Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 114 - The Plight Solved

Dusk and Dawn entered with a grave countenance, and then they furrowed their eyebrows as soon as Nathalie and Jonathan stood close without any hostility from one another.

He gave a dismissive wave of his hand, saying, "No, don't worry about her. We had a deal."

But before they could even reply, Nathalie rushed to them, held both of their hands, gripping tight.

"Where is he?" she let out a breathy sound, and they flinched from her voice; both of them became too unsure as they glanced at one another.

"We shall go over there." Jonathan took the lead and shuffled his way out, and when he went close to her, he peered at her. "You're coming with me."

With that, she raised the hem of her dress with both hands, brisking close to him. Meanwhile, the twins scratched their heads before they went after them.

In her heart thumped aloud and went on against her chest as her head echoed within the need for help, her clacks went fast and sharp as she became restless in her part. 

On the other hand, Jonathan grabbed her hand and ran as fast as they could towards the hallway.

After several minutes, they reached the large and polished two-way door. His hand pushed, and it was a large chamber, no different from what she stayed in earlier.

Although, the frigid winds brush past her face.

The difference was the cluttered furniture and torn beams with many debris found on the floor. In addition, the sheen, elaborate aesthetics on the walls and ceilings got covered with a thick sheet of ice and a couple of snow mounds on the floor.

A room trampled by a storm.

Several feet away from the entrance was a large bed with a few physicians that tended Keith.

"Greetings to the Forsberg's brightest star!" They chorused with a curt bow.

But the atmosphere shifted stifling and heavy.

"Why is she here? Isn't she a malicious witch?"

"There's no way His Grace would bring such an unruly and cunning lady."

"I suppose His Grace got bewitched by her charms just as well—?"

"Shh! Don't say such awful things in front of…"

Their gossips went louder and blatant; she had to disregard them; their insults didn't matter when her gaze landed upon the man she meant the most.

She didn't mind them as her heart wrenched in deep pain, watching how all of his wrists and ankles were now encased with ironclad shackles. Then, out of her reflexes, she trudged close to him while her eyes went aglow as she scanned him from head to toe.

All of them were wary, almost borderline hostile with their glowing gaze and protruding fangs. 

Their snarls became a cacophony of dissent, but she was fearless; moreover, Jonathan raised his hand for them to stop, which threw them into confusion. 

Even so, the physicians gave way the moment she got close to him.

Keith, meanwhile, had yet to make his muscles stay rock still when he was all tensed up, shaking and wanting to break free from the clutches. Aside from the blood smears that remained on his topless body, glistening in sweat, he had fresh cuts no more. His trouser was ripped, albeit above the knees, and also healed from their works.

Amidst his roars, which terrified most of them, she still tried to reach out to him, almost having bitten her from his reckless actions. Even at the edge of the bed, she sat; she had to dodge and be vigilant enough.

Nathalie bit her lip, 'There must be something...'

Soon as the Grand Duke got close, the man in a grandiose robe, of many layers, with a great headpiece perched atop bowed, and muttered, "Sire, he's healed for the most part, but we couldn't get close with his rampaging tendencies—He's a strong individual."

Another man stepped forth with a curtsy. "If this goes on, then we might not be able to save this man over here, Sire."

"We have to seal his overwhelming power to tend him further, but even this was impossible to tend to him."

Only a squint of Jonathan's eyes reacted as he stole a glance at Nathalie before uttering, "Dusk and Dawn—"

After which, she retrieved her grimoire and tore a single page from it. Then, with a short inscription, she mouthed the cue. 

The page gleamed bright and anew, shredding into particles of light as the essence plunged deep to his chest.

From there, a swirl of chaotic energy swelled inside of him. Which, she realized right off the bat.

At first glance, the kind of invisible energy but also came off so deadly; it was one of their powers bestowed for only the two of them. 

Nathalie scribbled midair for Jonathan to read. 

[So the twins did it?]

All of them had their eyes and mouth agape, then glanced at each other. Even the twins were no exception with their werewolf ears perked up from her claims, so much they wanted to oppose, but the Grand Duke himself stopped their advances.

"That's true." Another round of astonishment came to them, which had their faces ashen white and went disarray. But throughout the whole time, Jonathan was calm and continued, "I shall call for the remedy—"

Nathalie raised her palm.

[Don't worry, I can do it.] 

With her taking a deep breath, she muttered, "Keith, calm down." 

Her sultry voice echoed the room and almost struck them hard enough to stun at their stead, watching her wide-eyed. Most importantly, Keith went still and torso glued to the bed, but even the dark sunken eyes and the gnashing teeth remained in his head, sweating in profusion.

She had the confidence, for she was the author, and got the gist of their powers and reversing it was never much of an obstacle for her.

In her book, she scribbled and ended with a word chant, casting a gleaming effect that surged in his body.

Little by little, the chaotic energy that resided him dissipated. His tensed muscles with popping veins streaking like river channels relaxed, and his chest—rose and fell rather quickly—now calm rhythm.

Her feat caused an uproar between the onlookers, even the Twilight Twins, who had their jaws dropped from what she did. 

No one has ever done that.

Until she came and did it.

When Keith had a hoarse sound along with his ragged breathing, she caressed his head, whispering, "It's alright now."

When things settled down, Jonathan leaned close to her. "Lady Mystique, I—"

However, he got cut off when she turned around with a pitiful smile, eyes glistening.

"May I have a moment with him?"

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