Villainess, I’ll Pamper You

Chapter 89: Flower skirt (4)

"Yes, even if you don't say it, your team will not follow us by then."

Song Tiantian's face burned a little. Indeed, someone just suggested that. It can be seen that people are really not stupid, and everything is very clear.

"Before the base in City C, I can keep your life worry-free."

With the words of Axin, Song Tiantian took the jade pendant very simply and sent it to Axin. A Xin held the jade pendant and didn't know what to do. Song Tiantian felt that the jade pendant had no contact with her.

She was still somewhat lost, and at the same time thought that she could reach the base safely.

A Xin gave the jade pendant to Han Xiaojiao, and Han Xiaojiao raised his chin, saying that she wanted to wear it. A Xin helped her to wear it. The intimacy of the two really made Song Tiantian more and more envious. Han Xiaojiao went to Song Tiantian and patted his heart.

A Xin helped translate, "Xiao Jiao said that with her on the way, zombies will not bite you."

"Thank you."

Song Tiantian smiled heartily. This was the happiest time she laughed after the end of the world. She looked at Han Xiaojiao's eyes more softly.

Conscious zombies are much better than humans. At least, Han Xiaojiao still remembers that they are alumni, and her boyfriend who talked about college really sold her. If it wasn't for the last critical moment, she revealed that she had "spatial abilities" and she was inevitably becoming a plaything in those men's palms.

Song Tiantian remembered that Han Xiaojiao liked beautiful things. She remembered that there were a few beautiful bracelets in the space. Forgetting that the jade pendant had been returned to Han Xiaojiao just now, thinking about the subconscious move, the bracelet appeared in her hand. She had just given Han Xiaojiao the bracelet, and stared at them suddenly.

Didn't she return the jade pendant to Han Xiaojiao?

Why is the space still, what's inside?

She couldn't believe it. The consciousness swept the space, surprised. Although there is no space in the jade pendant and there is no spiritual spring in it, she can be sure that this is the space.

She handed the bracelet to Han Xiaojiao. Han Xiaojiao was very happy, and also asked Axin to find some beautiful skirts for Song Tiantian. Seeing Han Xiaojiao go play bracelets, Song Tiantian asked Axin.

"Miss Ning, I found that I have a space, which is smaller than the jade pendant, there is no spiritual spring in it, and the items I collected before are also piled in it. Do you know what is going on?"

She believes that Axin can untie her jade pendant, and maybe know that.

A Xin whispered, "There is something to lose."

"Something must be lost?" Song Tiantian murmured, she can be sure that this space is not the same as the jade pendant, it seems that it is really a space ability.

Indistinctly, she seemed to understand something. She whispered, "Is this a so-called spatial power?"


"Then why..." Song Tiantian suddenly stopped her voice, is it because she bound the jade pendant first, because the jade pendant is more advanced, suppressing her spatial ability?

"It's what you think."

Song Tiantian took a long breath, so to speak, she did not lose anything. Now, this space is her own power space, and belongs to her own. She also felt that her mental strength seemed to have increased a lot. Although the jade pendant is good, it is not her own after all.

Han Xiaojiao took Axin to continue to sweep, the difference is that this time there was an extra Song Tiantian. There are zombies blocking below, and the team of Fang Cheng is very helpless and can only wait below.

When Axin wiped out the entire mall, she would also look good in skirts and jewelry to the space of jade pendants. Han Xiaojiao is very happy, Song Tiantian is shocked, how big is Ning Xin's space? Can zombies also be able to bind jade pendants?

Even more terrifying is that she originally cherished it so much that she was afraid of revealing the spirit spring that was seen by others, Han Xiaojiao actually got it out... washing her hands? ? Not only do you wash your hands, but also cat paws for the big circle, of course, the big circle prefers to drink. Han Xiaojiao loves to drink when he sees the big circle. He just made a little more and let the big circle hold the bowl to drink. Song Tiantian looked dumbfounded and wondered what to say.

Han Xiaojiao knew that Lingquan was not ordinary. She felt that after using it, her body was not so stiff. She found a big bucket, filled it with a big bucket, and put it in front of Song Tiantian.

"For me?"

Han Xiaojiao nodded, raised his chin, and took Axin downstairs very proudly.

"Put it away." A Xin said.

Song Tiantian is also not hypocritical, just a little thirsty, took a sip, quickly put away a large barrel of Lingquan, and quickly followed behind the two. The big circle looked at her very enviously, and Song Tian sweetly thought that she was also envious of this big cat. If you do nothing, you can live so moisturizing.

Han Xiaojiao ordered all the zombies to disperse. Fang Cheng team saw them and the empty shopping mall, and the expression was really hard to say. But is there any way? In the last days, who has a big fist, who dares to mess with it?

