Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 152 - The Progress Montage

Keith and the rest were back at the Elverstone Stronghold, with the rest having to stay permanently until the specific day came. Fresh from the bath, he shuffled his way out, donning a cozy beige loosely-tied bathrobe. 

His hair was still slick and all with drews from the locks of his hair and fringes formed dews, dripping to his striking profile and down to his lean neck and chiseled torso.

Now, he was in his bed-chamber as it was early morning, and rather cloudy weather, but ample light still graced the room enough for him to work near the wardrobe—wiping off the sword with a clean cloth. 

A lot happened during the harsh time they put effort into it; he lost count how many times they stumbled, tripped, and fell as their voice cracked, but they still did it with grace.

When he got to learn it was a way to determine the favor of 'Frost Wyrm' for the matter, it paled him, and shuddered thinking about it.

'This is madness…' He stopped wiping to sigh, before going back to it. 'Not doing a performance in front of a mighty creature.'

To him, such a method was completely unheard of: it might've been better to tame it through subjugation. Although he knew it was impossible as it was the strongest creature in the Northern Territory. 

So hard to imagine bearing the consequences, the safest option was forming a truce with Arnold, and since then the Grand Duchy of Blackwell set forth to impenetrable and almost isolated land.

Meanwhile, he thought about how the days have gone by so fast, rather, and not one day passed that they lost their motivation and strive for greater effort for the performance they had to do.

More than a week had passed, and they had kept on coming back to that place—at first, it wasn't much of a problem, until they had to visit numerous times and he noticed the dangers that veiled behind it. 

From high altitudes brought sheer cold; neither frigid winds blew or brushed past them every now and then, but it could compete from snowy taigas and mountain peaks from the 'Northern Territory' at this point. 

His body already adjusted to the kind of weather that he paid no mind to, until he noticed the discomfort from the rest of the ladies—especially the two new recruits of a particular performance they would take. 

Yet he heeded no mind as it wasn't his main concern, for the difficulty of breathing was apparent. Him standing to the side as he looked after them was troublesome, he wouldn't rather imagine how the rest of them had to go through.

Mystique's pattern of teaching them bore great resemblance from the Blackwell Household. 

She was born as a dictator when it came to their time to practice, but none of them complained. 

A sense of pride swelled in his heart, thinking about how she incorporated the kind of teaching in different aspects. 

It was no different from the knight's training he had, at some point, so he understood it pretty well. For he was also who had a title as a commander, taking in charge of the ones—from squires to knights—under his tutelage.

The outfits aforementioned already had drafts, and now sent with the best tailors working under Nathan, of which he knew not as much as he would've liked it to be; withal, he creased his head, trying to remember what were those.

Despite it, his less knowledge when in terms of these arts the noblewomen preferred gotten his understanding fell short; as much as he would've been happy to oblige to make himself a good use for her, perhaps incurring her anger was rather likely to happen.

Not only they had to wear a certain clothing style common to the four of them, also to perform a specific routine of dancing and singing at the same time.

'Does it really need such preparation like that?' Thinking about it made him stop for a while as he scratched his chin, 'Those were quite a lot, now that I think about it.'

To his amazement, Marianne and Veronica fared well compared the two, and Mystique was rather strict—just like what he knew, the way she instructed with glaring eyes, and numerous gestures he could count.

'The future of Blackwell sure has brighter days ahead from now on.' 

After he sheathed the sword, he opened the wardrobe. With his body all dried up, he took off the robe and flung to the side, revealing his bare naked body. There, he grabbed heavy brace and greaves along with leather trousers and cotton tunic. Putting on didn't take him that long with a few buttons clinking to fasten up.

Tugging his cuffs and collar, he moved out of the room while he raked his tad slick hair to the back. 

Keith had been in this place for almost several weeks, and ever since he got a little bit comfortable with the place he had to stay, he almost memorized the general layout of the castle. 

'Oh, how time flies so fast…' He huffed his breath in marvel and awe, looking around the place of what seemed very intricate and rich culture that was built between the crevices and cracks on every stone pavement and ceramic walls by the patio. 

Back then, he had a hard time sleeping for a variety of reasons, one of which bore deep concern for Mystique. Almost every few minutes he would snap out of the bed, lest several assassins would visit his way, but there was none.

Every morning, he would always visit her to tend to her needs. Now that he had personal servants, as per Nathan's orders, he still insisted on taking part of this duty from the start.

For what it seemed forever, sauntering on the hallway, he halted when Athan stood in front of the door of Mystique's bed-chamber.

'Why is His Highness here?' Then, his presence wasn't known. Yet after several steps he snapped out of it, gesturing upright for a bow, saying, "Greetings—"

Athan let out a silent hush; after which, he creased his eyebrows into one with ears leaning on the door.


His actions immediately boiled his blood to a rage, growling low, "You—!" 

But he didn't expect moving close would his ears perked to an alert when an ensemble of unknown instruments played in such harmony with a beautiful voice that came with it.

'Huh? What's going on?'

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