Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 284 - Goddess And Witch

Subconsciously, Athan clenched his fist with her words, nothing but truth and even he had thoughts to take a good piece of it and at least bring it back. 

While it was such a great confusion at first, the longer he stayed, the more he got to know so many things that would play a huge part in the Dysnomia Empire's success.

Though at the same time, he chimed in, voicing out his thoughts to her stubbornness.

'What's happening to her mana? This won't do! I must convince her to stop what she's doing!'

Usually, she maintained that calm facade; convincing the rest would never work for him.

"Violette, must you do this? What about our empire?! We can do the same things in—"

Both Nathalie and Mystique snapped their gazes at him; while the former became skeptical and speechless, the latter was impressed with the idea but she then gestured a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Correction. Your empire, Your Highness." She let out a peal of laughter than for a moment. "None of which my contributions would matter anyway. You only think of yourself and disregard the rest, isn't that so?"

"No! I told you none of it would matter! If I have to apologize to you over and over again, then I'd do it in a heartbeat!"

Athan couldn't help but raise his voice with so much conviction he had and not averted his eyes once. Even though a cluster of headaches came alongside his palpitations by the chest, it didn't stop him, and tried his hardest to convince her otherwise.

The room went silent except his deep pants like he was out of breath as even Keith and Arnold were surprised by him.

Mystique arched her eyebrows with a little pout as it resonated well with his vulnerable comment. She shut her eyes as she looked down for a hot minute.

A part of Athan hoped that everything would've worked out the way he wanted, to drive the conversation at least to his favor, even without considering Nathalie's.

When he thought that was it, Mystique suddenly beamed at him, rather a sinister one.

"Aww, do you believe that apology would make a difference?" A subtle snicker escaped her lips.

Athan had never been so disheartened from a mockery; while he would've been angry and offended, this was such a heavy blow on his part.

In the midst of it, Tyler was somehow on a leash, even his mouth now sealed with a necktie, muffling his pleading voice.

'What pathetic man… Getting all surprised. Looks like he didn't expect such a side of hers, let alone some magic powers...'

"I'm surprised how everyone's on your side." Mystique hummed like she tried to give it some deep thought on what was in front of her. "I believe that it would be a hard time for you to live the life I had."

Nathalie narrowed her eyes, responding, "I did nothing unusual."

A gasp then came from her lips while covering. "Realy? Quite unusual indeed. Not that I'd expected as it should've been a taste of your medicine."

"I told you I have no idea!"

"You lie, you lie, you lie you never lied so much, Goddess…" She then snickered as she squinted her eyes to a smile. "But I did try and tamper a 'little bit' on it of yours. So what does that make it then?"

"I'm sure you can see through the lies. Why don't you see it again then?!"

Mystique arched her eyebrows to dangerous heights with a glare before she huffed out. "Certainly; how strange that you still got whatever you had regardless."

Although Nathalie begged to differ. "Don't you see how they missed you badly?! There's no need for this!"

"Have I not made myself clear I could never return?"

"Then tell me—!"

"None of it mattered for this is my step for a new dominion."

'This can't be…' Athan gritted his teeth, hoping that she would change for the better; even if he had to shed more of his dignity for her sake, he would.

"Mystique, do you think doing this would get what you want?" Nathalie queried, while she fidgeted her fingers a tad bit from her waist.

"Well, of course, look at me here thriving!" She held up her hands, with an icy mist showing on top of it— various images of how she was on the stage, different places but the same limelight was on her. 

With lots of audiences behind her, she became a star in no time. She made use of them. Even men were all over her, and more explicit scenes to come.

"Mysti, stop that!" Arnold growled and kneaded his forehead as he glared downwards. "Enough of that!"

"All of the glamour and all of the fame. I've got it. Nothing else mattered at this point."

Athan and Keith got rooted from their place, unable to look away from the images, and worse had Arnold not interfere amidst it. Both became too livid of her actions.

By and by, Mystique's peals of laughter ran dry as Nathalie wasn't having any of it.

Moreover, Athan noticed that familiar silhouettes climbed slowly on the window panes.

'Wait... They are…'

Nathalie blurted out, "Where is the manuscript?!"

"A what? Manure?" She leaned forward like it also piqued her interest.

"Manuscript!" Nathalie then waved a pile of pages that she retrieved from the pouch she had.

"Ahh! The book of life!" She then grinned from ear to ear as she made a steeple on her fingertips. "I suppose that's what you came here for?" 

"Give it to me!"

"I don't mean to upset you but, it's not in my hands anymore."

"What do you mean?!"

Mystique then tapped Tyler's cheek then loosened the necktie on his mouth. "Go on, my dear Tyler, tell them what happened to our 'latest project' that is…"

Soon as she emphasized the word, Tyler flinched while looking at Nathalie in horror, stammering, "I— It's on— the way to— final process..."

Nathalie became too aghast from what she heard, and she went as pale as Mystique's skin.

"Rest assured, I'm sure everyone's excited to read a tragic book— how the world in there crumbled, and at least I'm not a part of it."

This time, Athan had goosebumps when Nathalie's countenance turned out grim, worse than Mystique.

A sudden beep came, and the vents blew out white, hot smoke. 

"Enough of this farce, Goddess. I may have fallen for your trap once but not the second time around!" 

She then turned around, and from her fingertips crackled a shard of ice before blasting the array of windows.

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