Keith then gazed at the portrait, stammering again, "B— But, His Grace isn't—"

"Indeed, my oh-so-beloved parents aren't there…" She turned around, letting out a peal of a giggle. "But definitely the forefathers of mine are there, glaring at you, isn't it?"

Somehow, he got rooted on the sheen flooring, arching his neck at the portraits once more.

Even Nathalie trembled upon the utterance of Mystique, clearly didn't see it coming with her comment about the picture frames hanging in sophistication.

"Y— Your voice…"

Keith couldn't believe what appeared in front of him still, let alone talking without paying any mind to the consequences she ought to face from doing it.

Mystique parted her lips for a second, then brought a smile. "I didn't mean to hide it…"

"Y—You were able…. To use it— all along?"

"Perhaps you knew so much by now, but I don't have to worry about it so much…" A sinister grin now rose to the corner of Mystique's lip. "There are so many men who would throw themselves at me…"

Her slow yet sharp clacks from the stiletto heels thumped the lingering silence, and only worsened the grave tension they all had.

Jonathan was about to move further, but then Nathalie reached for his arm, shaking her head as she beckoned that a soliloquy was about to start.

"I seemed to have a never-ending list of bachelors at my grasp, even those hot and handsome married men would destroy their marriage when it came down to me. I'm special. I feel loved here!" 

'What the fuck is she… What nonsense—?!' 

"I only charmed them a bit, and they went for it. Poor imbecile men— Only but a one-night stand, and they craved for more; easily fell to their demise."

Even at this moment, she had a hard time picking up her jaw that was now on the floor with the claims she didn't bother hiding.

Though it did lead her to different speculations about how she must have strangled, and then lost count of how many of them became her victims.

Sudden onset of vertigo came to Nathalie whenever she thought about the crazy notion of 'supply' she had to exploit her abilities to the fullest.

'What a crazy bitch…'

Nathalie had yet to blink her eyes as she didn't want to miss any of the moments of what seemed like the villainess that appeared in Keith's dream all of a sudden.

"My Lady, I— I don't understand a thing…" 

"You don't have to— I've summoned you here for your important mission. Only you would do it well."

From the bookshelf nearby, Mystique strutted her way and reached for the spine on one of the books displayed. Even in the distance, her eyes widened, and it was that one moment she feared the most.

The book, 'The Prince's Retribution,' stayed afloat on her whimsical fingers.

"You may not be familiar with this book, but go give it a read!"

With a flick of her finger, the book flew no different from an arrow, having Keith now caught it with ease.

Grazing over his fingers on the hardbound cover, he muttered aloud, "The Prince's Retribution…." 

Mystique hummed out loud, chiming as she gave a slow nod.

Which then, Keith continued afterward, "This looks familiar—! Isn't this His Highness and—"

"Indeed." She then strutted her way back to him, muttering, "Why don't you give it a read?"

In the meantime, Nathalie became all too giddy, as she didn't know what to do at this point. The palpitations drove her crazy enough to act so well as she now leaned against Jonathan's forearms when her legs started to wobble.

"From… WhiteOppulence…"

"Oh, that name, does it ring a bell to you?"

"Unfortunately so, it doesn't—"

"Then go read it!" She shrieked, flinching all of them, except Ashtra. Thereafter, she smiled back at him. "You'll see soon enough…"

For a while now, Nathalie got rooted as she became too aghast with the situation, whispering Jonathan beside her.

"...Jonathan, this isn't the Mystique I wrote and knew with all my heart—"

"She became worse, Miss Quinn…"

"I agree…"

Both Nathalie and Jonathan snapped their heads at Ashtra, who also had a grim look on his face. Never did they think he would take a side with them.

Even with a few pages flipped around, Keith huffed as he almost closed the book. "What blasphemy is this! Isn't this all about His Highness, Athan, and Her Highness, Veronica—"

"That's true."

"My Lady, you're— also here—! It's scary to think— Someone had these records— That everything came right in here—!"

"Well, coincidentally, it's someone you know and so, so, so close to you." She raised her eyebrows to intriguing heights as she had a lopsided grin. "Do you want to seek justice for this?"

"B— But… How?"

The two of them were now a few inches apart, standing at each other. Meanwhile, Nathalie gnashed her teeth at what she witnessed so far, and not one bit she regained her composure.

Mystique threw a giggle, an ominous at that, as she then met his reluctant stares. "I need more power, and what other way would I be able to do it if not with you?"

While Keith only had his eyes widened, Nathalie and Jonathan had it worse with also their mouth now dropped again.

Right now, Nathalie was beyond livid as her blood boiled within and her vision blurred slightly with the sears she had. 

But then, all hope wasn't lost for her when she noticed the knight started to hesitate, as he slowly walked backward.

"What's wrong?" Mystique mused her voice, and almost shackled his movement.

"I suppose this is but a dream—"

"No, Keith, none of this is a dream." She then grabbed him by the collar as she began to glow into a bluish aura, and then threw him near the spacious couch. 

Keith hissed, propping his elbows onto the foam as he became scared witless at her countenance. "My— My Lady—?!"

"Don't tell me how many times we've done this already! You ungrateful peasant!" She then gave him a tight slap that crisped the air. "I didn't use so much of my powers to bring you here and disobey me!" Her voice now went hoarse as she heaved so deep.

From there, Mystique was about to rip his clothing apart— from the collar and down— when she raised her head, seething in anger.

"You're still standing there?"

Nathalie and Jonathan almost flinched out from her voice, but her eyes weren't on them but by the front porch.

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