Villain Lady

Chapter 147 - Dong Shan City

However, he couldn't bring himself to speak the sentence. Wei Liuying was giving him a cold glare that seemed to be telling him that there was no need for him to lie. Back then, he did feel sorry for Princess Ji Xiaoli's terrible fate. He wanted her to be better because he had been watching over her for a period of time.

That was why, he thought that he would be able to give her a better option like this. His mind didn't even think that there would be heavy repercussion on their sides if they allowed the princess to leave. 

He didn't expect that Wei Liuying would be able to see through him with just a glance.

"I understand, Apprentice Strategist Liu."

Wei Liuying looked at Shi Mo deeply once more and shook her head. She patted his shoulder. "Having compassion is good, but this is not the right time."

Just like his cousin, Shi Mo had soft spot for young ladies. That was also one of the reasons why Wei Liuying could interact with Shi Yan freely back then. She just didn't expect that his cousin was actually similar with him.

Shi Mo was startled. He hurriedly cupped his hand politely. "I understand, Apprentice Strategist Liu. This will not happen again."

"You better keep your promise."


At this time, Shi Mo's fingers were balled into a fist. He didn't know why, but he felt shiver running down his spine when he heard Wei Liuying talked to him coldly. In terms of raw power, it was clear that she must be weaker than him. However, he felt that if they actually fought, he would lose.

Looking at his hands, Shi Mo pulled all unnecessary thoughts to the back. He had to make sure that he did his work properly. 

Wei Liuying leave the two of them and returned back to her tent. She stretched her body and sighed. Taking care of others were not easy. Stopping her movement, Wei Liuying glanced to the back. "You don't have to hide."

"I didn't expect you to be so truthful with your condition to her," Yang Xian remarked from the side. He stepped forward and looked at Wei Liuying up and down, inspecting her condition to make sure she was not hurt.

"You're the one who set up the trap for her to escape. If I didn't appear, you'll be the one to play the bad role too," Wei Liuying said unhurriedly. Her black irises were staring back at Yang Xian without any emotion.

Yang Xian shrugged. "Someone needs to give her a wakeup call. Since you're there, I think that it'll be better to let a woman be the one to do it."

"Is that so?"

"Besides, the only reason why you can be so calm is only because the servants who served you were all your mother's people. There's no way you will be bothered when you know that they're all spy who only go against you and even schemed for your death," Yang Xian said calmly.

There were many instances where the servants were the one who acted on their own to make their master's life miserable. Those unloved daughters and unfavored concubines had to fight against their own servants if their position was not high enough. 

Wei Liuying's eyes flickered. "There's no need for her to know."


It was Wei Liuying's private matter, and Yang Xian didn't have any intention to leak it to anyone.

"I have nothing to lose since those servants are already in for their doom from the moment they chose to be the one to monitor my movements," Wei Liuying said without any trace of emotion. "I'm a selfish person. I have never been a good girl and could not be one. I can only care for my people and not those who have double intention when coming to me."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Yang Xian turned his body around. He knew for sure that he couldn't care for everyone. And those who have bad intention at him were at the lowest bottom of the list. How do they expect for him to care for them when they wished to take his life?

"It's impossible to care for everyone. You should just focus on those who are important to you."

Wei Liuying nodded.

Yang Xian raised his hand and lightly touched her cheek. It was warm and look a bit meatier than before. His attempts to make her eat more seemed to work quite well. "We're going to depart soon. You should hurry to back to your horse."


Wei Liuying watched Yang Xian's departing back for a moment. It took her some time before she could reach her horse. 

They only stocked some food that was necessary for their departure. It was not that much, but it would be enough to bring them back the North in one piece. After a few more time, they could finally depart again.

Time passed swiftly.

Princess Ji Xiaoli no longer had any intention to escape again, but from the way she looked like, she also started to hide her emotion. There was no more bubbly expression on her face. Only desolation and depression could be seen from her previously full of anger face.

"Shi Mo is a bit taken by emotion." Wei Liuying said when they were near the last city before the border.

Yang Xian could see from the front that Shi Mo was paying closer attention to Princess Ji Xiaoli now. "I talked to him last night. He said that he only wished the best for the princess and nothing else."

"Do you consider replacing him with someone else?"

"I did, but he can be stubborn at time too," Yang Xian replied. "Also, he's the one most familiar with Xiong Tribe territory, so he'll be the one with the best qualification to act as the middleman between us and Princess Ji Xiaoli."

Before this, the one who was sent to guard at the frontline was Shi Mo. Yang Xian knew that amongst the soldiers he had, Shi Mo would be the best option to go there and blend in because of his ability and familiarity.

Wei Liuying nodded. Without turning around, she added, "I hope that this will not impact in his performance in the future."

"If it did, I'll have Shi Yan take care of him."

"Shi Yan?" Wei Liuying was stunned. This was the first time she heard that Shi Yan was capable to take care of someone. After all, she had heard from Manager Xin that it was Shi Yan's sister who usually took care of her older brother and not the other way around. 

Yang Xian pointed to the wall before them. "This is City of Dong Shan and also the city where Shi Yan, Shi Mo, and Shi Lu Wen came from."

Dong Shan City.

Wei Liuying had heard about this city from time to time when she was back in the Capital City. This was the biggest city before the border and also the central location for Prince Ji Sheng's activity. Most of his men were staying in this place because if the border fell, this would be the first layer of defense.

Looking at the terrain, Wei Liuying knew that if this city fell, it would be hard to stop the advance until the capital city. They might be able to fight in the forest, but it wouldn't be that effective either. 

Shi Lu Wen was the name of Shi Yan's sister. She was 16 years of age this year, but she was not married yet. Based on what Shi Yan told her back then, he was unwilling to marry his sister away to some random man. What he wanted was a perfect person to entrust his sister to him.

Well, she doubted that he would be able to find one anytime soon.

Besides, Shi Lu Wen herself was also fixated to become a capable doctor. She had been studying about medicine for a long period of time and didn't seem to care in the slightest bit about getting married. Commoners who were not in dire money situation would not usually got married so early.

Many even didn't get married at all. 

They preferred to be alone. 

"We're going to stop there?" Wei Liuying asked.

Yang Xian nodded. "Shi Yan should have arrived in the city too. We're going to bring him with us to the North so that we'll be able to do the negotiation with Xiong Tribe regarding the trade route."

"Trade route, huh?"

"Don't you think it'll work?"

"There's the possibility," Wei Liuying replied. "But the chance is not that big considering the current situation."

Yang Xian smiled bitterly. "We should try. Peace is much better than a war. If it come to the worst, we'll just have to go all out in a war to eliminate most people from Xiong Tribe and try to strike another peace treaty."

"Or just eliminate them for once and for all." Wei Liuying's eyes glinted at this thought.

"The price is big. No one will want to pay that much."


"Let's enter the city first."


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