Villains Template

Chapter 542: Murder is to be punished

"The catastrophe and catastrophe are also a test for practitioners. It is difficult for aliens to become enlightened, and there are more tests."

"The second difficulty is inner demons. The biggest difference between humans and beasts is that they can rely on reason to restrain their desires and restrain their own behavior. When this difficulty comes, your inner demons are brimming with them, revealing your true nature. "

"Your original body is a wolf, bloodthirsty and flesh-eating is your nature, and it is also your catastrophe. If you survive the past, your demon heart can be transformed into a human heart, making it more convenient to practice, but the farther you step, the farther you go. If it wasn't for me to appear today, you can't tell where you would go, be eaten by your inner demons, become a monster that harms one side, and then be subdued by the passing Taoist monks and monks."

Yue Siyu said earnestly, his words were full of persuasion.

After listening to Yue Si's explanation, the wolf demon lame Taoist kowtowed again and again, crying and shouting: "Please teach me, Immortal Master, I would like to change my face, practice again, do more good deeds, and do more good deeds."

Seeing the lame Daoist crying bitterly, Yue Si sneered in his heart. What kind of catastrophe in cultivation is all his nonsense. Although he is successful in cultivation, he did not cultivate in this world. How can he understand the importance of cultivation in this world? trick.

He said that because he wanted to see the lame Taoist look remorseful, and wanted to see him turn around and feel remorse. Give the other party some faint hope, and then shatter that hope.

At that time, the lame man's expression will be very wonderful.

The so-called murder, but that's it.

"Meeting me is your third difficulty. If you restrain yourself from the animal nature of your original self, and after that catastrophe, when you meet me, I will discuss the Tao with you and teach you some common sense in practice, but If you didn't survive that catastrophe, I became your catastrophe."

The lame Taoist knocked his head down to the ground with such force that he could knock out a sound on the ground, and shouted sadly, "The little monster knows it's wrong, the little monster knows it's wrong, the little monster thanks Xianchang for his guidance!"

The truth is a sentence, and the book is falsely spread. Although the lame Taoist has obtained the art of cultivation, he does not know the joints in the cultivation. When Si broke it, he suddenly realized that he was both grateful and fearful to Yue Si.

Because his behavior was already unacceptable to Yue Si, but Yue Si opened his mouth and pointed out that he did not want to kill himself, and that he still had a chance to survive in addition to the demon guard.

"You mean to harm others, and you can't be kept, but God has the virtue of good life. I will temporarily seal your mana so that you can restore your original appearance and stay by your side for a few days to observe."

Yue Si slapped the lame Taoist on the head and knocked it back to its original shape—a lame Taoist fell to the ground, curled up and twitched, his body changed rapidly, and finally he turned into a gray wolf with bright fur, exceptionally handsome, look. It is known from its appearance that it is a maverick, and it is far from the ugly appearance after it has been transformed into a human form.

Li Gongfu saw this change, and his heart was ups and downs. Anyone who saw a living person turned into a wolf could not keep calm. In the world of Cthulhu, he had witnessed something beyond conventional cognition, and his reason was affected by it. After the shock, the san value went crazy, and someone saw his wife turned into a long worm, and was even scared to death. …

"Master, what should I do with this monster and this vicious woman?" Li Gongfu saw Yue Silu's hand, and knew that Yue Si was a highly skilled person, and his attitude was much more respectful.

"The matter of demons, ghosts, and monsters is handled by practitioners like me, and those who collude with demons, ghosts, and ghosts are handled by the officials in the world." The lame Taoist turned into its original form, but the clothes on his body were obtained later, and Yue Si took that one. The Taoist robe was torn into strips of cloth, woven into ropes, and tied around the wolf monster's neck: "I will keep this monster as a pet for the time being, and observe him for a few days. Whether to kill or keep it depends on how he behaves."

The wolf demon listened and kowtowed again and again, but it was no longer a human body, and its movements looked very funny, and did not resist the fact that Yue Si put a rope around his neck.

Although after being looped, he changed from a wolf to a domesticated dog, but at least his life was saved, otherwise it would not be as simple as putting a noose around his neck.

The wolf demon was subdued, and Yue Si took it around the village to let everyone see it with their own eyes and relax.

