Villains Template

Chapter 515: Undercurrent

"The Villains of the Heavens Template New Book Haige Novel( Find the latest chapter!

There was a team that wrote the advertising slogan. After the "lucky audience" experienced the functions of the game helmet, Justin Hammer began to formally introduce the product. With his speech, the functions of the game helmet were introduced piece by piece. , every function was cheered, and the atmosphere was heated up all of a sudden.

Of course, if the audience learned about the price of this game helmet and the expenses of network upgrades necessary to use the helmet, they would probably not laugh. The threshold for this product is very high.

When the atmosphere was at its hottest, Tony Stark in a steel suit fell from the sky, stealing Justin Hammer's limelight at once, and then received a warmer welcome as the host, and some even fainted. past.

Because Ivan Vanke was recruited by Justin Hammer, and his father Anton Vanke was in his hands, Ivan Vanke did not take the opportunity to make trouble, and the Stark Industry Fair was successfully carried out. .

During this period, there were countless personnel exchanges, large capital flows, and countless contracts signed.

As the host, Stark Industries displayed countless high-tech products. Because it cut off its own weapons technology department and lost an important source of funds, it must be found elsewhere to make up for it, so Tony Stark stretched out his hand to the new energy source, the Ark Reactor on his chest.

In addition, he also organized a virtual projection technology, which was also displayed as a commodity. Many individuals and companies signed contracts with Stark Industries - some companies purchased Stark Industries for virtual projection. Licensing of technology rather than direct purchase of products.

Even Hanmer Industries' civilian powered exoskeleton armor has sold two sets. For such a big toy, it is difficult for many people to say that they are not interested. Although the unit price of 500 million US dollars does not even include the later maintenance costs, there is no Few chose to spend a fortune.

There are far more real wealthy people in the U.S. Empire than they seem. Those who live in seclusion behind the scenes, except for their names in the history books, ordinary people can't even notice their existence. Their names are mentioned in the report, because those who dare to report may not even see the sunrise the next day.

But that is basically impossible, because those people control the media and newspaper offices around the world, and most of the relevant practitioners in an indescribable country are their people. In other words, they are a group of rebels. How can those people If you write bad words about your own boss, even if you write it, the article will be killed immediately when you submit it, and there is no possibility of sending it out.

It is like Rockefeller, which is still one of the most influential consortiums in the United States even though it has been split into numerous subsidiaries.

They are the real rulers of this country, they control everything in this country, and Tony Stark's high exposure behavior is like a child, funny and childish to them.

However, that doesn't stop them from working with Tony Stark, nor does it stop them from getting a set of powered exoskeleton armor through White Gloves to use as a toy—just a toy, really.

A man worth tens of billions of dollars, wearing high-tech armor, flying around all day, exposing himself in a high-profile manner while acting as a hero, as if he will not let the whole world know his identity and will not stop, they will only make fun of it .

Tony Stark also bought two helmets from Hammer Industries, not to experience the virtual world, but the technology applied in them inspired him, ready to figure out what the principle is, and then apply it to his new Among the steel suits.

In addition to these cooperation projects on the bright side, there are countless transactions carried out in the dark with the help of this platform. For example, in front of Yue Si sat a few people who looked like elites and wanted to conduct business with him personally. Cooperation.

"You are Hydra, right?" Yue Si leaned on the chair with his arms crossed, and looked at the people opposite with a smile on his lips.

Hearing Yue Si's words, the Hydra agent who was standing vigilantly observing the surroundings immediately pulled out his pistol, pointed at Yue Si's head, and was stopped by one of the elites, then he took out his pistol. Put it away, moved away from here, and disappeared into Yue Si's sight.

"How did you know?" The Hydra elite answered Yue Si's question with a question.

"The only people who have deliberately investigated my information are S.H.I.E.L.D. I know people from S.H.I.E.L.D., and their director Nick Fury personally invited me to dinner." Yue Si said a fact that everyone knows He came to corroborate his guess, and then threw out an argument: "My home was burnt down, there was a Hydra sign on the wall, and there were other arrogant speeches that we would eventually return, although at the time I don't know what that means, but later I checked the information and found out that you exist."

"So, since then, I have known about your existence. In order to investigate, I also eliminated a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. It is a big deal to expose myself, a big deal!"

Hearing Yue Si's analysis and sarcasm, the elite staff did not have a strange expression, but analyzed one thing from Yue Si's words - the information that the Hydra parasites in S.H.I.E.L.D. is not known to the outside world. .

"So, cooperation? The conditions we can give are better than those of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Justin Hammer. What they can give you, we can still give you, and what they can't give you, we can still give you ." The man took out a paper document and pushed it to Yue Si: "This is the powered exoskeleton armor that Hammer Industries sold to General Ross. One of the important items is to transform human beings as parts and apply them to it. , in order to obtain those experimental bodies, you have spent a lot of time, and we can provide you at any time."

"Okay." Yue Si agreed and said, "I read from the data that your Hydra's goal is to rule the world. With my help, you will definitely speed up the pace. I am nothing but me. There is one condition, after you have achieved your goals, I need Central America and it will be completely mine."

"Since you have found me, you should know my identity as an alien." Yue Si offered his own conditions and then put forward his own price: "In my eyes, neither S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra have any. What is the difference, who rules the world has nothing to do with me, as long as you can offer enough price and cooperate, it is easy to say."

