Jiaorong immediately reacted, pointing at the old monk and scolding: "Okay, no wonder I felt dazed before, my feelings were drugged by you bald donkey! Do you know who my official is? He is the head of the Qiantang County!"

Xu Jiaorong's words made the people around her start to talk, pointing at the old monk, and the words were all speculation about the old monk, thinking that the old monk was not a good person and needed to be arrested by the police.

"Amitabha!" The old monk recited the Buddha's name, and then used the method of the lion's roar. The voices of the surrounding discussions suddenly stopped, and the minds of the people around were empty.

Yue Si was completely unaffected, and smiled at the old monk: "Why, my righteous words pierce your despicable disguise, touch your heart, and can't hide your true face!"

When the old monk saw this, he said to Yue Si: "Donor, the poor monk sees that you are young and gentle, you have achieved nothing, you are wise, and you are good to others, but you lack guidance. Why don't you go to the temple with the poor monks, shave your ordination for you, accompany you in the morning and evening drums, and recite the scriptures every day."

Well, join if you can't beat it, but let me join you—this is a good move, as long as all the enemies become their own, there will be no enemies.

Yue Si straightened his expression and asked, "Dare to ask the monk's name?"

The old monk continued to speak in the way of the lion's roar: "The poor monk is perfect."

"Good name, I remember you!" Xu Xian laughed, then took out a revolver from his arms and pulled the trigger on the knee of the old monk Yuanzhen.

There was no sound of gunfire, no muzzle flash, only a light shot from the muzzle.

The light instantly penetrated the old monk Yuanzhen's knee and melted his kneecap, but the muscles were still attached. The old monk's calf did not leave the body, and the high temperature of the light burned the wound, and no blood flowed out.

The pain made the old monk Yuanzhen's face turn white, and one leg lost its support, and he was about to fall to the ground. Fortunately, he clenched the Zen stick in his hand in time, so he didn't fall.

Yue Si walked in front of the old monk, pointed his gun on his forehead, and said arrogantly: "You are brave, old man, and you still want me to join you, but you didn't kneel down and bow down when you saw me. , I can destroy you both physically and mentally."

"What do you say that the medicinal wine made with scorpion essence is poisonous?

"Let me tell you, I got the scorpion essence treatment, and I gave the recipe for the medicinal wine. You said that the medicinal wine was poisonous, so you slapped me in the face properly. To say this is to lose my face. Back then, when the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism debated the scriptures, they directly slashed each other with swords and swords. Today, I just lost one of your legs.

"I will have a long memory in the future. Don't fight for anything good. If you fight for someone you can't afford, you won't know how to die. That's all I said. Get out of here!"

The old monk Yuanzhen glanced at Yue Si, took the Zen stick as a crutch, and limped away.

With a big wave of Yue Si's hand, he modified the memories of the people around him, making them forget the scene where he took action, thinking that it was Yue Si's remarks that the old monk was really ashamed of himself. Swiftly ran away.

"Oh, in this world, I just want to keep a low profile, reshape Xu Xian, just find some little monsters that bumped into my hands, and let them use it, but you are blind, you have to touch my bad head, you are still there. When I just practiced this magic weapon, well, I will wait for my revenge next."

In the yard of Li's house, the wolf demon had buried its head under its two front legs and was shivering. The old monk Yuanzhen really had the Dharma. A few roars of lions made it unsteady and trembling.

The lion's roar was passed down from the Buddha, and was used by the Buddha when he was teaching the scriptures. The big light boxing, in the shape of a lion's roar, with golden lotuses pouring into the sky, has the ability to tame all outliers. It is the most restraint of monsters like it. After that, it returned to its usual posture.

In the evening, when Li Gongfu and Xu Xian returned, Xu Jiaorong told Li Gongfu what happened during the day: "Fortunately, the Taoist priest came back in time, otherwise I would have been deceived by that bald donkey, and Xu Xian sacrificed his life to surrender to the monster, He was deceived by him like this, that jar of medicinal wine is a good thing that Xu Xian passed down."

Li Gongfu also felt annoyed when he heard this: "Those monks are so shameless, we offer incense to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and the last tribute incense money has not fallen into their pockets, and there is no need to pay taxes on the large tracts of fertile land. Now you still want to plot against us!"

