Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 314 - Share The Blessings

'You're not going anywhere.'

After which, Nathalie beckoned his attention, and the attention shifted to him. On the other hand, Athan almost got choked from sipping his wine glass when it happened, rather inevitable for his part.

[Your Highness, for your courageous deed yesterday, allow me to extend my heartfelt gratitude such as this offering of mine.]

Out of curiosity, their eyes were on her, and it seemed like the Crown Prince got the gist of what she wanted to do.

Not the fun kind, or so found in his gaze.

Though it was too late to turn back, for she already grabbed their attention.

"Very well, Violette. I shall accept it—"

Without further ado, Nathalie widened the bag for Keith to pull the chest to his hands. 

But it didn't stop there.

More and more chests appeared before her, and he couldn't help but ask her. "How is that so many, Violette. I've done little to receive this enormous gift."

After which, he then gestured Sylvester to have the guards assist them, and as it started to stack, everyone got intimidated by how bountiful it was, even the latter had a hard time dismissing what appeared in front of him.

After all, he was gracious enough to let her use a spare room for her concoction.

But the guards weren't enough, she had been pouring like it was from the springs, and at this point, they wanted to know what kind of peace offering she had up her sleeve for him to take.

Even Sylvester had to help.

Which only hastened her plans.

Nathalie, however, replied to him, [Your Highness, I'd love to see if someone like Sir Charles could help, right?]

All of the sudden, everyone went abuzz from what she inferred; from the sidelines, Charles kept a straight face but his stares only pierced through her body several times.

It was such a weird notion; for they were not even that close after quite a history.

[I thought it would be much of discourtesy for having the 

Even Sylvester and Athan bore the same reaction, but the former didn't go as calm as the latter right away.

Having no choice, after she announced it, he then called Charles to assist him.

Now that he trudged from several feet away from her, she then mused, [Why is it only him, Your Highness?]

"Didn't you say it as it is?"

[I would love it if the brave men under the Salvatore family must also have their share after their great help from the turmoil.] She then glanced at Arnold. [Father told me about the great deeds that happened while I was away, and I thought this would be enough for the compensation after the battle.]

Nathalie noticed Athan's face became rigid like she continued to mock through a slight jab. For she knew she played a great part with it— a rather unusual method. But she couldn't refuse from her so-called act of kindness and her sense of propriety.

It didn't help that the onlookers nodded in agreement and gossiped about how the battle happened since it was their pride, being able to defend themselves from enemies that would be doom to the Western Territory.

She then had Sylvester open the chest, and when he did, a cloud of frost escaped through it and revealed a glittering solution inside a potion.

Even from afar, they gasped at how pure and vibrant the energy was like they had a glimpse of recovery even without drinking it. 

Mystique, from her famous heritage and the bloodline she had, already became too capable of creating an outstanding product, and their eyes could tell it wasn't a simple concoction. 

Probably around a thousand gold for one quantity.

No one could resist the temptation.

[Ahh! I do hope to credit where it was due.] Nathalie waved a dismissive hand while giggling lightly, brushing off as the compliments turned out all for her. [Father guided me and I was enlightened byways so profoundly. So I hope you appreciate it all.]

Now they glanced at Arnold, and he was there closing his eyes, with incessant nodding, and a smug smirk.

She couldn't help but giggle from them showering some compliments.

Sylvester sighed, closing it, before muttering, "Alright; I understand your sentiments, Mystique. On behalf of my men, I'm forever grateful for all of this and this shall be our precious treasure."

However, everyone became impatient, as though they wanted to see from their eyes what it was, so she cued at him, [Might as well take a drink of it. It should be of no harm either way.]

When the last batch of the chest was released, she then opened the chest and revealed the same thing.

Right now, she gave to each and everyone, including herself.

[Probably another way to promote 'cheers' for the lovely celebration?] Soon as Nathalie smiled and held up the potion in her grasp, it brightened up the mood among the crowd.

It didn't matter that it was mostly soldiers found in the party.

Distributed from everybody else, they were still astonished that more chests were still reserved for the Salvatore family.

Everyone had their fair share, and then she waited for Athan to speak.

All this time, Charles had a rough visage, unable to face her at all. For he couldn't move as he pleased within this event; now she took control nevertheless.

A popping sound came before the allure of the fizzle rang their ears, the aroma was like a large expanse of lavender in such verdant meadow.

Without any hesitation, they began to indulge for all they care.

Gulp after gulp, somehow, they couldn't let go of the potion.

Even after it was empty, their tongues crept beyond the rim to take everything— as every drop counted.

Thereafter, they burped out of satisfaction, and they rejoiced after taking notice of their body becoming agile and brimmed with such energy.

"Wow! I've never drunk like this before!"

"Indeed, it's addicting! I couldn't get enough of it!"

"It's not surprising from a prodigy like her!"

"I can't help but ask for more!"

Even though Sylvester was out of words, the same went for Charles. He had deep regret in his eyes.

Although, soon as Nathalie clapped, grabbing their attention, all of the sudden they lurched from their positions and their faces retched like they were about to vomit.

A smirk came to her lips.

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