Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 278 - A Bountiful Harvest

Nathalie and Athan approached them, and she couldn't help but ask Nathan with the concern she had in mind.

"Are you sure about Mystique going inside the Phoenix Publishing Building?"

"Daisy had a subtle beep from the track she had there nearby, it must've been no one other than her. Today is a special non-working holiday after all."

She then checked her phone, with the deep popped up the screen. Blinking her eyes, she realized that he was right all along.

"I wonder what she's been up to?"

"Who knows, but she might be with Tyler..." he trailed off his voice soon enough, most especially her face scrunched a tad bit, and then stole a glance at Athan.

Even then, he wasn't slow enough not to connect the dots so far.

'That name again…' While pondering, he feigned at them with confusion in his face once more. 'Why do I have a feeling I'm like Tyler?' 

"Anyway," Nathalie cleared her throat. "Do you think you can drive?"

"I don't think it's that much of a problem." He then raised his arm, a few twists from here and there, and even attempted a jab in the air before he then clenched his fist. 

However, Daisy was there beside him, pinching his ears from his actions, earning a hiss and a round of pleas to let him go.

"Don't listen to him, Nat. He's rather jagged a little."

"I thought so too..."

"Huh—What do you mean?! I'm not— Agh! That hurt! No, stop!"

Nathalie gestured a dismissive wave of her hand. "Girl, his ear is burning…"

After which, she let go, leering at him. Meanwhile, he rubbed his ear with a deep scrunch on his forehead.

"Nat, it doesn't matter if I drive, right?" Daisy mused.

"Sure thing! That's not a problem for me." Nathalie then squinted her eyes, pointing at Jonathan. "You should be seated next to her, lest something else happens."

He saluted, affirming, "You can count me on that, Miss Quinn!"

"Now, let's get moving."

Jonathan opened the door first to them, and Athan's eyes widened when he noticed the interior of the limousine. He was at a loss for words as soon as it welcomed him.

Competing from the jazz instrument that played within, were their cheers and their rowdy voices as though they went for a party.

Few inches further, Arnold, guffawing, already had a glass of wine while slinking his arm around and convincing Keith to take another round.

Poor Keith had no choice but to accept, but he kept at it with the deep hiccups and droopy eyes he had. He had recovered from both his injury and the motion sickness coming here, now he had to drink for more.

With his face flushed yet beaming, he thought that he's dropped his facade again, and only happened when he drank too much.

"Father, you're drinking again..."

"Oh! You're here—! Enter! Enter! Tis fun— very so— Winn here—" slurring, he then gestured his hands for them to come in while he had some subtle hiccups in between a couple of words.

Upon seeing it, Nathalie sighed deeply, and she then already entered without a hitch, and gracefully nudged to the side to give him some space.

Athan had no choice but to enter as well, and as he seated, he couldn't help but lean against the coziness of the fitted leather seat.

The interior was grand, he didn't know what it was inside, and in front of them was a small bar counter with an array of glasses and wines. More than decent lighting shown the edges and few accents found inside the limousine. 

Even Ashtra went on and grabbed another bottle of wine from the bucket filled with ice. Opening it, he poured some for Strav and Arnold.

Suddenly, the voice of Jonathan came out of nowhere, which had him look around. 

"Miss Quinn, we're ready to depart."

Nathalie chimed, "Go on!"

After which, the sudden rumbles came but were not that disturbing. It also stopped them, but the wine didn't spill at all nor did the displays.

"Land tremors?!" Arnold frantically looked around, letting go of Keith.

"No, father. It's the carriage moving."


"Please enjoy it for now." When Nathalie reassured them, they went back; even Keith pleaded at her in silence, but she had no control, which bore deep guilt in her.

'They seem to have so much fun.'

Not one part throughout the ride was peaceful, everyone enjoyed it except for Nathalie who was silent and watched her smartphone from time to time. 

He didn't want to cause a problem so he declined, even if the rest offered him to drink.

Nathalie nudged him to the side while he pointed at some of the wine that he was interested in, offering, "Don't you want some?"

"Oh, I'd have to decline. I have to remain sober."

"Not that you can detoxify yourself without much of a problem, is it?"

A subtle scoff came from his lips. "That is true, indeed."

"How should I not know? Your brain doesn't function well without sex or booze at least." She crossed her arm, letting out a sharp huff.

"As expected of the Goddess…" He smiled at her.

" Call me Nat or Nathalie." She then scratched her; I swear, you call me that one more time."

"I would've appreciated if you permit me so; I'd be happy knowing someone was looking after me in times of danger—"

She prodded his lips. "I told you I have nothing to do with that. My dreams showed so many things but I only wrote a part that I only wanted… Him… the most…" When she started dropping her voice to a whisper, she looked away and then grabbed the wine.

"Still, it's better—"

Nathalie shoved his glass for him to take and opened the wine. "Drink some..."

'A stubborn lady as well,' he wondered, then a little smirk came from his lips as he held up the wine for her to pour. 

Taking a sip, he still couldn't believe how lush and effervescent the wine was, much like her refined tonic. 

'Ahh! Such fragrance and incredible taste!'

It didn't help that he smuggled so many that he could see, even from the cellar earlier as well as asking Jonathan a favor.

Pulling away, he swirled the glass, admiring its richness and rouge color.

'What a bountiful harvest and this one is no exception…' 

After which, Nathalie pressed something, and before she could open her mouth, he already heard a moan and a smooch.

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