"Ma'am, don't go to burn incense and worship Buddha in the future. That's to take money off those monks for nothing. In the future, monks will come to beg for alms and drive them out directly."

How terrifying the scorpion spirit was when it was still alive, Li Gongfu, who witnessed it, had the right to speak. A cloud of black mist spewed out, and several people were gone. At this point, he valued the jar of medicinal wine more than Xu Jiaorong. .

Although the monk who came during the day may be a fake monk, it does not prevent him from venting his anger on all monk groups.

"Oh, how can this be done." Li Gongfu said absolutely, but Xu Jiaorong was not happy: "If we don't go to worship Buddha, who will protect us?

Li Gongfu said: "Madam, since you want to worship the Buddha, then ask the Taoist priest if he can bring the image of his patriarch to his house to worship, that is also Xu Xian's patriarch. As Xu Xian's relatives, the patriarch will also protect us."

"This, is this okay?" Xu Jiaorong hesitated, not knowing what to do.

Li Gongfu persuaded: "Miss, what do you still doubt at this time? You have worshipped Buddha for so many years. We don't know if the Buddha and Bodhisattva are spiritual, but Xu Xian and the patriarch of the Taoist must be spiritual. Look at Xu Xiandu. After learning the spell, the Taoist priest also has such great supernatural powers, and the patriarch must be very spiritual."

Originally, Xu Jiaorong wanted to refute Li Gongfu's unreasonable words, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it was very reasonable, so she asked Yue Si to discuss the matter.

Hearing the plans of Li Gongfu and his wife, Yue Si was stunned. How did you think of it?

So creative!

However, Yue Si still said with a smile: "It's all right, my Godzilla Buddha is very spiritual, and I happen to have a statue of the Godzilla Buddha here. You can ask a carpenter to build a shrine tomorrow, crap. It is enough to put on red cloth and make offerings, and you don’t need to make offerings very seriously, as long as you don’t get dusty, you can occasionally put incense sticks.”

After he finished speaking, he handed over the palm-sized statue of Godzilla Buddha.

Li Gongfu took it respectfully, but after seeing Godzilla's appearance, his expression was a little strange.

"Brother-in-law, don't look at the unusual appearance of the Great Sun Godzilla Buddha. He has vast magical powers. Every night after I fall into a dream, he is teaching me magical powers and spells. This one is dominated by the true spirit of the Buddha. Wooden body clay sculptures are much more spiritual." Seeing the expressions of her sister and her husband, Xu Xian knew that they were the same as the original self, and then shared her own experience.

Xu Xian was his own family, but Li Gongfu and Xu Jiaorong still believed. Li Gongfu was holding the statue of Godzilla Buddha, and he didn't know what to do. Xu Jiaorong found a clean cloth and put it on his hand. It was carefully wrapped and brought to the south house, and the official worship will be carried out when the shrine is ready the next day.

"Since you choose to worship my patriarch, then I promise you two things here." Yue Si laughed wildly in his heart when he saw Xu Jiaorong and Li Gongfu, but on the surface he still had to hold: "One is peace~www In the workplace, there is no scolding from Shangguan, and villains make things difficult; the second is to let you have your own children, but there is no guarantee of whether it is a man or a woman, the times are different, and men and women are the same."

"Thank you, Daoist Master." Li Gongfu and Xu Jiaorong thanked each other again and again.

"You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank me, thank Godzilla Buddha." Yue Si waved his hand and said that although Godzilla is him, he is not Godzilla.

Li Gongfu thought more deeply, and said: "Since my wife and I have children, then I ask the Taoist priest to give me a name, and it is considered to be blessed by the Taoist priest."

"That's easy to say." A thought suddenly flashed through Yue Si's mind, and he said with a smile, "I don't know whether your child is a boy or a girl. , when the time comes, you can pick it up and use it."

Seeing that Yue Si agreed, Li Gongfu was even more happy. Xu Xian had left a pen, ink, paper and inkstone when he was studying. He immediately took it out, spread out the paper, polished the ink, and when he was full of pen, he asked Yue Si to name it.

"If it's a daughter, then call her Li Bilian, whose name is taken from the phrase 'The Lotus and Leaves in the Sky'." Yue Si swishly wrote two names on the paper: "If it's a boy, then it's called Li Bilian. He is Li Hongji."

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