Nathalie's eyes widened when she noticed the sudden movement of Strav, just shifting its body a tad bit to her side.

'Oh no, I'll get squished by this.' 

She shut her eyes and hoped for the best, but what he did took her by surprise.

Meanwhile, Strav craned down, meeting her face, and such up close she was mind blown with its polished beak and bejeweled blue eyes.

"Give it a pat."

With a curt nod, she reached her fingertips slowly, grazing a tad bit on its beautiful feather headdress. The color in it gleamed the moment she stroked before it dimmed back.

"Keep on doing it; he likes it."

While at it, she sent a message to him on her other hand. [I know that much, thank you.]

Thunderbirds were rather aloof towards other species, let alone the one that led the tribe. 

What she did know, Strav suffered from a major setback—fighting for the territory, and ended up with a pyrrhic victory—and in the timeline of the sequel, Mystique extended an olive branch to him, and it changed their dynamics forever.

For that, the same happened towards Jonathan, became forthcoming, so it was understandable in his case.

But not for her.

It was still fresh in her mind, right off the bat, how she got treated with so much hostility from the 'Twilight Twins' as much as she wanted to take them to her side. Right now, somewhere deep inside, her heart fluttered, and her body couldn't stop feeling over the kind of warmth she had, making her all giddy.

From its hood had a heartwarming brilliance, and now did its tail, resonating well from each other, and she couldn't help but be proud of herself.

Both Dusk and Dawn couldn't believe in their eyes, and the former pointed, convulsing, at them.

"No—that—unbelievable! Your Grace! This can't be happening!" Dusk was beyond shock. 

Dawn, at the same time, was petrified in his stead.

Jonathan chuckled as he took a glimpse of their reaction, then looked at Nathalie once more; only then he beamed a smile.

Even she couldn't agree more. 'Was it because I have this whistle? Or, was it because I'm amicable and near his side?'

"I know you have such thoughts of this, but…" he trailed off his voice, hunching his shoulders a bit. "That shall now be one trivial matter, right?"

After which, she stopped and replied, [Of course. So, you mean I could take a ride with this?]

"If this shall make your life easier by arriving there early in the evening quick and easy, I suppose it's not a problem." 

[For our deal, huh?] She then peered at the car, thinking about what additional tasks she had to do from now on.

"Verily so."

[If that pleases you, then so be it.]

"Wonderful," Jonathan turned around, making his cape swish through the air, and beckoned the twins to his side. "I suppose it's time for you to go back to your chamber. Strav."

[A what—]

Out of the blue, Nathalie felt her body become so light as she got swept off the ground, and it was already his beak that hoisted her to his head.

Nathalie clutched her phone so tight to her chest and ended up with crooked penmanship in the air. [What about you?]

In the meantime, Jonathan gestured his hand close to his ear, ringing in subtlety.

But before she could fire back at him, Strav already beat his wings and took off like a rocket. Almost in that instance, she felt her innards and soul bore detached—as the wave of nausea attacked her from the sudden flight.

While up in midair, she remembered how to communicate with him: just from ripping the page of her grimoire, it then transformed to particles of light while she tapped it on his head.

All of a sudden, a voice—subtle deep, and close to the baritone range—rang inside her head, which made her blink a few times.

"You're really an intelligent individual, as what master claimed to be, I'm impressed."

'Well, thank you for that.'

"To your chamber, we go, that is?"


"Then, hold on tight."

Strav beat his wings once more, and she gripped hard onto one of his long feather fringes before he took off again. 

Her eyes almost dried out—blurry images and smears of colors—turning everything to streaks of light, and the next thing she knew, it was the balcony of what was from her chamber.

In just a few moments, Strav let her slide through his left-wing to the balcony to drop her off safe and sound.

'Once you're done, don't forget to use that one.' His blue eyes marked the one she had in her palm, which made her nod accordingly.

[I will.]

When she turned her back, he flew back down to where they were while she went inside her chamber.

Inside, the room filled with beautiful and luxurious furniture and designs that spoke the rich history and culture of Forsberg found there, and she had yet to touch them, no matter how curious she got. Though with every glamour and sophisticated detail around, it was rather quiet.

Not that she wasn't used to silence, but it wasn't serene.

Along the carpeted floor, she strutted towards one of the wardrobes.

But she almost flinched out when she noticed a familiar silhouette without peering to the side. Before she could even turn around to have a good look, she found her wrists restrained behind her and her feet bound with a sheet of ice. 

It was a familiar body, a familiar heat, and a familiar stature, yet the heart of hers that skipped a beat turned into palpitations as soon as her mind got riled up from the confusion that befell her.

"Keith, w—what's wrong?"

Nathalie wanted to ask, and she had to use her voice; because it was confusing to her. 

Yet her eyes widened when her throat felt the dagger prodding to her neck, and from the glinting tip, already pierced, leaking a drop of blood.

"Who are you?"

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