Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 176 - Antics And Shenanigans

It was almost noon, and in the private courtyard, Keith stood on one of the winter trees, overlooking the frozen lake and to the snowy sky.

He raised his hand, letting the snowflakes land on his leather-gloved palm.

With a smile, he thought it had been a while since constant blizzards dawned within the Northern Territory, more so when it came to Starbrooke Castle.

Ever since Arnold stopped what seemed an eternal snowstorm in the Grand Duchy of Blackwell, the ambiance was never the same.

Gone were the days the blinding snows reigned…

No ghastly howls...

Such noises of the north winds changed to lively chatters from far afield.

Even within the castle, while the brightness dropped by a notch, its sheer warmth could be felt, in no way he could explain it properly.

Somehow, Keith wasn't ready for the change, both within and out of the place he treated home.

After which, he jammed his hand to one of the pockets of his great fur coat, and let out a deep sigh—a white huff blew the air, almost blurring his vision—as soon as he pondered what awaited them henceforth.

This time, he had gotten away from Athan, but it still bothered him how he had a sudden change of heart. While it was evident how he changed his demeanor when it came to Mystique, it somehow resonated with him.

The deep concerns loomed in his head for a while now had yet to vanish, as he became more and more unpredictable.

Knowing how Arnold got to live for another day still brought him worries.

'I don't know now. While His Highness is one thing, My Lady's unpredictable motives were another.'

Suddenly, Ashtra's voice rang like it was a voice in his head.

"Oh, look what do we have here? If it isn't the lone tiger."

In turn, Keith snapped his head in several directions, pinpointing his location.

"Beside you…"

When he looked to his right, a sharp pain bloomed his cheek from a mere flick of his claw, making him hiss in pain.

"You blind? Look over here!" 

Keith kept a straight face despite the burning sensation that crept his cheek, but he cursed endlessly in his thoughts on the miniature on his shoulders.

'This damned lizard snake, makes me want to cut his two skinny whiskers—'

"Oh? So you dare even think of cutting my majestic barbels, eh?"

He sucked in a cold breath, gawking at him like he didn't want to believe it.

"I can read your mind, simpleton." From Ashtra's snout, he let out a frosty smoke and slightly prickled his jawline. Dread started to drip on Keith's spine the longer he gaped at him until he had a devilish grin. "How else do you think I knew you and that mysterious woman back then?"

'That can't be!' 

"I sure did. Arnold isn't safe in my hands, except that lady."

Aside from Keith, who had undergone several mental training under Mystique's wing, he also had several protective trinkets, most especially for his psyche. 

"Who do you think I am?"

None of which blocked Ashtra, even at least hindering him from entering without his consent.

A strong, intimidating individual.

His face was now bereft of life as he tucked his tail between his legs.

"Even without reading your thoughts, you sure have a baffled look." Ashtra shrugged, then crawled to the other side of his shoulder. "But it was my first time meeting you; and if you're asking who, that would be Arnold's daughter, don't you think so?"

'With due respect but, I suppose we aren't this close—'

"Now, we do. Don't bother. What's your name?"


"Good. Hers?"

Keith ended up covering his face, groaning a tad bit out of frustration. 

'Lady Mystique Violette Blackwell…'

"A lovely name," Ashtra commented, tapping on his snout with a clinking sound against his scale. "I must say, I would've never known if only Arnold hadn't pulled quite antics while thinking about her only daughter."

His words couldn't help but piqued his interest, coming from his perspective would've helped him clear the doubts clouded in his head.

'W—What do you mean?'

Ashtra groaned, "Ugh, did you know how much those knights wailed alongside those men in dark-robed begging for their lives? I had to filter them out, except for one thing..." When he smirked, he uttered words that shook his stead and cold feet.

Arnold sought help from Veronica through Sylvester to stage his sacrificial rite.

'That can't be! His Grace would never! The other claimed not—'

"You don't believe me?" Although Ashtra couldn't care less. "I'm most fond of you, Arnold, and Mystique than the rest. Beyond flabbergasted, I thought. Who would've changed this selfish man? His only daughter that I can't even read her thoughts!"

Colored him surprised for his telepathic abilities to a top-notch but also Mystique, who somehow was beyond his capabilities.

"Now he wanted to sacrifice himself—but then, I got to meet you! Commendable bravery and loyalty, then to her! Who I thought changed everything… I was impressed by what trickery she had, and I've never been entertained this much for a long time!"

A hearty guffaw came from him as he couldn't stop blabbering. Meanwhile, Keith glared at the lake, with his reflection painted a menacing countenance.

'So, it really is true then…' Keith trailed off his thoughts, peering at him. 'That Her Highness intended to sabotage My Lady even before it started.'

"More likely, she knew beforehand." Ashtra then leered behind him, nudging his neck. "Oh, I think a show's about to start."

In the distance, his ears caught the deep thuds and sharp clacks against the stone pavement, in which he hid behind the thick bark.

"You hide like a fool, I'll help you." Ashtra tapped his shoulder, and they went invisible.

Soon enough, the two of them could hear constant pleas, getting stronger than ever.

Which came from Veronica.

"Athan, you're hurting me—let me go! I said let me—go!"

"There!" Athan roared.

"What made you so angry?!"

"You! Why must you ruin all of my plans?!"

"All I asked of you was to cooperate, look what you did!"

Keith narrowed his eyes for what was about to transpire.

"Don't move." More than anything, Ashtra had a devilish smile, clasping his claws, with a snicker. "Just about time."

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