And the farmer who led the wolf demon into the trap also came over and promised Yue Si a good reward.

Yue Si won't be ignorant of this matter, let the farmer bring his whole family and treat them for free. Except for a few people these days, no one has five injuries and seven injuries, using the gourd as a cover , took out the pills from the card, distributed them to the family, and let them take them. Some symptoms that were manifested or not manifested were quickly resolved.

Don't underestimate the technical level of a biochemical technology group. A targeted drug for a certain disease that can be completely cured is completely technically produced, but for profit, it is unwilling to do it. The kind that can control the disease However, there is no cure, and the drugs that need to be taken for a long time are the commodities they need.

For Yue Si's method, the people in the village are convinced. One of the hind legs of the wolf demon is lame. Yue Si thinks that it does not look good when walking, so he loses face and stretches out his hand to restore the obviously deformed hind leg. But that is equivalent to breaking the deformed and twisted bones and muscles and then re-healing them, causing the wolf demon to roll around and wailing in pain.

But that method amazed the villagers. The family who got the pill hurriedly swallowed it, thinking it was a medicinal pill made by Yue Si. The stomach simply didn't have time to digest the pills, and the drug ingredients weren't absorbed and functioned by their bodies at all.

After receiving the copper coins from the child's family, Yue Si left the village with the wolf. It was the price promised in advance, even if the family wanted to give more.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is still another page ^0^ point, Yue Si will not accept it, you can't break the rules.

Anyway, this thing is useless to me, and it only has a symbolic meaning when I take it, so I don't care.

The family was so grateful that they almost didn't kneel down for Yue Si, so Yue Si had to take a piece of bluestone from the courtyard wall of his house.

Seeing that Yue Si wanted to travel far, Li Gongfu walked over, cupped his hands and said, "Master, where are you going?"

"There's nowhere to go, you can go anywhere." Yue Si pretended to be pretending, and said in a mysterious way: "I'm here to receive apprentices. Wherever I go, it counts. When the predestined law arrives, the apprentice will come to him by himself. In this process, if you encounter demons, ghosts, and ghosts, and use evil laws to do unjust things, you will also take care of them.”…

When Yue Si said this, the image of an expert immediately stood up, immortal, daoist, and chivalrous.

Li Gongfu asked: "Master, I think you are still young, how did you think of accepting an apprentice?"

"Heh, it's impossible for a cultivator to rise up from his house, but it's common to prolong his life and have the skills to stay in the house." Yue Si smiled and said to Gongfu Li half-jokingly, "How old do you think I am? The last time I went to the Song Dynasty, the capital was still called Bianliang, and the imperial court just defeated the invading Xixia army."

"Oh." Upon hearing this, Gongfu Li knew that he had met an expert. Although he didn't know it was only a few decades away, he still showed the respect he deserved.

"Master, since you have no destination to go around, why don't you take a tour of my Qiantang county town. There are many people in the county town. What if you happen to meet the apprentice you are about to accept?" Li Gongfu said with a low stance.

"No, don't go." Yue Si refused: "I only have a few copper coins on me, and it's not enough to stay at the county inn for one night. Don't go, don't go... If you pay me the money for food, clothing, housing, and transportation, I will Consider it."

"Haha." Li Gongfu hit haha, although he has some money, it's not enough for a person to live in an inn, eat and drink, after all, he has to support his family: "The Taoist is joking, I have a family in the county town, Teng It is also possible to have a guest room for you to stay temporarily, Zhuojing also cooks a good meal, not to mention the delicacy of the world, it is also a good taste, where do you need to live in that inn."

After speaking, Li Gongfu looked at the wolf demon led by Yue Si again: "As long as you are optimistic about this wolf, Taoist priest is fine."

"Do you have something unspeakable, and are you going to use my medical skills to take care of you?" Yue Si looked at Li Gongfu and said in a tone that I could see through your careful thinking.

Hearing Yue Si's words, Li Gongfu looked around and found that his brothers were not nearby, so he lowered his voice and said, "Master, I have been married to Zhuojing for some years, but we have not had any children. I would like to invite you to come. Take a look."

