The moment Athan turned around, he also gaped at the towering spires of ice, protruding the dark sky. Which then dread dripped down his spine for he could only think of one person, who could be linked to it as of now.

"Good gracious!" Arnold muttered as he whistled for the wyvern to screech, echoing around the cliffs. "You! Come with me!" He then pointed at Athan to make haste.

Right away, Sylvester reached out to him with a quickness. "Wait! Arnold, what about—"

"Out of my way!" Pushing Sylvester aside, he hoisted himself with a fierce jump, about several yards above the ground, then landed on top of the wyvern. 

Before Arnold disappeared from their sight, Athan already beckoned them to hurry up and get moving while he rushed towards Nero.

"We have to go at once!" After perching atop him, he turned around facing Veronica and Sylvester, saying, "Proceed with the plan and charge to the 'Desolate Ravine' as I'll meet you two there!"

In a jiffy, they moved out rather quickly, and he already bolted out a few yards in half a minute.

All his mind ever thought of was Mystique and in an uncanny situation.

'Such a tremendous spell! Using her power would've been too insane, more than enough to kill her!'

For she was cursed, to begin with, and all of her mana reserves came from her ever since she lost access to the mana around her.

He couldn't imagine what she had to go through, and what was going on in that place. It didn't help upon overhearing the frantic voice found on Nathan.

Whatever it was, his heart raced so crazy it started to bang against his chest and hadn't been comfortable since the flight. He gritted his teeth for so long what else could've ever happened to her.

"Nero, faster—!"

However, he retorted back with a deep rumble, "What do you think I'm doing, fooling around?!"

A click in his mouth came, when his gaze met Arnold, albeit getting smaller and smaller from the flight. With it, bore deep contrast as the ice spires now towered much larger than it was earlier. 

Even from where he was, the already frigid winds of the night infused with sleet amidst the frosty mist. Not only he shivered from such coldness, but the snowflakes smothered on his clothing, hardening it with his fair skin taking all the frost burns. 

From there, he increased his body temperature, thawing the ice pellets, but it was still not enough to handle when it froze as quickly as it could.

However, it was a small price to pay as he had plenty of energy to spare, the same for Nero, as they sailed adrift in the desert winter lands.

From upfront seemed like an arch cave as it got enameled with frost, he tapped at Nero with a scream to soar higher, like what Arnold did, bracing the impact of more rounds of crazy blizzards headed their way.

Athan scrunched his face, as this coldness turned out no different from the snowstorms at the Northern Territory, and he couldn't help but receive the tremors in his body, both from cold and anxiety.

Upon coming close, it was an iceberg, gleaming brightly with ghastly clouds that hovered over the hazy city beneath him.

The ice was so thick, it was hard to see what was beyond it, making him curse in silence.

"Nero, follow His Grace! We can't lose him."

Athan had no choice but to follow Arnold's tracks, as he now dived deep to the cloud.

When he entered the cloudy layer, a deep prick coursed every inch of his skin, even with his clothes on, as more and more crystallized around him. 

He squinted his eyes, and he didn't fail to become so aghast with people, running for their lives, but then were encased in frozen solid.

To think that not even people were spared, things got serious.

Especially he noticed that numerous of them were stronger than he had fought in his life since.

But he stopped gauging, the deeper they got, the eerie it became.

Out of what seemed like an abyss that was beneath, he now noticed the bright blizzard that blew from each of the caves, getting stronger as they went lower.

Then again, Arnold had yet to enter as he dodged through the debris and obstacles in midair, which Athan followed closely. Through it, he managed to catch up, but as soon as he got to see the Grand Duke's facade, he couldn't help but notice the sudden strangle within his heart.

Once again, Arnold had his bloodshot eyes wide open, but his tears froze across his cheeks as he pressed his lips thin.

'Mystique, what's going on?!'

Then, Arnold snapped his head in a peculiar direction, without thinking twice he swooped down regardless of the intense frost. 

'Damn, I guess I have no choice!'

The icy crystal cavern was big, and essentially Arnold became a living torch, melting everything along its path together with Nero, who also had a nullifying field, now turning it similar to steam.

Winds back then went abuzz, now it had a deep howl, haunting, but not scared him one bit when he could sense she was almost close.

Though he was shocked to know there were more people than he ever thought of underneath the cavern.

An opening about a mile ahead was seen from his eyes, which he thought was the end of the excursion.

Arnold was also there, close to the end, which he ushered his familiar to beat his wings faster.

Bright flash welcomed him, now he found himself by the canopy of the underground, and never did he expected the place was huge, about several domes and amphitheaters in the Imperial Capital combined.

Such a place carved in the bottom-most layers of clay and bedrock, with only but meager soil and sand on top, yet here he was in this place.

But then, his eyes darted right away as Keith, who was also severely wounded, hugged the unconscious Mystique, and behind him was Nathan covering the injured twins.

They got surrounded by the enemies, and he was rather shocked to see, it wasn't only Ustreador, but composed of several foreign nations in one place.

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