"That part of Central America is my price tag."

Yue Si said it very seriously.

The elite thought for a moment and said, "Yes, we can guarantee this."

Anyway, Central America is not Central America, it is all after the Hydra has ruled the world. Now it is a blank check. It is unknown whether to pay or not. It must wait until the Hydra has completed its great cause before it can be cashed. , to be able to recruit Yue Si, the alien who brought a powerful help to them in conquering the world, this condition is agreed.

After confirming this, the Hydra people communicated with Yue Si in detail about cooperation matters, and then left, but Yue Si made an additional condition: "The one who pointed the gun at my head. , I hope to see him in the first batch of experimental subjects."

This condition, the elite did not think much about it, and immediately agreed, but he was just a reckless guy who gave up when he gave up.

His sacrifice was worthwhile.

"What you expected was just such a small piece of land?" After the Hydra group left, another person walked up to Yue Si and said something in a proud and ancient tone.

He was wearing a straight suit, with a green scarf hanging around his neck and a coat, his black hair was combed back, his eyes were a touch of blue, and he was leaning on a civilized stick in his hand—the second prince of Asgard , Loki, **** of tricks.

Unsurprisingly, Loki controlled the Rainbow Bridge to destroy Jotunheim, the kingdom of frost giants, and ended in failure. Thor, the **** of thunder who returned to Asgard in time, stopped his younger brother and smashed the Rainbow Bridge with Thor's Hammer. the madness of his brother.

Seeing that his plan was destroyed, Loki chose to jump off the broken rainbow bridge and drifted in an unknown corner of the universe. After suffering, he was picked up by Thanos and gave him knowledge, as well as a spiritual scepter, and also He put the Chitauri army under his command under his command, and there was only one thing Loki needed to do, and that was to bring the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to Thanos.

When he controlled the Destroyer Armor to kill people on Earth before, the Destroyer Armor was directly exiled to an unknown place. With this lesson, Loki no longer acted arrogantly, but hid himself very low-key, He planned everything secretly, and then learned of his 'ambition' when he took revenge on Yue Si, and the two sides reached a cooperation.

"No, my ambition is big enough to cover the whole world." Yue Si said to Loki: "The condition of our cooperation is to hand over the entire American continent to me. For you, this condition is not excessive. But for the humble man, the region of Central America is already a very large territory."

"In this world, allies can be betrayed at any time, only the benefits are eternal, you can pay far more than them, and the possibility of ruling this world is inevitable in you, where they are, but It is something that is doomed to fail. The reason why they cooperate with them is that their manpower, power and wealth are much more than ours. To get things done, their strength is indispensable. ."

Hearing Yue Si's remarks, Loki smiled and said, "If someone could promise you a higher price, would you turn around and sell me out?"

"If someone on this planet can offer a higher price than you, I think I will." Yue Si said of course: "But, apart from you, no one can be so generous, the future of the Nine Realms God King, Your Majesty Loki."

Although there is a bit of sarcasm in the words, Loki is very satisfied. The reason why Thanos gave him the psychic scepter is not so simple. The psychic gem embedded on it affects him all the time, just like the battle between the Avengers. Inexplicably, just like the quarrel that the director had to re-enact when he went to another house, the power of the Mind Stone amplifies one of Loki's emotions, making him extreme.

"The Rainbow Bridge has been smashed by my stupid brother. Asgard can't help Midgard. If you want the army to enter, now is the right time. I need the power of the universe cube."

Yues took out a tablet, found a person's information, and showed it to Loki: "Dr. Eric Selvig, a famous astrophysicist and space physicist, was exiled in Thor. While on Earth, he and his team had contact with Thor, and because of that, they were controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Dr. Selvig's professional level was favored by Nick Fury, and he was asked to help study the Rubik's Cube. If he could be found, the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube could be determined, and through his research, a A portal large enough and stable enough."

Looking at Dr. Selvig's face on the tablet, Loki remembered what he looked like, and asked, "Your knowledge is beyond the reach of the Midgards, why, that's Nick Fury. The people who didn't choose you?"

"Because I'm an alien!" Yue Si said, "Although I have the face of an earth man, my real appearance is very different from theirs. Nick Fury won't trust me. , even if my participation can speed up the research process of the universe Rubik's Cube, he will not do that, or he does not trust everyone."

Looking at Loki's face, Yue Si suddenly had a bad taste in his heart: "Like your Asgardians' world enemy, the Frost Giants, if there is a Frost Giant who becomes like the Asgardians through magic and other things Exactly the same, he himself showed a sense of belonging to But, will you Asgardians accept him once you know his true identity?"

Loki's hand clenched the civilized stick transformed from the scepter of the mind. Obviously, Yue Si's words stabbed his lung tube directly, which is equivalent to pouring salt on the wound: "No, the Asgardians will not accept a frost giant. of."

"Yes, that's the truth." Yue Si put his arms on the table and put his hands and fingers under his nose: "After you appear to be different from others, it means you can no longer integrate into this society."

"So, you want to build a kingdom of your own and become the king of this land, above everyone else." Loki thought he saw through Yue Si's thoughts, and said, "This is also what you and I cooperated with. The reason, you help me open the portal and occupy Midgard, the land that the Midgards call America will be your reward."

"That's the truth, it's a pleasure to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

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