Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 142 - Amidst Deep Contemplation

Keith's tail went upright, twitching, which had Dusk touch it out of curiosity, and the former hissed with glinting fangs aimed the latter's way.

"Oh, right, I do apologize…" Dusk scratched his nape.

Nathan let out a chuckle from peering a little sideways. "Must be the wrong timing to poke the tiger, eh?"


You're looking for a problem." While Dawn smacked Dusk's head from acting like a fool, he huffed out. "I'm not healing you."

"That hurt!" A snarl came out of his lips. "Not that I needed it. No way I can't handle pain, I love it—"

"Silence, both of you." Nathan clapped his hand, shaking his head, taking his time to navigate through the dark, starry night.

For a long time, Keith had been so meticulous that he was so wary of any of her rather unusual movements. While he had heard about what happened to the Crown Prince, Athan, he couldn't care more about it. Moreover, some people proclaimed it to be a miracle, and in no way Mystique would've received the same grace.

'But now it's different, it's about her, perhaps…' Foremost, he trailed off from his train of thoughts.

If ever she did, then there was no telling if it came for better or for worse; to him, the idea crossing his mind would've been no different from the person he once knew was considered dead.

'Miss Quinn… Miss… Quinn… A title and a…'

It was rather an odd name—Miss Quinn—a variety of thoughts came to his mind: a persona, an alter ego, or possibly in the guise of someone else. The latter terrified him the most.

Yet it did, after all the doubts grew bigger together with several hunches that became a sign that she was unusual, it feared him for the rest of his life.

'I really don't want to lose My Lady, I would—' Somehow, his throat ran dry, more arid than his squinted eyes.

The feeling of abandonment, at any point in time, would come without any fair warning.

For one of those pillars of strengths, he leaned on the most would've vanished, and the worst part would be crawling back to the hellish place he once lived.

To Keith, as much as he wanted to get the word of truth out of Nathan, he couldn't help but contemplate in mid-flight, for all the things made, trying to outweigh both sides.

Lady Mystique of Blackwell still had the rather aloof side of her, perhaps only a tad less when it came to him and even her father, the Grand Duke of Blackwell himself, Arnold Heinrich Blackwell. Most of the time, she was being too appreciative without the need to force herself or even pretend like one.

Arnold was one of the shrewdest, most astute men he ever looked up to, even when he became silly in front of Mystique, and he would've caught on to her ruse right from the start.

Recalling how it made Arnold soft had him thought perhaps it was of unconditional love for her daughter, which he never had, and the cruel past of losing so much of his offspring, which he also foreign about it.

Not at one point, he got so angry about her even after giving him the utmost support he didn't think that he deserved for all these years.

Still, she showed nothing to him but kindness and utter care: even to this year's monthly entanglement with her had a tinge of care.

Though, as much as he hated to admit it, a sense of deep connection and daring he thought of… Love came by ever-so-closely.

'But… Do I? I'm only a personal knight… I've made my oath, and swear loyalty to her…' From the back of his headache, it spread all throughout as he went on it back and forth. 

Helpless, he only clenched his fist.

Thinking about how Nathan prodded on his chest, again and again, got his mind into a train wreck.

The worst part of it all, was three days from now would've been the activation of her curse, and he burned the bridge that they both put a lot of effort into to meet halfway. 

Arnold, as per his words, he was the only one he could give this task, and nobody else could've taken the role—for he was the only one she could depend on—now vanished, he wanted to slam his head on the ground until he got knocked out, unconscious. Then do it all again.

Unbeknownst to Keith, he ended up making a couple of thuds onto Nathan's back.

"What? Don't tell me you're feeling guilty now?"

Both of his eyes and mouth went agape, never mind how dry he got when his queries raked his ears. 

So many words he wanted to say, but then again, he neither could speak nor defend himself.


His tone dropped to a whisper, and it was just winds howling at him as if to ridicule him even further, and just ended up gritting his teeth for the rest of the time.

"Oh well, hush now… We're almost there." Nathan patted Strav, and then they swooped down at incredible speed, and even when he got all tied up, he still braced for the crazy flight they were in.

'What the hell is this?!'

It was getting faster, and all that he could stare at was how the ground became so enlarged, almost kissing it, and he was to the point of passing out when the thunderbird took a break after having that full throttle. 

Beating a couple of his wings, he then took graceful land—no gale pushed out of the way and to the abodes nearby, which was strange for how stark and attractive the creature was at the moment.

After all that, all of them laughed, except him, having to grumble deep into his thoughts.

'These dauntless daredevils…'

One after another, they unmounted themselves and followed Nathan's trail.

After several minutes, they shuffled ever-so-silently, to one of the humble abodes, and then came to a stop.

Keith furrowed his eyebrows at what seemed to be the final destination they were in. However, his ears perked up, when a voice caught his ears.

A moan at that.

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