Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 107 - Another Milestone Reached

The room brimmed with utter silence, enough to hear Nathalie's heart thumped against her chest. Nibbling her lower lip, she kept on waiting for the scan to finish.

Meanwhile, Keith got curious when she was on her knees, curbing close to it.

Alas, after a few moments, a sudden clink sounded in their ears, and she squealed with a pump of her fists in the air.

'The time has come.' Nathalie glanced at her smartphone and clutched it to her chest.

It was a milestone for her as all hope wasn't lost.

"Work, bitch," she muttered, rubbing her hands so fast with giggles ringing across the room.

"...My Lady?"

His queries got her flinching, and then looked in his direction, only to take a close look at his eyes carved with a myriad of emotions.

'T—Too close! How can he be so innocent and act without any malice?!' 

Nathalie had been trying to put a distance, from time to time, with this loyal man beside her. Words that she wrote in her story didn't give too much justice to how suave and attractive the man he had become.

With her pupils dilating as she glanced at his lips—sensual and plump, she closed her eyes in an instant. 

[Well, as you can see.] She took a pause, roaming her gaze back to the suitcase. [I somehow managed to open this.]

Keith may have no idea what happened to her, but he was in such a surprise, no different from her when it opened, like there was no problem at all.

"The mysterious box had become unsealed no more! This must be a great blessing for your powers never fail to overcome the expectations, my Lady!"

On the other hand, Nathalie forced a smile as she let out a giggle from his praises.

[While we're at it, prepare the carriage for our return to the inn. This is a bountiful harvest.]

"Without delay." Keith made a bow and turned around. Only his draping, low ponytail hair and his cape cascaded laid before her eyes; he stood tall and as cheesy as it sounded, she didn't have this kind of fluttery, secure feeling compared to the time she was with Tyler.

It knocked her in the head with the realization how they weren't on the same page. 

Although that wasn't the case at the moment, when Keith shuffled out of the room, 

as she checked on them, one after another.

All of the notes and items she had during her university years packed. About four luggage and suitcases contained them. 

'I'm gagged…' All she had was goosebumps that assaulted every inch of his skin—nostalgia almost overwhelmed her when the memories flashed her afore. Her hands, out of instinct, rummaged on the stacks of paperwork: theses, sample blueprints, and even the legal documents were there, and it wasn't the perfect place to dig deeper into it. 

She was living all her life as Mystique Violette Blackwell, and no one would find out that she was an outsider. Not even Athan, only a predicament awaited her if the secret came out to light.

Every reader, including her, had the fantasy of dwelling in another world with the knowledge they brought, but she could learn so much. 

Time was ticking, and she couldn't let history take place with scientists having to conduct trial and errors for eons.

Nathalie hit the jackpot.

Coming from another world, she wasn't as omniscient as she thought, with even the story patched up to make a logical event take place and come off naturally, let alone knowing the principles and laws that governed the universe. 

Athan, meanwhile, also disrupted the timeline, but not that noticeable in the grand scheme of the timeline.

The only thing she could trust was all of her belongings from the original world she lived in. 

'These items have to be kept in a safe place.' Her legs had yet to numb as she squatted, but this time around got worse, akin to a muscle cramp. 

Swiftly enough, she returned them and latched them tight before they got thrown the dimensional pocket she had—a tad stretch from it swallowed the nearby bags like a vacuum, shredding to particles of light as it entered.

Before the golden sun reached the dusk, almost half of it had opened, and there were make-up kits, superb gadgets, and more collections of branded clothes. In her indigo eyes gleamed how this was the gift she had for her mother, Julia Nicole Quinn, on new year's eve.

For how many years since she left home to study in a prestigious school, fighting until the end with tooth and nail, she returned home, only to experience the disaster that awaited her.

To the left had her gaze slide, and it was full of gifts for her Dad.

Not a day had passed she didn't miss her family, in the phone she had was several low-quality pictures of them. 

Even with all the glamour and fame she got, she had never gotten a chance to take a family picture since.

'Transmigration isn't cute at all. I'm here betting my life safe and sound and finding my way home!' At that moment, she forgot to breathe for a few seconds as she wondered, 'I miss them. I miss them so much.'

Shaking her head gave a kick in her head that the game was on. With these otherworldly assets up in her sleeves, she would use all of them wisely.

Officially, her plans towards an innovative future had now taken full effect.

Time flew so fast that it was slowly getting dark; shades of violet and magenta dominated the once crimson, tangerine sky despite the bustling chatter in the streets.

She arched her neck towards the window, and the dusk already entered the sky, free and unbridled.

'Where's Keith? Why hasn't he returned yet?!' She bit her lower lip, fidgeting.

The last bag was a dark leather portmanteau bag: big and compact. Her hand reached for the handle, and she gritted her teeth, trying to lift it, even for an inch off the ground. 

'The hell is this? Did I put something in here? I'm sure this is mine—'

Nathalie had her arms trembling from the panic attacks.

Upon closer look, a small drone, about the size of a stone pellet, attached to it.

Now, it had flickering lights…

'Oh no…'

"Too late; what are you going to do now, witch?"

She turned left, horror-struck, and greeted a concussion that a glimpse of light got her slipping to the darkness.

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