Villains Template

Chapter 247: combat power

It was the human smell produced by Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng's breath, and in the zombie induction, this kind of breath could not be more obvious.

In the movie, as long as you stop breathing temporarily, you can force the zombies away for no reason. Ordinary corpses can't hear with their ears and can't see with their eyes. Only by smelling people can they find their targets.

Ren Deyun is not an ordinary zombie, he can see and hear, but his sense of qi is still the most sensitive.

He jumped forcefully, and although his legs and knees were stiff and hard to bend, he directly smashed the door and broke into the side room where Wen Cai Qiusheng was.

No matter how hard they slept, this movement was enough to wake Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, but they were just waking up from a big dream, and the various functions of the body had not yet synchronized with the response of the brain. Wen Cai, who was sleeping outside, widened his eyes and looked at him. The blue bark nails stretched out by the zombies could do nothing but scream.

Qiu Sheng reacted quickly and immediately reached out and touched the weapon on the bedside, but it was already a step too late. He got the weapon and went to save Wencai. At that time, I was afraid that he had already encountered a poisonous hand. Wen Cai was kicked out in an instant, but it was too late to say anything now.

However, Wen Cai should not die. Just when the corpse poisoned nails of the zombie were only one centimeter away from his neck, the wooden sign carved by Yue Si that he had been carrying on his body emitted a golden light.

In the past few days with this sign, Wen Cai has been refraining from speaking carefully, and the reduced oral karma has been collected by the signs engraved with "forbidden speech" and "stop speaking". At this moment when Wen Cai encountered life danger , the karma turned into Buddha's sound, the golden light condensed into the word "Om", and rushed out towards the zombie, Ren Deyun flew out with a "bang".

Ren Deyun slammed his back against the wall, and the force transmitted shook the dust off the roof beams.

Wen Cai's counterattack made Ren Deyun terrified. He clearly existed like a harlequin in the movie. Why did he have such a powerful force? Half of the corpse energy in him was shaken away.

"Enable character level module."

Ren Deyun looked up and found that Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng had a line above their heads:

"Wencai - 15"

"Autumn Life - 25"

And this line of characters is bright red like blood, which means hostile characters in the game.

what is this?

Ren Deyun asked in surprise, and his doubts were quickly answered by the system.

This is the character retrieval module opened by the system, which can evaluate the combat power of the characters seen by Ren Deyun, which is the same as the combat power detector in "Dragon Ball", but the function is not so powerful, it must be the role system that Ren Deyun faces directly. Evaluate, even with a screen in between.

But this allows Ren Deyun to evaluate the enemy's combat effectiveness, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

After all, he is just a jumping corpse now. Even if it becomes a jumping corpse, things like peach wood swords, money swords, spells, glutinous rice, black dog blood can hurt him. The fighting power of a person with his bare hands and his ability to restrain zombies The combat power of the talisman of the body is not comparable at all.

Take another look at his level: "Ren Deyun - 35~45", which is higher than that of Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng. Before I came here, Wen Cai knocked himself into the air. It should be a self-defense magic weapon or a spell, which can only be used once.

Sure enough, Wencai, who had slowed down for a while, hurriedly grabbed the wooden sign and gave Ren Deyun an inexplicable shout, but with a click, the wooden sign that had been smoking Wencai's mouth for several days shattered into several pieces and fell on the ground. on the ground.

"Hey, what can I do!"

Seeing this scene, Wen Cai was so frightened that he almost burst into tears. Now that the master is not there, and the reliance that played an unexpected role has disappeared, what can he do?

In fact, this also blames him. If he honestly shut up and didn't say a word for the past few days, the Buddha's sound that the accumulated karma turned into is enough to completely suppress the zombies who have not yet drank the blood of living beings. It's a pity He can't always control his urge to talk nonsense, but this one-shot move is just to let the zombie not die, which is a good opportunity.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Qiusheng shouted, and he was confident with the weapon in his hand: "Hide aside, don't get hurt by me!"

Seeing this, Wen Cai immediately rolled and crawled to the side and handed over the battlefield to Qiu Sheng.

Pressing the button, the teeth of the chainsaw sword in Qiu Sheng's hand began to rotate rapidly, making a frightening roar, and at the same time, his combat effectiveness index in Ren Deyun's eyes changed again - "Qiu Sheng - 55~65".

What kind of weapon is that, it can actually increase Qiu Sheng's combat power to such a degree that it directly skyrocketed by 30 points.

Ren Deyun wanted to avoid the edge, and his yin was greatly damaged. How could he be Qiusheng's opponent, but Qiusheng did not intend to let go of the zombie in front of him, he picked up the chainsaw sword and slashed towards Ren Deyun.

Although the body of a zombie has many inconveniences, it is much better than ordinary people in terms of strength, speed, defense, etc., not to mention it can make many anti-gravity movements, and it can avoid Qiusheng by jumping diagonally. He split, and then grabbed Qiusheng's neck with both hands.

This change was in the move Yue Si taught Qiusheng, Qiusheng stopped his movements, took a step back to the side, and swept the chainsaw sword out.

With his arms stretched out and the length of the chainsaw sword being longer than that of the zombie, he took a step back to distance himself from the zombie, just using his dominant attack range.

The high-speed rotating sawtooth was cut on Ren Deyun's waist, and the sawtooth driven by nuclear power broke through the zombie's body like gold and iron under the blessing of corpse qi and yin qi, but what was flying out by the sawtooth belt was not a piece of flesh and blood~www But it's black.

Ren Deyun roared in pain, but the sound from his throat was rough and hoarse, like sandpaper rubbing.

Wen Cai, who was hiding in the corner, was so frightened that he almost didn't urinate when he heard the roar.

Ren Deyun folded his hands up and down, avoiding the most lethal serrated part of the chainsaw sword. He clamped the middle part that only held up the serrated teeth, and an empty hand grabbed the blade.

Qiu Sheng's extra fighting power is all on this chainsaw sword. Compared with his strength, he is not as strong as Ren Deyun, who is a zombie. He clenched the hilt of the chainsaw sword with both hands, but he couldn't pull the chainsaw sword out of the zombie's hands.

Seeing the stalemate, Qiu Sheng remembered Yue Si's warning when he taught him how to use the chainsaw sword, and immediately turned off the power of the chainsaw sword. The high-speed rotating saw teeth quickly stopped after losing power.

Sure enough, Ren Deyun turned around and threw the chainsaw sword and Qiu Sheng, who was holding the chainsaw sword tightly, out.

Qiu Sheng landed on the closet in the room, smashed it into pieces of wood, and the chainsaw sword fell on his heart, making his eyes go black. He was so painful that his back was out of breath. Fortunately, the engine was turned off beforehand, otherwise this To be split in two by the chainsaw sword.

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