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Chapter 241: evil Dead

"Master Ren, if you have anything, just say it directly, you don't have to be around to avoid others."

Seeing Master Ren's flattering smile on his face, Ninth Uncle suddenly felt bad, and even that feeling was more than that of the 1000% corpse lying in the coffin.

No matter how much you give, there are some things I won't do!

Retaining the bottom line, Uncle Jiu said, "If you have something to say, just say it in an upright manner."

Master Ren still had that kind of disgusting smile on his face, and said, "Ninth Uncle, you must help me with this matter, you are an old-fashioned recipe, no matter how much money, I am willing to pay for it. money bought it."

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Ninth Uncle, you are more than 20 years younger, and you look similar to young people. You walk with great speed. If you don't know your roots, you are an old neighborhood in Renjia Town, and you think you are only three A ten-year-old."

"Here I am, if I want to buy your recipe, I swear to keep it for my own use and never spread it out."

Touching his full head of black hair, Uncle Ninth also felt that his energy and energy had improved a lot recently, and he was more energetic than when he was young. This is the improvement of his mana cultivation base after he had learned a lot from lecturing with Yue Si. It's not something that can be brought by collecting medicine and alchemy.

So the ninth uncle shied away and said, "Master Ren, even if this recipe is given to you, you won't be able to use it."

"Ah, do you need a boy's body to practice?" Master Ren looked at Ninth Uncle and asked curiously.

He asked the ninth uncle for a recipe, in order to restore the heroic style, ask for two concubines, and have two sons, so as to inherit the family business.

I don't know if it's because he has done too many things, or because the feng shui of his father's burial is wrong. In his life, he has only one daughter, Ren Tingting.

After all, a woman's family is going to get married, and it's not okay for her own wealth to follow someone else's surname.

For example, Awei, the nephew who has been coveting his daughter's beauty and his family's property, is actually a cunning character in his bones, even if he looks bad.

It would be bad if there were restrictions on Ninth Uncle's recipe for returning to his old age, such as Chunyang Boy's Body.

"It's not that harsh. Don't look at me like this. When I was young, I was very romantic." Jiu Shu would never admit to questioning himself, so he said: "This method needs to dissipate all family wealth and worship me in Maoshan. Under the sect, he devoted himself to cultivating the Tao, living a poor life, accumulating virtues and doing good deeds, and when the merits and virtues accumulated to a certain level, the natural practice methods were completed, and it was no problem to return to the old age."

Hearing this, Mr. Ren knew that this method could not be used by himself. The purpose of using this method was to pass on his family business, how could it be possible to disperse his family wealth; Maybe I have lived in those poor days with peace of mind, and cultivating Taoism and chanting scriptures all day is better than listening to songs and singing; the most important thing is to accumulate virtue and do good deeds. , the original accumulation of capital is bloody.

Even if he dissipates his family wealth and lives in peace and happiness, he still needs to make up for the damaged part when he accumulates virtue and does good deeds.

After hitting a soft nail, Master Ren knew that it was boring, and ordered the helpers to cover the coffin and carry them back to Yizhuang. He and his daughter sat on the sliding pole and left with the others.

When Wencai and Qiusheng returned to Yizhuang, they handed over the incense sticks made from the grave incense to Jiu Shu.

The ninth uncle, who was guarding the coffin of the old man in the mourning hall, shook his head with the incense to remind people: "People should avoid three long and two short, and incense should not be two short and one long, but it was burned like this."

"Black and white impermanence comes to urge life, someone in the family must be killed, big murder, big murder!"

Wen Cai wanted to say something, but was beaten so badly that he swallowed the words and said, "Master, is there going to be an accident at the Ren master's house... Should we remind you?"

Jiu Shu squinted at Wen Cai and said, "Why are you so kind today?"

Wen Cai was stunned and refused to speak. In fact, he was not worried about Mr. Ren, but just greedy for his daughter.

As the saying goes, if you are pretty or not, you are filial.

Ren Tingting was dressed in a dress before, showing rich and noble temperament, and she has long been fascinated by Wencai. , Now that I heard that the Ren family is in danger, of course I have to worry.

"You went to Master Ren's house empty-handed and said that Ren's family is in trouble, that the family is in trouble, and that being beaten with a stick is considered light, but it's still for your master's face and mine." Jiu Shu said nothing Rebuked politely.

Wen Cai listened to this sentence, lowered his head and whimpered, just like a pet dog who made a mistake and was lightly kicked by the owner as a warning.

Seeing the appearance of his apprentice, Uncle Ninth said, "Don't worry, I have already thought of a way."

"Really? Master!" Hearing this sentence, Wen Cai regained his spirits.

Ninth Uncle snorted coldly and said, "I am a master, when have I deceived you, hurry up and prepare yellow paper, red pen, black ink, kitchen knife, and wooden sword."

Wen Cai got the order and went to prepare things with a smile on his face. Qiu Sheng was not idle, and was ordered to catch a big cock.

The ninth uncle surrendered to Yue Si, who was watching the fun. Said: "Daoist friend, let you laugh, my two apprentices are really incompetent."

"Fellow Daoist is humble." Yue Si said, "It's just that I see this is surrounded by a suffocating aura, it must be something changed in the corpse, although it is not an unknown old age, covered in red hair, But it's also a great evil in the world."

When the ninth uncle heard the words and walked to the coffin, he pushed the lid of the coffin open with one palm, and the corpse of Mrs. Ren really changed.

Originally, Grandpa Ren's corpse was like a dying person. After less than half a day, the skin was shriveled and curled up, forming a series of folds, and the nails grew out of nowhere, and glowed blue-green, obviously with drama. poison.

Closing the lid of the coffin, Uncle Jiu said, "You may have already figured out this matter before, so there must be a way to solve it."

Yue Si shook his head and said, "You know, fellow Daoist, I'm not good at this feng shui, and the way of destroying evil spirits. I just figured it out. I don't know what it is."

Seeing that Yue Si was unwilling to say more, Ninth Uncle couldn't force him. He who knew a little about divination and deduction understood that there were many taboos in the way of divination. Disclosing the secret, harming others and harming oneself, can only be like Yue Si's prevarication.

Soon, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng prepared the things, and Jiu Shu bowed in front of the statue of the ancestor and prepared to open the altar.

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