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Chapter 268: full of luck

Although the sound of the engine of the car transformed by the battle robot is very small, it is so slight that you can't notice it if you listen carefully through a wooden door, but after all, it is a high-speed moving car, which is very obvious in the eyes of zombies who only have eating instinct The target, even with their slow-moving legs, couldn't catch up with the car at all.

After all, this is "Resident Evil", not "Zombie World War". The zombies here are generally inflexible, and they are not the kind of full speed and action on the next studio.

Less than a few kilometers away from Raccoon City Middle School, a car in the convoy suddenly broke down.

"Shouldn't be!" The fighting robot who drove the car made a puzzled voice. The cars they drove were all refitted by themselves, and the quality was quite guaranteed. They also used a lot of technology that surpassed the times. Those big brands with oil leakage and brake failure Vehicles simply can't compare to their work.

In the event of a serious accident such as a breakdown, it's like the foot pot chicken will really take action in addition to bowing and apologizing.

After firing two or three times in a row, it still could not start. Before the combat robot could get out of the car to check, a black man with jeans, a yellow jacket, and a small round hat rushed out from the roadside. Just jumping and jumping excitedly, just like the gorilla in the classic dynamic picture: "Hey, can you take me for a ride? I'm not infected!"

But when he got close to the car window and saw that the driver of the car was a heavily armed man, and the man in the passenger seat who was also dressed was holding a light machine gun in his hand, he immediately fainted, as if he had seen a policeman. Instinctively, he immediately raised his hands high: "I was wrong, I'll get out of here immediately."

The combat robot driving turned his head and said, "Get in the car! Anyway, there are already a few idle people waiting in the team. One more than you is not much, and one less is not more than you."

The black man was overjoyed, and opened the rear door as quickly as a combat robot would regret it and got into the car. He kept saying, "You are my savior, thank you very much."

This black man is quite worthy of his skin color, his racial talent is on full display, and a sentence is very rhythmic: "I'm Lloyd Jefferson Wade, you can just call me Aggie (L.J)."

The battle robot ignored Aji, but started the car on its own, and it ignited successfully this time.

This black man named Aggie was the last black character in the movie to escape his life. His luck value really broke the table. The tracker Gatling machine gun fired in a circle without being hurt, and he was spared because of his low combat effectiveness.

Although this kind of person can't be called the protagonist, he is loved by the world consciousness, and there are no taboos in everything - for example, a car that will not break down happens to break down, and then let Aggie catch his own ride, and God is helping him .

Of course, Aggie's high luck value only came into play in the second installment.

The convoy quickly came to the door of Raccoon City Middle School.

There was no need for Alice to go into action. The fighting robots carried their guns to explore the way first. When they saw the zombies, they shot them with bullets. They quickly cleaned up the large and small zombies in this school.

The school is densely populated, and there are mostly minors. As long as there is a source of infection, the rest of the people will not think about it. Therefore, even with the working efficiency of the combat robot, it took a full quarter of an hour to clean up the school and send a message to inform Yue Si that he could enter.

According to the current setting, the T-virus is used to treat the genetic disease of Dr. Charles' family. Angela carries a large amount of T-virus and antidote with him, just like an asthma spray, for emergency use. A large number of T-viruses tricked the zombies into thinking that Angela was their kind. Even if they were bitten a few times, they could immediately detoxify, so Angela was the only living person left in the school.

Of course, Angela is not the only living person. Carlos, the U.B.C.S mercenary sent by the Umbrella Company to pick up Angela, is also in this school.

After the team was almost wiped out, Carlos was also regarded as a missing person by the Umbrella Company, and left it alone, but everyone has the instinct to survive. Carlos came to Raccoon City Middle School according to the order before departure, ready to find Angela.

If Dr. Charles really cared about his daughter, he would definitely send another team to rescue him, and staying with her would probably be rescued by the way.

As long as he has money, mercenaries like him can be recruited at will. The most important thing for a monopoly company like the Umbrella Company is money; on the contrary, a smart businessman like Dr. Charles cannot be bought with money. This kind of talent will definitely find a way to meet the needs of the other party.

Sure enough, Carlos came to the rescue. If the director hadn't soaked the heroine away in the middle, he would have been the official CP. After all, he was one of the most manly characters in one to six movies, and contributed the most handsome smoking scene.

Just after taking Angela out of the school, the female reporter Terry's mobile phone rang again. Of course, this phone is now in Yue Si's hand, and after the call came Dr. Charles' anxious voice: "Let my daughter answer the phone."

This request was quickly satisfied. After Angela received the call, Dr. Charles' voice suddenly became kinder, no longer panicking, obviously to create an atmosphere for his daughter to control everything, So that my daughter, who has just experienced the zombie riot, can relax.

The conversation between the father and daughter ended quickly, and the call was returned to Yue Dr. Charles is not the kind of person who is scheming, or that his daughter wants to leave Raccoon City safely, she must Relying on Yue Si's armed force to **** him, he didn't dare to play any tricks, because that would trap his daughter together.

"There is a helicopter on standby, and it will take off on time in an hour. It is the last transport plane to leave Raccoon City before the detonation of the nuclear bomb. Although I have high authority in the Umbrella Company, it is only in terms of research, and the transfer of personnel and materials is not mine. within the mandate.”

Yue Si sneered and said, "So, you know that there is this helicopter, but you didn't send it to pick us up. It has another mission."

Dr. Charles admitted it quite frankly: "Yes, you need to use violence to grab it."

Then Charles told Yue Si the location of the helicopter.

"That place is a long way from here. Judging from the current road conditions, one hour is enough." Yue Si conveyed the address to Jill and Peyton. Together, the two found that as long as there was no way out on the road Accidentally, time is enough.

"Get in the car and go."

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