Song Tiantian walked back to Fang Cheng's squad, Fang Cheng asked with concern, "Is it okay?" She shook her head and smiled, "It's just that the original owner, they are very good." Isn't it good?

Gu Dongling also came up and expressed his condolences. Looking at the disappeared items in the mall, his anger rose again and whispered excessively.

Song Tiantian didn't say anything. She didn't think it was too much. Wherever their team went, it wasn't just what they were able to take away. Can the weak team only dare to come in when they can get it?

A Xin led Han Xiaojiao back to the off-road vehicle, and the big cat also consciously picked the car door, jumped up with his fat buttocks, and a meow occupied a row of seats. It opened the window and found a can. Under the silent eyes of Fang Cheng's team, it gnawed with relish.

The food in the big circle was so fragrant, and the people in the team all sighed. In these years, they live like a meow. Look at this big meow, the fur is smooth and smooth, fat and soft, and the food is still canned. The arrogant look is really mad, and a meow still occupies a row of seats.

Really happy.

so envious.

A Xin started the car, and the people of Fang Cheng's team also quickly started the car and followed them. Fools do not follow, Han Xiaojiao can order zombies, as long as they follow them, the next way, there is no fear of being attacked by zombies.

"Sweet, before they came to you just to get back to the jade pendant?" Gu Dongling asked.

Song Tian nodded, "Well."

"That jade pendant really belongs to them. Haven't you seen you take it out before? Is it important to you?"

Song Tiantian shook her head, "Han Xiaojiao and I are alumni. Although they live on the same floor, they don't know each other. I found the jade pendant's bedroom door, it should be in her bedroom. As for the importance, in the last days, such jade pendants are not valuable at all, how can it be important? Just feel good."

"It turned out to be this way," Gu Dongling said. "You want to like the jade pendant. We will meet you later and we will bring it to you."

Song Tiantian said thank you gently, she didn't dare to ask for Gu Dongling's things. Who knows what the other party is feeling, this man is overbearing and impatient, not a good temper.

"Sweet, I remember putting a box of cans with you before. Can you take it out for me now?"

Originally, Song Tiantian didn't care about Gu Dongling's concern for her. When Gu Dongling asked this sentence, she vaguely understood what she was doing. She glanced at Gu Dongling, who was looking at her seriously.

She answered, "Okay."

Then, a box of cans fell next to him. Gu Dongling blinked and opened the carton, which was indeed the can he put before. Song Tiantian said at this moment, "Brother Gu, are you going to use these cans to treat us?"

"Yes, yeah." Gu Dongling looked down, a little bit distressed, a box of cans.

It seems that he really guessed wrong, thinking that the sinker might be Song Tiantian's space. So, Song Tiantian really awakened her ability.

What he suspected was that he accidentally saw Song Tiantian nervous about the jade pendant on his neck, and was afraid of falling out. Since Song Tiantian still has space abilities, he doesn't need to ask so much. In fact, he has a feeling for Song Tiantian. If he has space abilities, he can't do anything directly to make him angry.

If the other party is an ordinary woman, he does not need to be so polite. For a woman who attracts him, no matter before or after the end of the world, he does not need to make himself patient.

Gu Dongling distributed the canned food to the team, and Song Tiantian also got it.

When she bowed her head to eat canned food, her heart was beating faster. Did Gu Dongling test her just now? Sure enough, this man is very dangerous, it is right to stay away from each other.

Along the way, Song Tiantian will have a chance to drink a glass of spring water every day. Because she found that drinking spring water can improve her spatial abilities, it has been five days since that day, and her spatial range has increased a lot. She also confessed to the team members that her space is already half as big as the house. Of course, the status has also risen a lot in the squad. Gu Dongling often comes to pick her up, she doesn't like it.

In this squad, Fang Cheng is her favorite. Following Fang Cheng, he feels more secure. He will not be like Gu Dongling, who will make her feel uncomfortable.

Along the way, Fang Cheng also took great care of her. She plans to look at it again. After all, she already has an ex-boyfriend who almost sold her, and dare not easily believe the man.

If they can experience more together and be consistent, Fang Cheng is indeed a good candidate. She saw it, and Fang Cheng also liked her.

When stopping in the middle and looking for supplies where supplies are available, Song Tiantian will go to Axin and Han Xiaojiao to talk.

The people in the squad didn't understand it at first. Apparently, Axin had collected so many things, how could he not see the malls and supermarkets. Later, when they saw Han Xiaojiao dancing happily in a flower skirt, they understood. It turned out that everything was because of this smelly zombie.

Fortunately, Han Xiaojiao is only interested in dress cosmetics and jewelry. As long as she doesn't want other things, the woman named Ning Xin will not take up space.

