Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 158 - Believing Ones Instinct

Right now, Keith and Mystique perched atop an enormous bird called roc, with its size half of Stravwuark, the Thunderbird Monarch. Fortunately, for years, he became proficient at riding these kinds of birds—wild or not—as part of his training. 

Its feathers swished through the air

Though this time, he almost outdid himself. 

The white and gold-brown feathers swished through the air, almost on the verge of plucking them out. 

Winds went all out with its ferocity, turning to a gale as it slammed and scratched through his face, and left his eyes almost run dry and ears went abuzz from the noise. White puffs of clouds turned like smoke wafting past them.

They already took flight for quite some time, and now gripped the leash, that also around its beak, to the left, screeching in the air as it turned toward what seemed to the north.

But then Keith hesitated if he tugged it further when Mystique's arms wrapped around his torso went tighter. Such slender arms held onto his hard, large torso for as much as she could.

'I don't think we are at this bird's limit speed just yet…' He then clicked his tongue. 'We need to reach there as soon as possible—'

He already decided when his back tensed as she leaned on him, squirming ever-so-subtle, and he bit his lip for a myriad of reasons.

"S—Slow down a little!" she shrieked, nudging him from the speed.

"My Lady, however—!"

"Father! There!"

Attempting to convince her, he retorted, "Truly, so we must help His Grace!"

"Fret! Not!"

He groaned through clenched teeth, trying to control the frustration he had, and then his eyes roamed at the roc, where the eyelids went somewhat droopy, and his wings weren't as spread and flocked frequently as before—sensing how tired the bird got.

"... I'll take your word!"

He tugged slowly, and the bird slowed down by a little notch.

Her hug wasn't as firm as before. It wasn't the time to convince her, and this instance wasn't the right time to use her powers: speaking to him, let alone raising her voice at him amidst the wind.

Which, for quite some time, he got blinded again from his utmost concern with the Grand Duke of Blackwell out of anger and anxiety.

Mystique already set her sentinels to different areas up the north, and even the place where the 'Frost Wyrm' lurked included, but only at the outermost boundary of it. 

Earlier, what happened at the boudoir was a great jinx that befell her. The worst part had been an unknown force that not even she caught beforehand.

Even better than the time where she knew it was Athan, who took a sudden visit to Melbourne's manor. 

Worse, most of her familiars stationed in there got wiped out, leaving with no traces. 

Before they took off, Mystique already alarmed Nathan for Athan and the rest to move out, and head over to the 'Mountain Taiga' region alongside the preparations to start the ritual. 

The sooner the better it was, as the supposed schedule of the event had gone rather early.

Her utter disappointment of the matter at hand was too reminiscent of the time how the auction got moved earlier than the date, who he later found out it was Athan's action behind it.

Now, she was rather confident it wasn't him this time around.

'Who would even dare lay their fingers on that monster, much less that would make the invaders think twice.'

Looking down, he found they were already miles away from the Imperial Capital region, which meant they would get there in no time. 

He peered sideways, and she had yet to let go of him ever since. 

Taking this chance, he asked, "My lady! Pardon my impertinence, but I have a question!" 

She then nudged her face on his back as a response. When she did it, every part of his muscles would tense, and deep inside him would turn giddy and all, which found him restless and awkward with her actions.

"Well, you may just tap once as an affirmative, and twice if not!"

She tapped...

"Are you really sure it had to do with Her Highness, Veronica?"

She made it clear this time around, with a poke. 

Keith gulped hard, it was a serious issue—and no denying how he had strong opinions of Veronica and Athan, even the ones affiliated with them. Any nobles against Mystique were also his enemies.

Even how they all interacted with her was hurtful and shady. Initially, he had a hard time understanding it—more likely he didn't want to understand any of his ploys. But lately, as she got to know the Crown Prince, something in her slowly changed, for whatever it was then.

The same for Veronica. He witnessed them all, and how Mystique became the bigger person.

Yet it echoed in his head how her energy still grave, and as though wasn't enough to believe the crap out of it.

Out of the four of them, she was cooperative. Better than Lady Marianne, who was under her wing for a long time, leading them.

While setting his gaze affront, the skies were covered with white billows of clouds and patches of blue, often rumbling thunders and stark lightning arcs.

They were about to enter the northern territory.

"Perchance it's not here?! She was there!" He hollered at her while setting his gaze affront now meeting skies covered in white and smeared hues of blue

Mystique poked, and it took a while for her to tap for another one.

'I sense some hesitation from her…' he contemplated a moment before hinting again, "Related to her?"

Thereafter, she prodded at his back.

"Does this mean she revealed to an outsider, and enough to foil and sabotage her plan?!"

Only then she answered with affirmation again.

"But there's no way! His Highness suggested; sought for your help!"

His rebuttals left her no choice but to respond, and her mere words cut so deep in his chest.

"It's difficult to believe a villain…"

Both Mystique and Nathan had speculations, which included Veronica, keeping up with the pretense from her. 

Even so, she still proceeded with their plan and necessary precautionary measures.

'My Lady always believed in her instinct, and now took this path I never thought of, risked it, and it paid off—I suppose it wasn't the case.'

The once humid winds, now covered with frigidness, burning them with frost. Though it also affected his deadly gaze as his heart ran cold

If she was actually the one to jeopardize this ambitious mission, then he didn't mind seeking retribution for himself.

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