Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 242 - Reinforcement Has Arrived

Through the bitter end, Athan and Sylvester, alongside the remaining militia, fought hard enough to remove enemies for as long as they lived.

They were already in an uphill battle, both literally and metaphorically.

Until a miracle came.

So many of them started to chase at Athan, but then they all halted when they noticed the towering waters swallowed the hills and mountains in one move.

Not wanting to chase him down, they ought to retreat but the rushing tides coursed faster, not even the flying beasts got spared with the flight they had.

But then, the voice rang suddenly, perking his ear, only to find out amidst the depths of the rich hue of the water, a colossal silhouette— a long, sea serpent with a  myriad of fins on its body— emerged from it.

'Wh— What is that?!'

Even from afar, Athan had enough shudders from its lone presence, but he gulped hard as he braced himself from the impact that awaited him.

In the midst of it, the course of the water changed, now swept through the ranks of the enemies and even far behind it, almost to the point of reaching to the horizon.

'What a powerful being, with a catastrophe to back it up…'

Athan snapped his eyes wide open, if he could've gouged his eyes out of the sockets right then and there, then he would've done it the moment he noticed the waves that were about to wash away in his direction.

The moral chants and roars now turned into a call of despair, as they ran for their lives, and not long enough their voices drowned to silence as their bodies went along the deepest part of the wave.

In his view, it was like a total cleansing of the land.

Sylvester was no different as well, with the immense shock he had gotten, and almost several yards away, and they would've ended up the same fate as theirs sealed forever.

"D— Do you know anything about this?" 

Athan replied, shaking his head in disbelief, "No, definitely not…"

"Didn't it say reinforcements?"

"What? For us?"

Sylvester hunched his shoulder lightly as he scrunched his forehead for what he had seen so far.

When the crazy tides slowly descended from several miles of heights, there his eyes were about to pop out as its scales began to glisten with a colorful sheen reflected off from the graceful sunset light.

However, with that purple glowing eyes, rich blue shades on its scales, and iridescent fins and train of protruding spikes on its back to the tail, his words now left unspoken. 

Realization dawned upon him for the only creature that he ever thought of, only happened to be dwelling from the legends, and lived as folklore among the legends.

With quite the wipeout, the water slowly vanished, and he couldn't help but in awe with no sense of life forms seen, except for his men that survived, only coughed hard as though they choked themselves with gallons of water.

Eyes of Athan went back to the creature.

The true monster from the Southern Reaches…

Lone dweller of the Thousand Isles…

Popular among the peasants and the nobles, even Sylvester gawked as soon as he knew what it was afore him.

With its serpentine figure stood, blocking the sunset, its shadows formed a halo effect on its tremendous body, and then left with only but a glimmering purple gazed at Athan.

"Is this the young man you talked about?"

In deep contrast with its giant figure, the voice wasn't as deep as he thought it would be, although it was hoarse and calm enough that it rang at the back of his head.

"Yes, he is…"

This time, his eyebrows twitched when the voice of a lady rang the second time around. Following it without any distractions.

It was a lady, in a flowy sash and gown, from the stark silhouette, with a crown perched atop her head.

Soon enough, they got closer, and never did he think that the one would've come and saved the day was none other than his archnemesis.

"Mystique…" he breathed as he got too rooted in his stead.

Even Sylvester and his men were in utter shock, to see her in another glow up.

Mystique had a beautiful dress, dripping with pearls and intricate embroidery on the high-quality fabric she put on. In her hand, she wielded a beautiful scepter as well and complimented her so much.

She had a different vibe, in a different headspace, or so at least what Athan thought.

So many questions ran through his head after he had a quick recollection of the thoughts of the last moments with her.

From the eternal punishment that was on her, and thrown to the 'Thousand Isles' for good.

But with the legendary monster with her, he became dubious, almost unbelievable for what tricks she had upon her sleeve.

With the monster's majestic head lowered down, they all get to see a closer look at her. 

When Athan dared to speak up, at least uttered a word as a greeting, she cut him off almost immediately.

"What are you waiting for? Hop in, Levi will take us there!" 

'Levi? She named like so casually— similar to a pet—?!'

However, she beckoned them non-stop with her hands now flapping to haste. They all looked at each other, hesitation seen in front of their eyes, and only awaited their commander's response.

This was understandable; she came for a variety of reasons, even a grudge isn't an exception.

There was bad blood, after all.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Athan! We have to go to the Imperial Palace now!"

Athan then gritted his teeth, not one bit she lied at this point, and his gut instinct didn't help him for a moment that he needed to heed her words.

With him leading, he went for a leap and clung tight on one of the spikes. After which, he signaled Sylvester to follow.

His best friend had no choice but to jump as well, and the rest followed.

Mystique hollered to the men beneath her, "The injured men, please wait as the rest of the reinforcements will arrive from the southern posts!"

'What is she even…'

When every abled man took the ride, she then called, "We're all set now. Levi, to the Imperial Capital we go!"

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