Of course, the delicious big orange cat is also particularly annoying! !

Always overbearing to dominate the most delicious food, but the stubbornly squirming in front of Han Xiaojiao, in this way, Han Xiaojiao will help the big orange cat to collect those delicious food.

They vomit more than once and eat so many flavors, aren't they afraid of hair loss? Is it good to go to the cat food area? You have to eat so many human canned food.

Regardless of the large circle, it is not an ordinary cat, it can eat everything and will not lose hair. There is now a spiritual spring for **** shovel officers, nutrition is leveraged, and the fur looks better than before.

Song Tiantian gave Han Xiaojiao the beautiful accessories she found. Han Xiaojiao was very happy and divided her many good things.


Hearing Fang Cheng calling her, Song Tiantian said, "Brother Fang must have asked me to come in and collect things, and I will talk to you later."

Han Xiaojiao nodded, indicating that you should go.

Song Tiantian trot into the supermarket, and she saw some of the more important things, she collected them all. It can be called an important thing, of course it is rice. There are a lot of big white rice here. The space she exposes is only half of the room, so everyone defaults to the space with important items.

She is not stupid and sweet, and it is impossible not to leave her a little backward. When others do not pay attention, they secretly collect something else.

"There are still a few bags that can't be packed." Fang Cheng said with regret, "It's better to have more space."

Although Song Tiantian was also distressed, she did not mean to be exposed. She only said, "The space has been increasing recently, and it should be bigger in the future." She increased the space capacity according to the strength of the team. She will add some capacity in a few days, also to tell everyone that she is also becoming important.

"Also." Fang Cheng said, while greeting the team, he carried these bags of rice to the car. The rice can be kept for a long time, and no one wants to discard it.

"It's better to give Miss Ning them all, who can't fit it?"

Song Tiantian said, before she had spoken, she was ridiculed by a certain woman in the team.

Song Tiantian also wanted to say that there were a lot of zombies here. If Ning Xin and Han Xiaojiao were present, they wouldn't be able to get these things.

Ning Xin, who can't fit these things, can't get any benefits. Can he always get a good relationship? She has a good relationship with Ning Xin and Han Xiaojiao. Saying these words is also because everyone is a small team, the relationship is better, better than anything, this is not a problem with the other party.

"I can do it." Gu Dongling spoke after Fang Cheng answered, "I don't think so."

"How about you?" Gu Dongling looked at the others and said, "Fang Cheng, don't do such a thankless thing, they are so powerful, it's not such a rare thing at all, if you please, they won't I will remember. Throwing away the things that are not needed in the car, I can put these bags of rice. This little thing, our team will not be able to eat for long."

"Yeah, captain, they don't seem to want to be with us. Several times before, we encountered other teams attacking us, and they didn't mean to shoot."

Therefore, there is no need to do this useless human relationship.

Arriving at the base anyway, this relationship is not important at all. The woman named Ning Xin was still unable to enter the base with the zombies.

The people in the team did not agree, and Fang Cheng could not decide privately, so he had to dismiss this idea. He whispered to Song Tiantian, "Then forget it."

"Well." Song Tiantian responded, forget it, and it wasn't her who lost it anyway. The people in the last days are really realistic. But have they ever thought about it, Ning Xin has no obligation to help them at all.

Similarly, they do not want to think about how long it has not been a day without such zombie attacks.

In fact, she understood their thoughts. There was a shortage of food in the last days, and no one could eat enough. Even if it is superfluous, few people are willing. Other things are okay, as far as food is concerned, everyone is distressed.

Song Tiantian packed things up and went to Han Xiaojiao. Seeing her coming, Han Xiaojiao divided her several new cans. The gestures are dancing, of course, the interpreter is still Ah Xin.

"Xiao Jiao said that large circles like to eat this, and the taste should be good."

This sentence made Song Tiantian have to look at the packaging, fortunately not a canned cat, and said, "Thank you."

When Song Tiantian was eating canned food, she saw Han Xiaojiao sitting next to A Xin and pointed her face. She couldn't help but smile. She must have Miss Ning help her make up again.

Sure enough, the big circle drew a cosmetic case over. A Xin began to make up for Han Xiaojiao, and after finishing the makeup, he had to comb Han Xiaojiao.

Han Xiaojiao suddenly waved his hand, stomping his feet with some annoyance, Song Tiantian wondered what happened. Then she saw that Axin took out a large wooden barrel. She understood immediately that Han Xiaojiao had forgotten to take a bath.

She smiled with her head down, really smelly and clean.

"Go wash it, and re-make up and comb your hair later."

