Nathalie stared at the manuscript on her trembling hands, and her eyes hadn't stopped roaming left to right several times as soon as she flipped through the pages. For a while, she got rooted in her place as she backtracked how long she had last checked the manuscript.

Overall, dire news awaited from the West Territory of the Dysnomia Empire, and this wasn't she hoped for, not at this very moment.

'This can't be!' She huffed out. When she finally mustered up the strength within her to move a single step, it was like a rush of adrenaline that went on to full throttle. Brisking her way out of the divider, she sought Jonathan's help.

In her eyes, seeing how Arnold and Nathan were face-to-face, none of them beheld antagonistic glances as they seemingly talked about business-related topics. But they paused when she approached them, with a dreaded countenance.

"Mysti? W—What's wrong?" Arnold stammered as soon as she came close. 

With hesitation, she clutched her chest when she met his gaze. A myriad of thoughts came to her mind, but she knew that it should be the main priority as of this moment.

[Father, I don't think I can return home…]

Arnold's pupil shrunk as he was in disbelief, but there was no way he could've convinced her otherwise, knowing how familiar the desperation in her eyes was then.

When he took a deep breath to say a word, Nathalie's heart sank alongside her churning gut.

"No, I can't… Not anymore—"

"Father!" she screamed out of impulse, which gasped everyone in the room, including Ashtra, who was unperturbed the whole time while she covered her mouth afterward.

'Oh no! Out of all things I've delivered, why a…' Inwardly, she shirked away as she wanted to hide for a hot minute.

For the first time throughout his lifetime, she blurted out a word in front of him as though they were trying to have a conversation. 

To Arnold, it has never gotten enough to that point where she had to use her voice when she was angry, Mystique couldn't after all, as what Nathalie believed of him until recently. 

Alas, they all knew it was beyond serious when she had to take a plea from his astute father.

His lips parted, trying to put words to his mouth but closed once again, her antsy reactions resonated with him, and he looked at her as though things started to repeat themselves.

All seemingly too familiar to him— like the one before she had to leave the Starbrooke Castle to venture to the Southern Territory until she got thus far— after all that happened, he didn't know if he was more than willing to let go of her for another shot.

Nathalie stole a glance at Jonathan, giving him a subtle hint of what was up at the moment.

However, in her hand was a stack of paper, rather crumpled a tad bit, which Arnold and Jonathan noticed. The former had furrowed lines in his forehead while the latter gaped a little.

"Well," Arnold trailed off his voice, "I haven't seen that… white parchments you have there. What is it?"

'The fuck! I forgot to keep this.' In that split second, she cursed in her mind but kept up a straight face before him.

[Father, this is from His Grace, Nathan.] She raised the manuscript, rustling, and beckoned Jonathan to be right beside her. [... As much as I wanted to tell you, I've signed a contract as this was confidential…] 

"Oh," The glint in his indigo eyes turned sharp, enough to prickle Jonathan in subtlety. "Is that so?"

"Of course! If I'm not mistaken, this must be the 'manual' I've shown you that's confidential."

'Sweet! He's taking the ride!' From within, she couldn't help but giggle as she put on her acting skill to full use.

[Apparently, this was the manual he showed me as I took much interest in it. We've been business partners since, and something came up.] 

"Have you gotten it already?" Withal, Jonathan cleared his throat as he was in it as well. He squinted his eyes, leaning closer to her. "Let me see." 

Meanwhile, she then handed it over to him while she hinted through her fingertips the start of sudden changes in the passage, affecting several chapters later. 

A small hint in Jonathan's eyes rattled but became pristine as he sighed in relief. 

"My apologies, Arnold. I hope you don't mind if I could make use of Lady Mystique's talent and wisdom in this matter at hand."

'My goodness, here we go again…' Nathalie wanted to roll her eyes when she knew well that certain leer from his doting father, the type that would skin a person alive.

Nathalie could only hope for the best as the tension rose between the two Grand Dukes. One, they weren't on good terms, to begin with, and two, Jonathan's reputation seemed notorious.

Out of all the four Grand Dukes, two of them were on Athan's side, which was understandable.

Eerily so, both Jonathan and Athan had similar vibes, resonating with so many qualities aside from their connection and camaraderie.

While it was mysterious to Arnold, how much they could've gotten so close, Nathalie didn't let it slide past her as she beamed her face, pleading her case to make her stay.

Arnold almost backed away, covering his face from quite the shimmer from her.

He could never take away how much Jonathan helped and supported her, even though her tribulations that came along the preparations to achieve Ashtra's good graces.

But then, she couldn't deny the pang of guilt, writhing her chest ever-so-tightly when his father slumped his shoulders, and his face almost frowned. After all the heart-to-heart talk they got and coming home together safe and sound.

May not happen, after all, thus parting each other. 

Nathalie hated it—the feeling of being separated from her family— as heart-wrenching as it was, she couldn't ignore the problem that arose, and she needed to see it for herself.

[What about having Keith and Ashtra with me? Would you be at ease when they're with me?]

Keith, who took his time removing the tea set on the table, and Ashtra, who sat cozily on the chaise, lurched and glanced at her at the same time.

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