Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 103 - Leaving Fiasco Unscathed

On one of the couches on a separate lounge, the private chamber was accommodated for Nathalie and Keith. She sat upright with her hand on the lap while the other had a cup of tea for her to sip.

While Keith was near the window, crossed arms, overlooking the bustling streets with people and carriages in it. 

His gaze landed at her.

"Your Grace…" 

[Speak as you will.]

"I never thought that you're able to eat such delicacies of the seas." She pulled her lips away from the rim of the teacup and smirked before she scribbled the words. [Did it color you surprised?]

"Truthfully so." Keith then shifted his position as it was a perfect time to think as he leaned his head by the window frame while growling low and near inaudible, "I was beyond nervous how far you would have to go while we venture deep to their ruse."

[I just don't eat crustaceans, that's all.]

"...I see…" 

[I sense some hesitation in your tone; perhaps you don't believe me?]

"Pardon me for my insolence, but—"

[That's fine. I know my body.]

A similar incident happened to Mystique, and it wasn't only allergies that attacked her; she would've had a sudden onset of vertigo that would last more than a day. It pained Arnold that she had such an unknown disease, and ever since then, she was prohibited from eating such a dish while the news spread worse than an epidemic outbreak.

Yet, the one who started that all was none other than Athan himself. But that was because he knew several weak points of Mystique. 

But Nathalie was different, she had elaborated the character profile of Mystique, and it just so happened that she used it to malign Mystique's objectives and goals. Though, regrettably, the karma bit her so bad now that she had to live this way.

It was a bitter pill to swallow; even though she craved seafood, such as shellfish, perhaps it would've been impossible.

She remembered a medicinal supply in one of her luggage—but the anti-allergies might not be that effective to counteract the severity Mystique had in this world, which she might actually plan to experiment with herself.

[I learned that there were several dishes that I'm not fond of, so I stayed away from them.]

"I suppose His Grand Ducal Highness would love to hear the good news, Your Grace."

Nathalie hummed, agreeing to his every word before she placed the cup on the table in front of her. [Have you seen their faces? I caught them off guard.]

Meanwhile, Keith's eyes glimmered in reverence from how she put up an act with him. To show that she wasn't bothered by how they prepared everything at her disadvantage was beyond satisfaction.

Time and time again, she was able to rise and make a comeback.

"They were all jealous, even to the point of gossiping about the stunning dress of yours." 

She hummed again, sipping on the green tea with a pint of honey in it and had her paying no mind with how the rest of them glanced at her stark, sparkly dress from the beginning of the reveal—from her slender arms and cleavage seen—no one saw it coming.

She caused silent mayhem when most noble men gazed upon her; their partners would fume and throw a fit, which was never her concern.

Most of the women had puffy shapes and big silhouettes, which was a lot harder to move, and she had a classy dress no one else thought would have existed.

'Let's see how they will be able to achieve it with the current technology if they try to imitate my dress.' 

The moment of setting the trend has come to her side.

In contrast to Veronica, where she wore a beautiful gown but her skin covered with puffy sleeves and a bell-shaped skirt, Nathalie was rather stunning and fearless.

"It seemed that His Highness would come any time soon." 

Nathalie took a deep breath as her arm brushed a frigid breeze, oddly enough to know from the direction of a window in this blazing afternoon.

[That's enough, Keith. We must prepare necessary arrangements and welcome him nonetheless.] With her cue, he stopped and averted his gaze away. 

"I shall get to it."

The meeting ended earlier than she thought, and she finally got the chance to take a rest.

Though she couldn't as one thing bugged her mind.

For the Grand Duke of Forsberg didn't mince his words that it was only to showcase his prowess of profound assets and the Crown Prince's immense wealth. 

The event was rigged in the first place. 

Nathan was too blunt to make her stay out of it, confiscating the luggage that she fought tooth and nail in the auction earlier. A great pang in her heart bloomed as she couldn't let go of her gaze with him passing it to Athan the right to own them all.

But at this point, no one would believe her, if ever she planned to, as it would've been more of a scheme from her again. The worst possible outcome if they would frame her, which they threatened.

It was much of a surprise that Athan showed leniency to give face and respect for Arnold, who was also a Grand Duke. There was no point if the Grand Duchies were up against each other.

Nathalie might've come out unscathed, but it wasn't enough.

In her hands grabbed the 'Hymnic Conch' and she couldn't help but think after she had to watch the torture—whole ceremony of passing all of her supposedly belongings to her arch-nemesis—Athan wanted to have a word of her.

Unbeknownst to her, Keith came back with another set of tea.

She snapped out of her train of thoughts when the door opened without any prior notice. From the bright light cast a shadow of the tall, gallant figure with draping cape and all, she still knew it was Atahn with few of the Imperial Guards with him.

Withal, she stood up and gestured a bow while greeting him.

Athan raised his hand. "You may all leave us in this room. I would like to have a word with her."

Both Nathalie and Keith looked at each other, but she had to assure him with a smile. With that, he left them alone with the door sealed shut.

"To what do I owe the pleasure—" Then, a parchment flew her way, which she had to catch mid-air. "How rude I must say…."

But her eyes gaped the moment she saw the word.


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