Villains Template

Chapter 446: First this, then this, then this

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With the courage and self-confidence to defeat the black bear, He Jinyin decided to show Ali his identity, that he was the masked man who rescued her from the black bear, and that he was no longer a coward.

But just like that kind of innocent little boy, he mustered up the courage to confess, but when it came time to speak, he didn't dare, and subconsciously turned his head and ran away.

"No escape! No escape! No escape!"

After running a few steps, He Jinyin repeatedly cheered on himself in the depths of his heart, and finally stopped.

"He Jinyin, you even defeated the black bear. Isn't it just a confession to Ali, be brave, just a word, it's not that difficult, come on, for your own happiness!"

"Hey, Ah Yin, why did you run away when you saw me? I have something to ask you!" Ali looked at He Jinyin suspiciously, feeling that the delivery boy was hiding something from her.

"Maybe I've been busy with things recently!" He Jinyin said evasively, and again he dared not say the words.

Taking off her sunglasses, Ali grabbed He Jinyin's hand and said, "Do you know who the masked Garfield is."

He Jinyin's heart was beating wildly upon hearing this, and he was so close that he could even hear the sound of beating drums. In another world, it might be called "Emperor's Engine" or something like that.

At the same time, He Jinyin roared in his heart: Did Ali recognize the masked Garfield as me!

But He Jinyin remained calm, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

why! Why didn't I open my mouth to admit, why I didn't open my mouth to admit that the masked Garfield that defeated the black bear was me, He Jinyin roared in his heart.

He's in this state, maybe one of those - your colleagues come to work with a box of gifts, each of them sends one, you really want it, but you pretend you didn't notice it until it got to you state of mind about this.

Ali looked at He Jinyin's posture, with a woman's intuition, she felt that He Jinyin knew something, and asked, "I really don't know?"

He Jinyin said seriously: "Really!"

The fact that he is a masked man needs Ali to expose it, so he admits "reluctantly" that he took the initiative to expose, and some of it is not his style.

Ali looked at He Jinyin without seeing any strange expression on the other's face, and said, "Actually, I should have thought long ago that he must be someone I know! Only for this reason would he shoot because of me."

"Good guess, Ali, you can become a female detective."

"Do you know why he has to cover his face?" After hearing He Jinyin's compliment, Ali responded with a smile and continued to ask.

"Why?" He Jinyin looked at Ali and controlled the joy in his heart into a faint smile.

"Because he doesn't want others to know who he is! He doesn't want others to repay him!" Ali looked at He Jinyin, perhaps speaking of something on her mind, her voice subconsciously became smaller.

"That's right, he's a strange man whose kindness is not expected to be repaid! His great character has been sublimated to the level of a saint!" He Jinyin said with a serious face, boasting of himself in the third person.

From He Jinyin's point of view, no matter how you think about it, you will think that Ali is talking about him.

"But I really don't know how I should repay him?" Ali asked gently, still holding He Jinyin's hand.

"It's very simple, kiss him!" He Jinyin looked at Ali and said with anticipation.

He and Ali had a fateful entanglement because of a kiss, and now they also use a kiss to open the door to the next stage of life.

"Kiss him?" Ali asked He Jinyin puzzled.

He Jinyin cheered on Ali with words: "It's been a few years since the 21st century, and the new century is coming, we should put aside immoral concepts! You have to believe me, you have no other choice but to kiss This is his way, and you must know that you cannot fail to repay your life-saving grace! Come, dear, come, Baby!"

It's all said and done, and I can't say it without a single word. It's all played like this in the movie.

He Jinyin couldn't wait to close his eyes, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement. When he opened his eyes, he found that Ali's lips were on the face of a strange man.

The unfamiliar man wanted to go further, not only to let Ali smack his face, he also wanted Ali smack his mouth.

But A Lijiao shyly tapped the stranger's chest gently: "You're dead, in front of outsiders."

