Villain: Memory Exposure, The Heroine Cried For Me

Chapter 83 Sitting On The Tao, Desire

The Buddha looked very seriously.

He believes that everything in the heavens and the world, Buddhism has already made up his mind.

But everything about Ye Changge was something he couldn't understand.

Ye Changge's whole person is like a fog.

There is no way to deduce Ye Changge's future destiny, and it is impossible to calculate what Ye Changge might do next.

The same goes for those related to Ye Changge, who are all sheltered by him.

Because of this, when all the rulers of the heavens and the world were suppressing Ye Changge together, Buddhism did not participate in the first time.

Because the Tathagata is uncertain whether Ye Changge will be successfully suppressed.

So I don't want to be this early bird.

But after Ye Changge was successfully suppressed, Tathagata was pleasantly surprised to discover that the fate of the people around Ye Changge could already be viewed on the Buddhist Karma Stone!

Although it was very vague, when Ye Changge was there, the Karma Stone couldn't see the slightest bit of information.

This is enough to show that the ancient formation has worked on Ye Changge!

That's why he resolutely brought the eighty-one masters of Buddhism and came here to suppress Ye Changge.

This is the only chance for Flemish.

Ye Changge must not be allowed to escape from the formation.


Even the Heavenly Venerate of Buddhism is not sure that he can deal with the pervert Ye Changge.


"I hope your arrangement with the Devil Emperor will not ruin the good things of my Buddhism..."

Buddha's heart is full of ammunition.

He had to be careful about things related to Ye Changge.

over nine days.

Tiandao looked at the Tathagata below and couldn't help but sneer.

"Buddhist ah Buddhamen..."

"Why are you so confident..."

"I've been worried that Ye Changge will ruin your plans, but he doesn't even bother to look at you."

"The layout is too small, too small."

Tian Dao shook his head and sat on the soft sofa that had been transformed, with a pair of long white and tender legs lightly placed on the coffee table beside him.

Everyone in the heavens and the world sees Ye Changge as a beast.

As everyone knows.

Ye Changge's eyes have long been not limited to this world.

The memory is being exposed at this time.

Ye Changge and Yun Zun sat at the stone table chatting and drinking.

Yun Zun looked at Ye Changge, his voice full of emotion.

"Young and promising. From the root of your bones, you are not yet 30 years old, but with your strength, even I can't see it through."

Ye Changge smiled.

"What can't be seen through, the simple Taiyi True Immortal cannot be compared with your Dominion Realm."

"Hehe, you Taiyi Zhenxian is not ordinary."

Yun Zun shook his head helplessly. This fine wine, which has been treasured for thousands of years, is full of bitterness in his mouth.

He practiced hard for tens of thousands of years before he was able to become master and take charge of the ethereal world.

But Ye Changge is better, but at the age of thirty he is already a true immortal Taiyi, and more importantly, he is only a true immortal of Taiyi.

This strength can already crush most dominators.

Who is this to reason with!

People are really different.

"Everyone is ordinary, but the division of labor is different." Ye Changge poured a small wine and showed a faint smile.

The voice is full of sincerity, without a trace of falsification.

He never felt like he was any special person.

He has always only regarded himself as an ordinary ordinary person.

Yun Zun looked at Ye Changge with a smile on his face.

He could naturally see that Ye Changge wasn't lying.

Yun Zun couldn't help but said with emotion:

"Humanity is the most wonderful thing in this world."

"He can turn a primitive boy into a mercenary and ruthless villain."

"It can also make a young man full of justice in his heart, step by step, into a big devil who does all evil."

"The biggest reason for this is inflation and greed."

"In the mortal world, after ordinary people get a lot of money, their temperament will change greatly."

"In the world of cultivating immortals, after immortal cultivators gain powerful strength, they will be defiant, arrogant, and even do evil."

"This is all inflation, which magnifies the negative emotions in their hearts and changes their character."

"But you don't seem to have any negative emotions in your heart."

"Even if he controls the strength of terror, he never thought of using his strength to satisfy the evil thoughts in his heart."

"On the contrary, when I see innocent ordinary people killed, I feel angry and want to avenge them."

"Don't you have desire in your own heart?"

Yun Zun looked at Ye Changge with interest, as if he wanted to hear what kind of answer Ye Changge would give.

Since Ye Changge first came to the ethereal world.

He noticed Ye Changge.

Ye Changge's body is full of strong power of merit, and it is difficult for Yun Zun to not notice it.

And when Ye Changge destroyed Qingyunzong and unleashed the terrifying power of a saint, Yunzun was even more shocked.

He is clear.

This sword of Ye Changge.

He might not be able to stop it.

Ye Changge smiled faintly and said calmly:

"Desire, everyone has it, and I am no exception."

"I'll have joys and sorrows, and I'll have things I like and things I hate."

"But I know very well."

"If I use my power to do evil everywhere for my own selfish desires, then what is the difference between me and the people I hate."

"My hometown once experienced an evil god invasion."

"In the process of fighting against the evil god, I have experienced too many intrigues, intrigues, and life and death."

"In this life and death, I have gradually seen my own heart."

"I, always me, no one else."

"Desire may control others, but it will never control me."

"Or maybe... I have never had any desires in my heart. Maybe."

Hear what Ye Changge said.

Many masters outside the ancient formation frowned slightly.

me, always me, no one else...

This sentence.

Ye Changge did it.

Ye Changge has never forgotten his original intention from Blue Star to the present.

Even after experiencing so many lives and deaths, he even went to the place of sin, the abyss.

He never forgot his heart.

"The mind of the devil is really indestructible."

"I really can't imagine what kind of blow can make the devil emperor black."

"Why did Yun Zun suddenly find Ye Changge and say these words, is he testing Ye Changge?"

"Could it be related to the relics of saints?"

Speaking of the relics of saints, the masters were shocked.

Continue to read quickly.

in memory.

Yun Zun looked at Ye Changge deeply.

"Maybe, you really have no desire as you say."

"In other words, you don't have bad desires in your heart."

"I don't know why there are such people in the world. Everyone has evil thoughts in their hearts, but you... it seems that you have never appeared..."

"No wonder, the experience of merit chooses you."

Speaking of which.

Yun Zun sighed lightly, his eyes became more and more firm, and he made a certain decision in his heart.

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