'How did His Highness—'

Keith groaned from time to time with pain and numbness that coursed through his body simultaneously. 

He was no different from a cripple. Most of his bones crushed to smithereens while his vital organs went into a rupture, now making him cough more than a mouthful of blood.

A little more, and he was steps away, knocking on death's doors.

His eyes now shut, and out of helplessness, he pondered how Athan became stronger by a hundred folds.

A pang of sudden guilt wallowed him when he remembered how Mystique helped him overcome his limits, even defending her against the supposed archnemesis.

But things went to reverse so quickly, yet he immediately regretted his decision how he took it too far.

'I deserved it.'

Even now, Nathan clicked his tongue and let out a roar, "Help him!"

"Yes!" Dusk and Dawn hollered in unison, dashing towards Keith.

A cool sensation spread out his body from Dawn's touch and almost gave in with the revitalization, brimming him with vim and vigor. The once numbness in his body made him tensed up his limbs once more; even a twitch of his finger wasn't too far-fetched after what happened to him.

It was like a second wind: his sight became a lot clearer; his loud and long gasp was similar to rising from the depths of waters, and his heart went to a calmer rhythm.

Meanwhile, this also had Dawn roar out from the sharp sensations that almost overwhelmed his body, which then Dusk made a decisive move to share it as much as he could.

It took quite a while for the two of them to stabilize, and both ended up gasping more air than they ever could. With their drenched face out of sweat, trickling on the floor, Nathan shuffled close with towels in his hand.

"Thank you, Your Grace—" They halted and stared at Nathan, who brushed past them after giving the towel and now lifted Keith through a tight grip on his collar. His lime eyes glinted with ruthlessness as though he didn't mind beating him to crap once again.

"Perhaps you have a lot to clear things up."

Keith only nodded in response, trying to squirm as he wanted to pull away from his clutches, but he was rather strong and hard to fight back.

Meanwhile, Nathan scoffed and threw him onto the bed with ease. Upon landing on the warm, cozy quilt, out of instinct—with both palms and legs propped to it—he moved back when the former started to remove his ascot necktie, unbuttoning his collar with a sinister gaze.

To him, his silhouette that was against the light made it look like he was some demon's spawn, haunting him as of the moment and being the one to bring an eternal nightmare to him. 

A sudden flashback of several memories he didn't want to remember, and he once thought to be forgotten, came back like waves of tides crashing him.

'No! This can't be! Not this—'

Soon, he snapped out of his trance, for a cruel scene so familiar would occur to him again.

"If you don't tell me, you might end up regretting…"

"No! Stop! Please, have mercy!"

Every word Nathan uttered was too heavy, and it made Keith like he was caged into a small space, a tad harder to breathe.

His tail cowered between his legs, and the dilated pupils trembled alongside his body the more the man in front of him slowly sealed off the gaps while he was all unbuttoned.

"No! Don't come closer! No!" Keith tore the quilt with his claws, hurling it towards him, and when there was nothing to throw, he ended up covering himself with great shudders.



A sudden clink from his belt crisped the air, and he had gotten to the point of seizures.


"I—failed her!"

Nathan stopped his advances; out of frustration, he groaned and moved out of the bed while he ruffled his disheveled hair. He then checked out his pocket watch, putting a timer to it, and placed it back in his pocket.

"I know you messed it up big time; I don't have much time left, so if you tell me—"

"If only you hadn't made me doubt, then things would turn out differently—" Keith stopped upon choking himself, which had a few more words left unspoken, realizing he talked out of turn.

"Doubt? For what, that is?"

All of his fears, in the meantime, fueled such anger, bursting out as he bared his fangs at him, growling so openly. He found the courage to do so when it was all a ruse to threaten him.

"So, you were right all along! She wasn't Mystique anymore—!"

"I never said she wasn't." Nathan squinted. "I suppose you aren't much of a fool not to think it wouldn't have been the first day for the rest of her life."

The emerald eyes of Keith shrank when he realized his play of words back then. He zoned out when he tried to recall, but he still went at it.

"I heard you spouted words along with 'Miss Quinn' who was she even?!"

"An eavesdropper," he retorted with a smug smirk. "Does it matter?"


When Keith breathed, he was in disbelief that the Grand Duke of Forsberg could care less about it.

"After all what she has done ever since, does it matter?"

Keith got himself to think about what she did, and as much as he didn't want to lie, it felt so good to be able to hear such praises and the time he spent with her through night and day. None of which became rather fake or put up an act. 

Mystique had this side that he couldn't help but embrace.

Though he snapped out of it when Nathan mocked him after all of the good memories outweighed his conclusions.

"Your loyalty seemed murky." Nathan turned around, started to button himself, and donned his cape as he beckoned the twins to follow him closely.

"Where are you going?!" Keith blurted out, somehow confused about the situation.

"To Mystique, and you're coming with me!"

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