The man was wearing a high school uniform with a foot basin, a hat, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his nose. He was handsome, but he showed a temperament that did not match his dress.

"Come on, Ah Yin, let me introduce you! He is the master of karate in our elite center, and he came back from Neon to teach karate!" Taking the gesture of a little bird, he said, "We are from old classmates. I'm really happy to meet again. He was the one who saved me with a mask!"

"Don't mention that, your friend is waiting for you over there!" The senior brother looked at Ali and said softly, but in fact he pushed Ali away.

Ali thought that what the elder brother Shuanshui Liu said was true, and walked away directly.

When Ali's figure disappeared in front of his eyes, the expression of Senior Brother Shuan Shuiliu changed from a warm male face with a warm smile to an arrogant one. The speed of changing his face was comparable to that of a face-changing artist. He raised his chin and said to He Jinyin: "You Is it someone from the elite center?"

When He Jinyin saw Senior Brother Ali Bo cut off the water flow, he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. At this time, he also raised his chin and said to him, "No."

"I don't want Ali to be with Trash (Le Se), so you'd better stay away from her."

"Does the trash (Le Se) refer to me?"


"Believe it or not, I'll tell Ali right now that the masked Garfield is actually me, and you're just a liar who used other people's names to deceive other people's feelings." He Jinyin said to Senior Brother Duan Shui Liu.

"Oh, it turns out that the masked person is you. It's a surprise, but who can prove that you are the masked person." Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu adjusted his glasses and said, "Ali told me that you have always been He is a coward. If you can't fight back and scold you, even if you stand on the street and shout 'I'm the masked Garfield who defeated the black bear' three times, see if anyone believes you."

"I..." He Jinyin was speechless for a while, froze in place.

"It's better than this, I'll give you a chance to write a challenge letter to challenge me, and then we will hold a press conference in the name of the elite center to announce this matter, and then during the competition, you are in Prove yourself by beating me upright in the arena." Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu said, "But you have to be clear, if you want to compete with me, be prepared to be beaten to death, because I will really be beaten to death. Yours, do what you say."

"Okay!" He Jinyin's legs were trembling, Senior Brother Shuan Shuiliu released his momentum, and the self-confidence built by relying on his first victory in his life suddenly disappeared, and now he has not been scared to pee his pants. .

"I'm waiting for you!" Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu smiled and stretched out his hand towards He Jinyin—Ali over there found that no friend of hers was looking for him, and was walking towards him, even if he didn't look down on He Jinyin, Attitude must also be made.

It doesn't matter how He Jinyin is, the image in Ali's heart cannot be lost.

After shaking hands with He Jinyin, Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu took Ali's hand away with a warm manly gesture, suddenly turned around and gave He Jinyin a meaningful smile.

"Damn." He Jinyin squatted on the spot, tugging at his hair frantically.

Although he didn't know where the judgment criteria came from, he felt that he would not be the opponent of this karate master no matter what, and that he agreed to a competition or something, which was completely out of his mind. Now he calmed down and felt that he was really possible. will be killed in the ring.

"But if I don't submit the challenge letter to compete, that guy will be named Ali in my name, and I can only be a coward."

"No, we have to find a way... By the way, find the master."

Thinking of this, He Jinyin immediately stood up and ran towards Ghost Wangda's grocery store.

At this time, after nine o'clock in the morning, as a small peak of business, the grocery store uncharacteristically did not open the door, and He Jinyin directly stepped forward and banged on the door.

"Dude, my grocery store opens at nine o'clock. It's already... it's half past nine. It's all because I had so much fun last night." Ghost King Da opened the door with a displeased face, but found that it was not the one who knocked on the door. The others are He Jinyin.

"Master, help the rivers and lakes!" He Jinyin said eagerly to Ghost King Da.

"The matter between you and Ali? Young man, this is the first time, it's normal - although I'm very willing to help, but I can't help with this kind of thing." Ghost Wangda said inexplicable, but very vulgar words, and put He Jinyin Hearing it for a while.