Hearing Axin Rourou's voice, Han Xiaojiao was satisfied, because she took a bath in Lingquan every day and took Lingquan as water, her body became a lot softer. The only drawback is that she still can't speak. She often opens her mouth wide and looks at the tongue inside. They are all normal. I don't know why I can't speak yet.

The big circle watched on the side, listening to the sound of its shoveling officer groping, and also rolled several white eyes in his heart. There are actually shoveling officers who love cleaner than meow.

"Miss Ning, is Xiao Jiao your sister?"

Song Tiantian couldn't help asking, because Ning Xin was really too fond of Han Xiaojiao. Even if Han Xiaojiao is already a zombie, there is no disgust and fear at all.


Song Tiantian was surprised, and subconsciously said, "Seeing the pattern of your getting along, I thought Xiao Jiao and you are sisters." So, what's the relationship not with my sister?

Recalling the intimate relationship between the two, she suddenly thought of a possibility, "Are you a lover?" Yes, in addition to the family relationship, there is also a lover relationship. Han Xiaojiao is so dependent on Miss Ning, and often spoils her towards Miss Ning. It really has a relationship like a lover.


Axin paused. She hadn't thought about it, but she knew what a lover was. Song Tiantian reminded her that she and Xiao Jiao did get along like a lover. She intends to accompany Xiao Jiao in the last days to death before leaving. If it is a lover's relationship, it is actually not bad. Of course, the premise is that Xiao Jiao is willing, she does not exclude such a relationship.

"Yes, you are particularly like a pair of lovers," originally, Song Tiantian's eyes envied envy, "If it is not affectionate, then only lovers who love each other can be like Ms Ning and Xiao Jiao."

Axin chuckled, "That's a lover."

She did not reject this, but instead heard it, and she felt a little happy. She looked up at Han Xiaojiao's house, just as Han Xiaojiao came out of it. Those eyeballs that don't wear beauty contacts are a little gray, but they are not pretty, but she just feels cute.

Han Xiaojiao walked in front of her, sat on the side, and naturally took things in a big circle.

A Xin helped Han Xiaojiao put on her makeup again and combed her hair, then put on her contact lenses.

Han Xiaojiao raised his hand, and Ah Xin understood what the other party meant and praised, "You are the most beautiful."

Han Xiaojiao stood up and gave Axin a hug, and Song Tiantian also smiled, and couldn't help saying, "You are really loving."


Han Xiaojiao froze for a moment, love? She tilted her head and looked at Axin. Seeing the smile on Axin's face, she apparently did not have a heartbeat, and she was so nervous. She buried her head and carefully chewed the word "love".

Love? Isn't that describing lovers?


During these two days, Han Xiaojiao was not very lively, and often fell into a daze. A Xin asked her what happened, and she only shook her head and did not speak. Silently pinching the skirt, she can say, does she seem to have some other thoughts about Axin?

Aiming at his pale skin, he remembered that there was an ugly wound on his neck. She was a little angry in her heart. When she was angry, she thought it was a fall. She rubbed a big circle fiercely, and looked at the shoveling officer who was not too gentle today.

Knead lightly, shovel officer.

"Angry? Who made Xiaojiao angry?"

Han Xiaojiao buried his head and asked Axin if she was ugly.

"No, you are the most beautiful, always beautiful."


Without **** skin and a big hole in the neck, how could it not be ugly?

Ashen understood, he touched Han Xiaojiao's head. "You will evolve. When you evolve to a certain extent, the skin will return to the most perfect state. The wound on the neck will heal in the future."

Really? Han Xiaojiao raised his head, and although his eyes were not radiant, Axin still saw the other party's expectations and nodded.

Han Xiaojiao wasn't sad anymore. He held it with both hands and kept moving in circles with two fingers, secretly aiming at Axin. Then when she becomes more beautiful, discuss with Axin about their relationship.

When you fall in love, you must hug and hug, and share the same bed, of course, the body is in a perfect state.

She and Axin said that she must evolve faster and strive to recover sooner.

A Xin said, "You can." With Lingquan, Han Xiaojiao will evolve quickly.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Song Tiantian couldn't help but glance at the busy Fang Cheng in the distance. Brother Fang has also been closer to her recently, and they also face many together. Suddenly, she felt another hot eye. When she looked over, she saw Gu Dongling's eyes staring at her scorchingly, and she was scared away.

"Sweet." Gu Dongling sat next to Song Tiantian and said seriously, "You should know that I like you?"

Song Tiantian didn't expect that Gu Dongling would openly talk to her about the matter directly, "Sorry, Brother Gu, I don't feel anything about you."

"I know, don't you like Fang Cheng?"

Song Tiantian shrank back, Gu Dongling pressed tightly, and her scorching breath hit her face, feeling uncomfortable, "Tiantian, from the day you joined the team, it attracted me."

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