Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 155 - A Bountiful Harvest

One of the lowest floors within the Elverstone Stronghold found the undercroft. To Keith's surprise, though not as secluded as he thought it would be with the winds continuing to howl from the array of arching stone windows from the side. 

The space was spacious and well-illuminated with the natural lighting from the side that he noticed Dawn beside Nathan, who now stood upright, commanding several knights to transport several crates and sacks from where they needed to be placed.

To the side, several items got packed already.

'His Grace's estimated time of arrival would've been today, but the time was simply unsure of—yet My Lady was rather confident about the time right now. So it was true. Impressive...'

The response was even faster than a messenger or the recent magical tools that ever existed amongst the lands.

Although he would've believed it if it was Mystique's precognition abilities, she claimed it was more so the help of that piece of metal.

In front of him, Nathan and Dawn, both of them put on a cloak, a cream fabric smeared with dirt and dust on it, in which he pondered they had just arrived from their jaunts and journey.

Dawn muttered, scouring over the men lifting the heavy sacks in an array. "Your Grace, I still have no idea what are we going to do with these…"

"Fret not as I don't have either, but there's someone who could change these with such marvel."

He mused, "I wonder who?"

"The Lady of Blackwell."

"Is that so? If Your Grace has so much faith in Lady Mystique, then might as well go with it."

A peal of laughter escaped his lips.

'Another creation, hmm?' Keith then shuffled to the side, leaning against the wall as he observed all of them from afar. 'His Grace seems so busy. Perhaps I should wait here…' 

But a part of him had never relaxed whenever he was in an unknown area, and it didn't fail his instinct when ears twitched when a dark silhouette emerged behind him. Unsheathing his sword, he swung halfway and struck the beam with a large slice on it.

Only then realization dawned upon him: it was Dusk, who had a mischievous grin while dodging him by a hair's breadth.

"Wow! You've gotten stronger than before! That was a close call." 

"It would be off with your head next time." Keith sighed, sheathing his sword. "You even have time to fool around."

Dusk acted scared and all as he covered himself and cowered before him, mocking, "Oh, scary." 

"Stop it, Dusk." Nathan hollered, in which Dusk apologized, and went back to him only to receive a good smack in the head from Dawn.

"What was that for?!" 

Dawn snarled, choking his twin by the arm. "Crazy bastard! You have time to fool around when we're busy here!" 

However, Dusk had his face in beet-red, cheeks puffed, as he continued to tap onto his arm with the need to breathe.

"Dawn, you too."

Right away, he let go of him and bowed at Nathan. "Yes, Your Grace."

'None of them are in the right head.' Inwardly, Keith sighed as he shuffled his way close to the Grand Duke.

"Greetings to Forsberg's brightest star."

Nathan glanced up and down, humming, before he uttered again, "You seemed hesitant to come near me."

Keith replied, "More likely, I'd rather stay out of the way and I mustn't be a burden, Your Grace."

"If you insist." He shrugged, then beckoned several knights for another round of command. After which, he went back to him. "We're almost done here with the preparations, and over there are the materials that we have procured as per Mystique's request."

From the direction he pointed found stacks of herbal ingredients, of which are of high-quality and insane rarity, and almost his ears rang with a clinking rain of coins from the looks of it.

These were of the finest materials that the resources of the Grand Duchy of Forsberg could provide, and it was rather impressive how he could amass it.

Back then, Mystique had no leverage to create as much as she could, for the resources were the problem. Moreover, with the tight competition with Athan's line of production, she knew she had to take several steps ahead of him. 

She had to make it count, every asset left within her, as she couldn't afford to take the fall.

Her resolve had him swooned from her newly found determination; not for petty vengeance and malice, but to live for the best in the remaining years of her life. Meanwhile, he would do whatever in his power to support her fully.

"I shall go there and retrieve them. Many thanks, Your Grace."

"Before that, how is she doing? Is she well?"

For a while, he took a pause. Even after everything, she had kept herself busy. 

In a room adjacent to it was a special chamber dedicated to her witchcraft—mostly concocting her tonics and potions and minding her business—locked herself in the room mostly was an understatement.

In the end, Keith uttered, "Indeed."

Nathan let out a deep chuckle, deeply pleased by his responses. "That's good to hear, always busy."

Keith couldn't help but ask when they got so close, and even looking at the man in front of him, he spoke like he had known her for so long.

Though there's no time left to ponder with that as he needed to leave, no way he would linger in this stuffy, dusty place any longer.

He then went close to the piles of ingredients that Mystique needed, taking them all in the pouch-like in one gulp.

'I suppose this should be enough for today; unbelievably, she's worked hard.'

Thinking about it brought him to a bitter smile

'She's waiting for me.'

Before Keith strode away, Nathan blocked him for a moment, catching his attention, and said, "I'll go with you."

Somehow, Keith got taken aback, and queried after, "Pardon?"

Then, from rummaging behind his wolf's fur cloak, revealed the same artifact that was identical to hers.

"She told me you know about this, so I wouldn't keep it a secret." He raised his chin, almost leering down at him. "However, this is only the three of us, yes?"

Suddenly, an immense pressure weighed on his shoulders, but he remained in his stead, responding, "You have my word, Your Grace."

"Very well. To her, we shall go."

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