"No, Master, that's the way it is." He Jinyin pretended to be himself, and approached Ali as "the masked man who defeated the black bear": "Master, you must help this time. Help me!"

In an instant, Ghost Wangda's eyes became very sharp: "Karate, breaking the water flow, I didn't expect the kindness and grievance of the previous generation to appear on your generation again, injustice, injustice, breaking the water flow and ancient Chinese boxing The fate between them is indeed inevitable."

"Wow, there is a story behind the ancient Chinese boxing." He Jinyin looked at Ghost Wangda and said in surprise.

Ghost Wangda let He Jinyin enter his warehouse, first put out a donation box and took all the money from He Jinyin, and then put on a posture and told the story of his youth - of course, except for the record of one loss in a hundred battles , the rest are beautified, wine, sex, wealth, etc., as if they had never appeared in his life.

Of course, the focus is still on his leg being broken by a karate master who broke the water. From that moment on, the ancient Chinese boxing method and the karate breaking Liangzi became forged.

It's just that the ancient Chinese boxing method has only been passed down from one generation to one generation. Ghost King Da has never found a good talent and no apprentice, so no one took revenge for him. When he came to the door, the Ghost King Da saw that he had the talent of practicing martial arts, which was one in ten thousand, and could not bear to waste it, so he accepted him as his apprentice.

Moreover, Ghost King Da only taught He Jinyin martial arts, but the grievances and grievances between the sects were not handed over to him together. The grievances and grievances of the previous generation were left to their previous generation.

However, I didn't expect that after becoming the inheritor of ancient Chinese boxing, He Jinyin, who took up this name, also had a grudge against the person who broke the flow of karate, and a bad battle had to be fought.

He Jinyin widened his eyes and opened his mouth after listening to the historical grievances and grievances of the sect that were beautified, fabricated, speculated, and forcibly attached to the sect, as well as the unexplainable fate entanglement between the descendants of the two sects.

"Master, you must help me. In the name of ancient Chinese boxing, I will defeat Senior Brother Duan Shui Liu, win your reputation, and regain Ali." He Jinyin, who was fooled and lame, did not notice the loopholes in Ghost King Da's words. .

For example, he just said that there was a karate master from Neon, who came to the elite center to serve as the head of the karate club, but Ghost Wangda directly stated his identity, the senior brother who broke water.

"Okay, since you've made up your mind, then hurry up and write the gauntlet. There are no rules, no matter life or death." Ghost Wangda said: "It's best to start writing now."

"Master, in fact, I came to you this time to ask you to teach me a few more advanced martial arts. I feel that with my current martial arts, I am not the opponent of Senior Brother Broken Water Flow." He Jinyin hesitated for a while, then suddenly said To: "Master, you seem to be eager to facilitate the competition between me and the guy who looks fierce at first sight."

The ghost king reached the bottom of the old rivers and lakes, his face did not change, and he made up the reason in the blink of an eye: "Stinky boy, do you think I am in a hurry to let you fight that big brother who broke the I am doing this for you. it is good."

"?" He Jinyin didn't speak, but his expression said everything.

"You're in the gauntlet today, but the competition can be put in a month later. In this month, there is nothing you can't learn from the physique of the one in ten thousand martial arts prodigies." Unfortunately, he said: "And that Senior Brother Broken Water Flow will definitely prepare for the competition when he takes over the tactics. If he doesn't smoke, drink, or approach women, he won't have a chance to attack that Ali. "

Ghost Wangda patted the table with one hand. This table is what he usually uses to fool people. He sawed off the legs of the table and fell to the ground with one palm. The whole part is scattered:

"If you send the challenge letter after a month—no, let alone a month, even if it is a week later, it will be too late. With Ali's feelings for that senior brother who pretended to be your masked man, that The **** can put Ali like this, then this, and then this in this week..."

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