Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 252 - Surprise From Mystique

The skies showed patches of violet and maroon eclipsed at the crimson and tangerine hues. Winds brushed past them and turned out colder than it was hours ago; nevertheless, the quiet atmosphere bore deep contrast as they were on the move, getting to their positions where they needed to go.

"Your Highness…" Veronica muttered to his side, garnering Athan's attention.

"Is something wrong?"

"N—No, I'm a little worried."

Athan stared at her for a while, especially how she fidgeted her hands, which he then reached to her and clasped them. "You've done your part so well until now..."

While he did remember that the two started with an alliance, and then to an arranged marriage, he had grown to love her in the past life. 

But that past, as much as he'd like to think that he had taken the opportunity of her away from Sylvester, Athan was no fool as he started to notice that she also started to fall for his best friend this time around.

A pang hit his chest, but then his mind was somehow at peace how the two of them remained loyal to him, only thought about what was best for their nation, and set aside everything else hidden in the dark.

Right now, he wanted to correct not only his mistakes but also himself; upon knowing what he needed to do, he had to make it right this time.

But he could only do it one step at a time, after the path he had carved in favor of his past deeds, he needed to realign them once more.

"Compared to the rest, I have yet to pursue my utmost abilities."

What Veronica did at the 'Frozen Gorge' was a remarkable team effort, aside from the single mishap, but if Mystique forgave her nonetheless, the rest of them should as well. She was consistent and determined for the most part, alongside her impeccable talents, no one would question her prowess further.

But he knew there was more of her to show in the future, which he assured her, "You will be even better, especially if you and Matt work hand in hand."

His choice of words suggested something else, which caught the two in awkward situations but shook it off in nonchalance.

After which, Sylvester went for a brief meeting, talking to his group of men with several instructions.

Meanwhile, Veronica went for the utility section, checking several rations and maintenance needed for the operation.

Athan went back to the tent, sprawling the map they were in, gazing at the cross marks as their objectives. Like Mystique foretold, the enemies would enter the deep chasm, several miles ahead of them, and their position was more than perfect to settle down, and initiate an ambush.

Upon closing his eyes, he was in retrospection, with the plans he laid ahead, thinking it would go to his favor.

For that, he was grateful; but he had yet to let down his guard, lest something else could go out of hand.

'I've bid my time long enough, time to curb enemies chunk by chunk…' A glimmer came to his crimson eyes as he glared at the map.

A train of subtle thuds came, from the same scout, delivering the news, "Your Highness, they've come and the preparations are complete."

"Alright," he muttered, then turned around, fluttering his robe as he glanced at his subjects. "We shall take the counter initiate."

Spearheaded by Athan, he then dashed towards the edge of the cliff, plunging from the heights, and the rest of the ghouls followed. On the other hand, Sylvester took a detour to another landmass, trying to get a good position for another round of ambush.

Soon as he landed safely and got close, he caught sight of the enemies— about several feet below them— he became too aghast when it looked like the path got flooded with crowded enemies.

He noticed the Quetzalcoatl tribe, and not a few of them found in there as they were so many— matured and fearsome warriors at that— and gigantic beasts like basilisks were with them.

With an estimation about five times more than Athan's side, he couldn't help but click his tongue that it was a dangerous fight as he sensed their auras not any weaker than the recent strong opponents he faced.

He couldn't help but look in Arnold's direction. 'I suppose that man could take them with a few catastrophic spells— but is it the case?'

However, Mystique only instructed what she had him to do, and her instruction as soon as they were in a range that he had marked the map. For he could do nothing earlier, and charge at them with a spell.

'A little more… A little more…' 

The skies turned dark, but there were magical torches from the Ustreador, lit up like it was a parade.


Suddenly, a large rumbling sound reverberated to the cliffs, as though a landslide was about to hit them; to Arnold's direction no less. 

While it sent Athan and the rest of them in disarray, it turned out worse than the enemies.

Athan only hoped to believe in him, if he had truly changed.

But they didn't fret because they had a glowing bubble that worked as a shield on them. Though whatever defensive capabilities they had were all for naught as nothing happened after.

But then a gleaming weave of light streamed across the night sky, shimmering for their eyes to feast upon, and for a few moments, the light transmuted to a bright panel of moving visual images in no way anyone expected.

His eyes bore the image of Mystique, draping in gold accessories and bejeweled headdress and on her outfit: a fitted top and a belt with flared skirt, and a slit to the side.

'W—What is she even wearing—?! This isn't like her—! She's like one of the desert tribe dancers—!'

Soon enough, an upbeat tempo came alongside the early rhythm, and they got all stunned as soon as she started to dance with her sultry vocals to top it all.

His heart thumped as hard as the beating drums from the music that went adrift to his ears; instead of getting all flustered, his body seemed invigorated and energized.

Like he was at his full capacity.

Not only him but also the rest of his army.

Mystique danced with such fluidity and grace as she sang her heart out loud, as it continued, the enemies couldn't take off their gaze— stupefied enough; worse, the beasts went into disarray, causing a stampede among the enemy ranks.

'...Is this… What she planned all along?'

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