Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 295 - A Precious Chance

'While I do understand I take this burden, that doesn't mean he has the liberty to include those who had nothing with it.'

The whole time, Nathalie thought of a plan while she was rather uncomfortable with the position she was in, even how he tore her dress in an even more revealing way. 

'I need to think…' But she couldn't help but make her greatest decision upon choosing herself and Ashtra after he kept it back on his pouch.

There was no way to learn about how to gain access without his call, and she didn't have the upper hand to negotiate with him in the first place, especially since she had to do something at his request.

Though one thing remained positive, her item was on him; he needed to snatch it from him.

'I must get both regardless; I'll do something with it soon.'

"You know what? You look so beautiful today; any man would get swooned over you. Too bad I know so much of your nasty soul I'd retch thinking about it…" 

When Charles moved away, shuffling towards the other side of the room, he lowered himself and opened a dusty chest.

In the meantime, as soon as she glanced around, about a few people were now guarded outside the room she stayed in. 

Fortunately, they weren't as strong as Charles, so she had a plan to break away from them.

'... I think I still have enough energy to pull it off…'

But then the sudden clinks musing her ears reminded her about the shackles that now bound her wrists.

It wasn't as troublesome as the one knot on her ankles upon moving, but this one almost drained her energy, even using a meager voice— a fraction of the usual volume and tone— worse than a whisper.

Although, it flashed her an idea of what she could do to avoid suspicions, even if she had to pay more price using more of her mana.

Especially when she did it against Keith and Arnold, controlling them in place.

While it was the use of their true name, she couldn't afford the consequences of using it in this situation, but she might as well apply the same concept with it.

For her power of words held true, enough to tip them off the curb.

'I think it might work… I hope so…'

She cleared her throat, rather inaudibly as she tried to prepare what she ought to do when the opportunity comes.

Nathalie stared at the gem, which she thought that Ashtra got taken away from Charles. 'I'll get back to you, I promise…'

When he stood up, after rummaging from it; it was another pair of shackles, which she assumed were for her ankles.

If that happened, then she was no different from a prisoner.

But she wasn't the one to be afraid of and believed a chance would come to her aid.

Nathalie stared at Charles, who went and loosened the bindings on her ankles. From there, she couldn't help but notice his long lashes and the amicable face while he was at it.

"Don't stare too much."

A little twitch came from both of her eyebrows but she remained calm, not breaking her gaze at him.

Charles was on bended knee; in an angle, it was like a prince charming saving a damsel in distress if ever they never knew the truth behind the scene from it.

When it was all loosened up; he was about to put the shackles on when he then arched his neck, but doing so had him caught off-guard.

"What's this? Are you that thirsty and eager to do so? Perhaps you're what rumors say you to be…"

"That's right," she whispered with allure, licking the bottom of her lip.

Because she wrapped her legs around his neck for the matter, he scoffed at her, which also gave him a smug smirk. 

But it was also the part where he was wrong.

His parted lips now trembled but he somehow couldn't move from surprise, perhaps that she would hit on him, for real. "Y— You!"

Nathalie drew close to his ear, her warm breath had his muscles stiffen as he tensed with his posture; none of which mattered to her as she went for more.

"Am I not good enough for you? Hmm?" she purred, then from her peripheral vision, his gaze went downwards, aiming at her soaked, glistening cleavage. "You're right. I want you now. I have a good head as well." 

With a lick on his earlobe, he got stunned and even forgot to take a moment to breathe. 

'A good chance!'

The moment he squirmed and let out a low growl, she then burst out beyond ultrasound— greater than several tens of megahertz, which was high-pitched and low intensity— piercing enough to damage his sensitive hearing, especially for the likes of werewolves.

Nathalie stumbled to the side before he retched a mouthful of blood on the wooden floor, but it didn't save her staining her cheek and neck from his ear bursting out the same thing.

But then she stopped halfway when it took a toll on her body, especially straining her chest and throat.

Before his face fell flat on the floor, his bloodshot glares bore at her, flinching off her stead, but she paid no mind as she went to rummage in his pocket with trembling hands.

Charles was incapacitated, for now.

'I'm sorry— I had— to do this—'

Her breathing went ragged immediately and the tightening of her chest got worse but she never gave up.

Alas, her struggle now came to an end when she retrieved the two pouches. She grabbed a handkerchief within it and wiped off the slight splatter on her face and neck.

'Ugh, good riddance…'

After which, she trudged her way out of the room.

Behind the glamour and the zen, the bountiful forest had to offer, the place became too quiet, not even the cacophony of insects heard.

Noticing several elven guards and scouts, even those fierce werewolf warriors who were under Charles collapsed to the ground, twitching their bodies with smears of blood found on them.

A deep pang of guilt hit her so bad that she clenched her chest but then it didn't matter as she looked around, looking for the route to escape.

'I need to hurry…'

With the heat signatures nearby, she went to the path and followed her instinct: grabbing onto the wooden railings, down the stairs of the treehouse. 

All she brought was herself and prayers, at least she could escape unscathed.

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