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Chapter 277: ungrateful old devil

After Bolivar changed his name and surname to work under Yue Si, the research on the X gene has been greatly accelerated. Nearly 30 years have passed, and technology has developed rapidly. The size of electronic equipment with the same computing power has been reduced to at least one-tenth of its original size or even Smaller, the data processing power of smartphones fifteen years later will exceed that of computers twenty years ago, which is an inevitable result of the development of large-scale integrated circuit technology.

It's just that Bolivar is an old man in his 70s after all, and his physical condition no longer allows him to work like he was young. If his identity has always been a well-known scientist and Strucker Industry, no matter what he has done in the past 30 years. The living environment, the nutritional combination of diet, medical conditions, and my psychological state will all make Bolivar age less quickly.

But that's just an ideal state, because the mutants have mixed and modified history. Over the past few decades, Bolivar has been serving as a slave to the US imperialists in the prison, contributing wisdom and brains, but he can't get anything. Even basking in the sun is a luxury, and it is difficult to guarantee a healthy state.

And Bolivar himself is an expert in the study of human DNA. For more than 20 years and nearly 30 years, it is enough for him to develop a drug that delays human aging. It is a sure thing to use it on himself, until life reaches its limit. It is not impossible to maintain the physical condition of the peak energy and mind of forty years old.

Bolivar did not go to work but sunbathes, which is also a last resort, he must get enough rest to regain a certain amount of energy.

"I once made a very good X weapon, his code name is Wolverine, and his ability is a powerful self-healing ability." Yue Si seemed to remember something and said, "Wolverine is nearly two hundred years old. , but the mutant ability gives him a strong vitality, and even the aging becomes very slow."

"During World War II, Wolverine was once captured by a footpen chicken, and then during the mushroom egg bombing operation, he rescued a footpen chicken, which was an officer in a prisoner of war camp, a little bit of humanity in the group of anti-human beings. ."

"Although he survived the nuclear explosion, he couldn't resist the power of time. That foot pot chicken envied Wolverine's near-immortal ability, and developed a suction device for Wolverine, which could absorb the opponent's self-healing factor to restore youth and gain Strong vitality - but this device should still be in the research and development state."

Yue Si told Bolivar that he hadn't thought of this before, but when he was investigating the trend of all Edman alloys and related raw materials in this world, he found that besides William Stryker, there were other people. Collect relevant raw materials in private, and investigate again. It turns out that the buyer is from Xiao Guizi.

As the godfather of the foot basin, the American emperor's penetration of the foot basin is all-round. When Yue Si borrowed the authority of William Stryker to investigate, he grasped the trend of the old devil Yazhida Shilang. Although he collected Edman alloys And the research on Wolverine's self-healing factor is quite secretive, but it is still hidden from the intelligence network of the US emperor and Yue Si's foresight.

Bolivar was intrigued by the words of Yues: "You want to be young in this way?"

"No, it's you who needs to be rejuvenated." Yue Si said: "You can do a lot with an energetic person. I knew more than 20 years ago that you are a futurist. The things that come to mind are unimaginable for ordinary people.”

"Moreover, I have a large number of Wolverine's blood samples and genetic analysis data here, and a mature individual can be cloned at any time."

The more he learns about life sciences, the more Yue Si feels his own inadequacies. Although he can be called a genius, he belongs to 99% of the existences who despise related majors, but talents like Bolivar are people who lead the development of the times.

So Bolivar must restore his youthful state and create value for Yues.

After two days, Yue Si arranged some work properly, such as handing over an inactive combat robot to Bolivar for research, and then personally led the team to the foot basin by plane.

According to the timeline, the research on Wolverine's self-healing factor by the old devil named Yoshida Shilang is not yet mature, and the construction of related equipment is still in progress.

Various technologies are mature, and it will take at least ten years. After ten years, all technologies are mature, and Yashida Shilang will send people to find the whereabouts of Wolverine. Wolverine.

Therefore, the silver samurai mecha, which is completely made of Edman alloy, has not yet been seen, and it has not been made into that kind of garbage and waste of materials.

This time, Yue Si only came to steal information, not to carry out an armed raid, so he only brought a few controlled mutant thugs. For example, he has the same powerful self-healing ability as Wolverine, and his skeleton is inlaid with the death of Edman alloy. Female Koyama Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes after all. Halfway through the task, an accident happened.

Although the original purpose was to infiltrate and steal information, and then pack the Edman alloy away, the Yazhitian family is very powerful, and it is normal to have several mutants as bodyguards. The original infiltration failed.

Infiltration turned into a frontal raid, and this was still the home of the Yashida family. There were a lot of manpower and materials to mobilize. None of the mutants that William Stryker could control could reach the kind of one-man army like Magneto. The modern weapons of ordinary people who are trained should kneel and kneel.

In desperation, Yue Si had no choice but to take action. With a hand of the Great Compassionate and Compassionate Tathagata, he opened the way, and the plasma erupted, erasing everything that blocked him.

At that time, Yoshida Shilang survived under the protection of Wolverine under the thermal radiation generated by the nuclear explosion, but the nuclear radiation unavoidably caused damage to his body, so even if he is not much different from the age of Magneto, the latter can still be alive and kicking. They do things everywhere to promote the rights and interests of mutants, such as "mutants are human beings"; another benefit from the huge resources brought by strong financial resources did not die of cancer, but could only rely on wheelchairs to move around.

When someone called at the door of the house, the old devil of Yazhitian City couldn't sit still, and let his granddaughter push him to Yue Si, and then he actually recognized who William Stryker was - this is not surprising, he has always been Wolverine's self-healing power has been in the heart and mind, and has been collecting information about Wolverine.

William Stryker was the one who experimented with Wolverine and gave him the Edman alloy skeleton. How could Yazhida Ichiro not know his existence.

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