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Chapter 312: Yoss' plan

Those with Anglo pirate blood flowing in their bodies will not be satisfied with this. After all, it is an annual Qing Dynasty Festival with only 12 hours. They only watch the show at home, and it is better to participate in this carnival in person.

Of course, they are more than worth tens of millions. The money they earn in one meal is enough for the bottom people to eat for a lifetime. The value of life is not equal. They risk their precious lives and put themselves in the same group of "untouchables". Under the circumstances, they can't do it.

Imagine a family of three happily holding guns just cleaning up a pariah, getting ready to return to their fortress-level defense in their bulletproof car, taking a short cut through the back alley of a movie theater, and then an unknown person walking from the side. Out of the shadows in the corner, BANG, BANG, BANG lost their lives with three shots, who do you go to to reason with?

So they prefer the safer way of hunting—that is, paying a lot of money to hire professionals to capture some low-level "untouchables" on the cleaning day, put them into "hunting grounds" specially built for hunting, and then The rich and powerful, heavily armed and armed with all kinds of firearms, take pleasure in hunting down the unarmed "prey".

Of course, this kind of gameplay is not necessarily absolutely safe, because if there are some elite soldiers from the Marine Corps among those "untouchables", if they don't play well, they will overturn.

So there are rich people who choose to kill in an absolutely safe way.

They found a target before the Purge Day, and spent a lot of money to buy the right to dispose of the opponent's life from the opponent, and then took it to a place on the Purge Day, and then killed him in a show.

These targets are either seriously ill and have no money for medical treatment, living only to bring a burden to the family, and simply bring a wealth to the family with their own death; or because the poor life has no hope for the future, simply before the Great Purge Day Get a lot of money to splurge on and just die.

However, just as there are still people who can make a lot of money in the economic crisis, this disaster of the bottom people and the carnival of the top people is also a good opportunity to make a fortune.

The first is weapons dealers. On the day of the Great Clearing Day, whether they are participating in the killing or being forced to defend, they all need a gun. Even if they can’t afford food, they will save a little money from their teeth to buy them. a gun.

The people at the bottom had no money to strengthen their houses so they could only tighten the doors and windows on the day of the Great Clearing, and then shrank in the corner and shivered, praying that the twelve hours would pass quickly.

At this time, a gun is very important, even if it is just a small revolver, it can also warn the intruder to fight back.

The group of people who regarded the Great Clearing Day as a carnival just wanted to take the lives of others for pleasure, and did not want to lose their own lives. As long as the other party had enough counterattack strength, they would retreat.

Then there are people who sell various security systems. A set of security facilities can make their house safe. Even if it only works for twelve hours a year, it can provide good life protection. Money but not so rich people will choose it.

Although the Human Removal Act is very brainless, people can't figure out how the US emperor passed it, but by analogy with reality, we can find that it is actually a reflection of the US emperor's reality.

Just as the virus plague is raging, the rich and powerful still make a fortune by reselling donated medical supplies.

The rich and powerful enjoy a safe and comfortable environment. Their clothing, food, housing and transportation have undergone strict disinfection procedures. Even if they are infected with the virus, they can still receive top-quality medical services.

People at the bottom can't even buy disinfectant and hand sanitizer. They can only choose to be with the virus. If they are infected with the virus, they cannot get enough medical resources for treatment. Even if they get treatment, they will get an unaffordable medical bill. .

Of course, some people choose to embrace the virus, even if the disease is raging, all kinds of carnival gatherings cannot be stopped, and even wearing a mask can become a consideration.

Really worthy of the phrase "free or die".

One has to wonder whether the top U.S. imperialists followed this opportunity to cleanse the bottom and gather wealth into the hands of the top.

As for the reason for the perfect execution of the Human Eradication Act - at seven o'clock in the morning, all killing crimes will stop, and the perverted killer who raged on the streets last night took off his mask, laid down his weapons, and returned to everyone's The reason for being a good neighbor is because the U.S. imperialists have the most powerful force in the world.

In order to prevent their own lives from being threatened, arms dealers restrict the sale of weapons of a certain level. The bill prohibits the use of weapons above a certain level, and also prohibits the destruction of public facilities such as electricity and water supply. They just want to clean up the bottom population, not to let them The whole society is in turmoil.

On the very first day, some people were so murderous that they couldn't hold back, and then they were brutally suppressed by the US imperialists with an iron fist.

How can civilian weapons mastered by ordinary people compete with military weapons? As soon as the National Guard tanks and armored vehicles come over, they have no choice but to raise their hands and surrender. The weapons in their hands cannot even penetrate the armor.

Because the public facilities closely related to people's production and life are damaged, the impact will last for a long time.

Just like a street writer's hometown has been hit by continuous torrential rain. The flood washed down the road, downed the telephone pole, and washed away the transformer. He could only dig out the old broken mobile phone from the cabinet and use the mobile phone WPS one word. I typed out the four thousand words that I had written yesterday, word by word, and I can predict that this kind of thing is expected to last for a long time.

Yue Si feels that there is still a flaw in the "Human Purge Act" That is, there is no guarantee that everyone in the United States is within the scope of the purge, and the Great Purge Day is only limited to the short twelve An hour is not enough.

He felt that the real Great Purge Day should be three hundred and sixty-five days a year, twenty-four hours a day, with uninterrupted killings.

And the scope of the people to be purged should not be limited to the mutual killing of people at the bottom. From the President of the United States to the illegal immigrants from Mexico, all of them should be within the scope of this eradication.

As for the civilians' power that cannot be opposed to the tanks and armored vehicles of the American imperial army, Yue Si will give this power to them.

"My turn, draw a card."

Yue Si was walking on the streets of the American Emperor. Now there is still half a year before the Great Clearing Day. This half year is enough for him to do something.

"Character Card: Mad Scientist (from a low-budget sci-fi film

"Explanation: Use experimental equipment that is inferior to high school chemistry laboratories to create superhuman potions or biochemical viruses that exterminate human beings; use parts picked up from waste recycling stations to save high-tech equipment, which is a basic operation for mad scientists. "

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