With Nathalie's incessant pleas and the dire look on her face, Jonathan ended up scrunching his face as he lost the sudden sleepiness in him. 

In which, he couldn't help but react the same way with how worried she got from early morning.

Her sudden alarm awakened the twins as well, which had their rally close to his side.

"W—What's wrong?" Dusk queried, looking around.

Before Nathalie could even respond, her hand reached out to Jonathan's elbow, grabbing him ever-so-fiercely. 

"Mystique, what's happening in this crazy morning…" His eyes roamed around, with clothes and the scattered debris from the broken furniture welcomed him. 

Dusk and Dawn went rather speechless when they also looked around, and they got too awkward all of a sudden.

Unsure of what was about to happen, they tried their best to look away, turning their pace to a trudge with caution.

Panic struck Jonathan's face when he noticed they were going to the bed a few feet away from them.

Then, he scrunched his nose even further with the lingering scent he was rather familiar with, uttering, "Have you lost your mind?!"

With Keith no less, and he gaped at her, looking like how crazy she had gotten so far.

Nathalie couldn't think well, and let him have it for what he wanted to say.

When they got closer, he had yet to stop blabbering with the dubious countenance he had.

"For goodness's sake, you need to tell me what's wrong…" After which, he trailed off his voice when Keith was nowhere well in the state that he was in at the moment.

Now, he was sweating a lot, enough to drench the pillow and the quilt he was on with fingers twitching, and his jaws clenched more often than not.

"Did you abuse him that much? And you want me to include this—?"

[Are you crazy?!] Alas, Nathalie snapped at her from his crazy remarks, while it was understandable, she didn't want to let him go with it even further. [Get your mind out of the gutter.]

"Then, what am I even seeing here around me?"

Indeed, while it was rather embarrassing to see what was around, she didn't have time to do them after the main concern that pressed on her.

[That's not my issue today, alright? Look at him!]

Soon as Nathalie pointed at Keith, Jonathan sighed. The bed began to creak as he moved close to him, and gave a touch on his vital signs.

"Isn't this a normal fever?" Jonathan mused as he turned around, with his eyebrows furrowed into a line. "Have you administered some medications for him—?"

[No! No! Look closely!] 

After Nathalie hinted, he went back at him to scrutiny; from his squinting eyes now enlarged as he caught the gist of what she was up to right now.

"Wait! What is this glowing light—! Isn't this?"

[That's what I've been trying to tell you!]

"No! You didn't!"

Nathalie groaned as she became giddy. [Ugh! We can't argue at this point. Help me, please!]

While at it, Jonathan scratched his head as he said, "Have you checked the manuscript?"

[Why would it matter?] 

He then had a grim look on his face as he glared at the floor for a while. "Haven't you thought about it? This golden light had been for a while, and was also coincidental in it."

Nathalie began to crease her forehead, and it was no laughing matter that things started to get out of hand— so ominous as this random occurrence happened too often.

"Give it a try... "

She glanced at the twins, which prompted him to excuse them for a while.

When they were out of the scene, she pulled out the manuscript in her hands. Flipping through the pages, she grazed her finger over the page as she skimmed right then and there.

Jonathan also moved close to her, reading in silence, until the recent chapter, and their eyes almost gouged out of their sockets when they read the passage took to another turn again.

"Fever dreams…"

Both Nathalie and Jonathan arched their neck up to the direction of Ashtra's voice, and there he strolled close to them after veiling behind the curtain from the balcony.

Ashtra now popped up in the craziest timing, or so she thought, after being away for some time now.

With his sudden appearance, Jonathan retorted, "What made you think so?"

"I believe that's a high-tier spell cast upon him, with that kind of glow I'm most confident in that," Ashtra responded as he moved close to the opposite edge of the bed with his hands on his back.

The two glanced at one another, and he then whispered at her, "I'm sure you defined the magic system in your novel, but I don't think you've elaborated this golden thingy that he mentioned." 

Nathalie gave a curt nod, agreeing to his every word. For she knew there was a color scheme that determined the attribute and the characteristics of magic but never had she placed the gold as part of it.

One thing she knew was Ashtra was never a liar despite how manipulative he could be, and with the choice of his words as it might've been his usual semantics.

But his comment matched well with the manuscript he was in, and she gave it another read of the passage.

'... Keith Alexander Dewlake suffered in fever dreams enough to last as long as the hell broke loose within the Western Territory…' Nathalie gasped aloud for what seemed an ill-omen awaited her.

"I'm confident with my response, and that… Pile of pages piqued my interest…" Ashtra now had a smug smirk, which got herself rooted in her stead. 

Her heart skipped a beat; of all times she had to retrieve it, it happened at this moment. Moreover, hiding it would never ease the sticky situation.

"I never thought you'd come back rather early." Out of frustration, Jonathan responded with clenched teeth.

"Right on time, I'd say... "Meanwhile, Nathalie was about to jam it back when Ashtra replied once again, "Why do I feel like I'm not welcome."

"You're in for a rude awakening..."

Jonathan signaled around how the room was in such a mess.

"Am I?" Ashtra hunched his shoulders, then leered at Keith, who still suffered in the condition he was in, which then he added, "Anyway, what would you do in this case?"

"We've done it already if we had." Jonathan scoffed, crossing his arms. "You seem knowledgeable, why don't you do it?"

Ashtra laughed. "As I am. But I wouldn't be the one doing it." 

[Then who?]

After which, he pointed at Nathalie.

"You should go seek into his dreams."

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