"Oh, I want a child." Yue Si looked at Li Gongfu: "A matter like a child depends on the husband and wife. You can't find a problem by yourself. It's fate to meet each other, and you have a good personality. Then I'll go to Qiantang County."

It is not only Li Gongfu who has this kind of idea, but also the catchers who came with him. Their purpose is not just to seek children. In their eyes, Yue Si is a kind of wandering Taoist priest, and these people usually There are some secret methods for sale, that is, things between men and women. For details, you can refer to the series "Jin*mei", "Hai**chun" and "Drunken Spring*".


Of course Yue Si doesn't know that kind of stuff, but the few hands he showed have proved that he is a true cultivator.

When the group returned to the county seat of Qiantang County, it was getting late, and Yue Si was temporarily settled in a restaurant. A few people pooled money and ordered half a table of dishes to invite Yue Si. They needed to report to the yamen, by the way. The peasant woman was put in prison and imprisoned, and the county magistrate was informed of the whole story.

Yue Si told them: "If the county magistrate doesn't take the initiative to ask about my whereabouts, you must not take the initiative to ask him, let him know that I brought a monster into the county town, and you can't ask for it. "…

Of course, Yue Si won't eat food or anything. After Li Gongfu and the others left, they called the second shopkeeper, so that the back kitchen didn't have to do it. The money Li Gongfu and the others paid will be recorded on the account for the time being. He has something to do. .

After asking about the location of the blacksmith shop, Yue Si took the wolf demon and went there. After asking about the price of the simplest sword, or even just the iron bar of the sword, Yue Si dismissed the idea and just bought an engraved sword. Knife.

"The iron in my blacksmith's shop is not good iron. It's okay to carve wood, but not stone." An old blacksmith at the blacksmith shop said when he saw the bluestone that Yue Si was carrying on his body.

Yue Si just smiled, took out the copper coins given by the family and paid for it, and then returned to the restaurant. When Li Gongfu returned from his debriefing, he led Yue Si back to his home.

There was also an interesting incident in the middle. Yue Si led the wolf demon on the road. When passing by the meat stall, a butcher saw that the wolf was fat and strong, with bright hair, so he wanted to spend money to buy it from Yue Si.

In ancient times, the six animals were horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs, and pigs, all of which could be served on the dining table, but the Song Dynasty lacked horses, and cattle were an important means of production. It is a culture with a long history, and those so-called animal protection people are completely forgotten.

But the wolf demon was not happy when he heard it, and grinned, but after becoming the original form, he couldn't speak human words, and he forgot how wolves barked, so he could only bark like a dog.

Succession is the consensus of everyone in this era. After marrying Xu Jiaorong back home, the couple did not make any noise for many years. Although the neighbors took pictures of him as a head arrester, they dared not say anything, but there were a lot of gossip in secret. , Li Gongfu also has it in his heart

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ some grudges, with Yue Si here, his heart can be unraveled.

"Master, the county magistrate originally heard that we didn't find the cow and was going to reprimand us, but when he heard that we had caught the witch who colluded with the monster, he put it down again and praised us once, he was going to This matter was written into an official document and sent to the court to publicize it well." On the way, Li Gongfu decided to say it after thinking it over and over again.

Yue Si laughed: "It's not that the county magistrate took the credit for himself, it doesn't matter, it's just to benefit the world."

Hearing Yue Si say Li Gongfu suddenly felt relieved.

After arriving at the door of a house, he introduced to Yue Si earnestly: "Daoist, this is my home, there are only three people in the family, Zhuojing Xu's Jiao Rong, and my wife and brother Xu Xian, there are many wing rooms, You can stay."

Li Gongfu is a good man, but at least he is a headhunter. He has his own house, with white walls and black tiles, with three entrances and three exits.

"Good feng shui, good fortune, there will definitely be a champion here." Yue Si stood in front of the door and glanced at the fortune of Li Gongfu's house. .

After all, in the future, when Wenquxing was born, Xu Xian was the father. With such a relationship, there must be a **** to take care of it. The door **** posted on the door, and the kitchen king enshrined on the stove can all show spirits.

After receiving praise from Yue Si, Li Gongfu was very happy, what the expert said must be true, then turned around and started to slap the door hard.

"Open the door! Madam, I'm back, open the door!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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