Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 39 The Hokage Assemblies of the Past Dynasties!

Six Paths Madara has been wrapped in Black Zetsu, unable to move, as if it had been stripped of its own power.

"It was Sage of Six Paths who wrote it down on the stone tablet!"

Six Paths Madara said this with the last of her strength, and Black Zetsu kindly told Six Paths Madara the truth of the matter.

"Madara, I have outlived you for too long, I am the will of Kaguya, and I have a lot of time to find the stone tablet left by Yui and correct it."

After Black Zetsu broke the truth of the matter, both Uchiha Madara, who is watching the video now, and Six Paths Madara in the video all showed a surprised expression.


Both Madara couldn't believe what Black Zetsu said!

The text that Six Paths left on the stone tablet was the starting point of his plan. So far, is everything false?

Black Zetsu's body gradually wrapped around the expanding Six Paths Madara and continued to explain calmly.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi is not an art to give people a peaceful dream, but to gather the Chakra that everyone has and make it huge!"

Madara didn't know why, so she asked Black Zetsu.

"Why did you do this?"

"That's what you're doing! With me... no, driven by Kaguya's consciousness..."

In the picture, Six Paths Madara's expression is gradually painful, and Uchiha Madara, who is watching the video at the moment, is lost in thought.

After so many years, was his plan wrong from the beginning?

Infinite Tsukuyomi simply cannot create a perfectly peaceful dream world.


Am I really wrong?

Madara's mind couldn't help but the Hashirama who wanted to correct him.

Is it really wrong to want to rely on your own strength to bring about everlasting peace?

Perhaps, Hashirama's idea is correct.


Now Uchiha Madara hasn't thought about it, but Black Zetsu in the video makes him angry.

To use yourself as a pawn?

This feeling of being used by others is really uncomfortable.


"Damn it! Who is the original author of this video? I'm going to tear him to pieces! My flawless plan has been exposed!"

Black Zetsu was in a dark tree hole at the moment, raising his fists and venting his anger towards the surroundings.

"The plans are all messed up now! Damn it! Madara, I'm afraid the whole world will come to me!"

Black Zetsu had cut himself off from Madara while the video was playing, to prevent him from finding out where he was.

"I'm afraid that guy Obito knows everything, so what can we do!"

Black Zetsu looked in pain, grabbed his hands on his face, and let out a piercing roar.

"Kaguya! How do we revive Kaguya now! Who is this author!"


"Ōtsutsuki Kaguya! That's right! I remember who she is! The ancestor of the ninja world! It's her!"

Tsunade stood up at this moment, and the message in his memory emerged in his mind. At this moment, the door of the council hall was knocked open, and Orochimaru, who was pale, walked in from the door.

All the shadows in the council hall instantly called out their Chakra and looked vigilantly at Orochimaru whose intentions were unknown.

"Orochimaru! What are you doing here?!"

"What nonsense are you talking to him! This Konoha Village scum, Anbu should have brought him back!"

At the moment when the sword was drawn, Orochimaru said with a flat face.

"Everyone, look who I brought you?"

The first generation Hokage—— Hashirama slowly walked out of the door, and his appearance also relieved the doubtful people instantly, Orochimaru gave Hashirama to Impure World Reincarnation!

"Yo! Hello everyone, you look very energetic! Hahaha!"

"Brother, now it's a critical juncture for the life and death of the entire ninja world, please be more serious?"

Second Hokage - Senju Tobirama also walked in, and before he even stepped into the chamber, he began to scold Hashirama.

"Brother, don't be so rigid. As long as everyone works hard, this crisis in the ninja world will definitely be solved. Isn't it good to be optimistic?"

In the entire council room, Hashirama was the only one with a smile on his face. He happily patted Second Generation's shoulder and laughed to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Sarutobi Hiruzen of the Third Generation and the Yellow Flash of the Fourth Generation also came to the chamber.

"Everyone, this is my gift to you. The Hokages of all generations are here now. Judging from their current strength, they should be able to stop Madara and the others from doing Project Tsuki no Me, right?"

As the four Hokages of the Impure World Reincarnation entered the chamber, all the ninjas were stunned and seemed unable to comprehend what was happening in front of them.

Orochimaru this guy!

How did it do it!

He even gave all the Hokages of the past to Impure World Reincarnation? ? ?

"Hey! What's wrong with you guys? Don't talk? Could it be that you are afraid of ghosts?"

With a thoughtful look, Hashirama walked directly in front of the crowd, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of their eyes, and suddenly made a face.

The Golden Glitter Beidoude of the Fourth Generation burst into laughter and covered his mouth while apologizing, while Senju Tobirama, the Second Generation eye, looked at him helplessly.

"Enough brother! Stop the grinning! Now let's discuss how to solve Madara's trouble!"

After he had reprimanded Hashirama, he swept across the crowd with a scrutinizing look on his face.

"No wonder we Impure World Reincarnation, are the current ninjas only at this level?"

Then he felt his own power again, and shook his head with a look of disgust.

"I just learned a little about Impure World Reincarnation, it's really bad, and how about your Fourth Generation project, Flying Thunder God? Is it still so-so-so?"

When Fourth Generation heard this, he immediately lowered his head with a blushing face and spoke without hesitation.

"I'm sorry, I've been working hard to cultivate."

Hearing Fourth Generation's apology, Hashirama realized that he didn't know this person?

"Who is this brother?"

Fourth Generation turned around quickly, pointing his thumb to the cloak behind him.

"I'm Fourth Hokage."

"Oh, so you are the Fourth Generation, so how did you die?"

Hashirama asked with a kind smile.

"I, I was sealed to death by Nine Tails."

As soon as this sentence came out, Hashirama was dumbfounded. He thought that he could hold Nine Tails in his hand and couldn't move it. Could sealing this thing still kill people?

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked extremely embarrassed by the side, not daring to look Hashirama in the eyes.

Fortunately, I don't know that I died because of the sealing of both hands...

Hashirama shook his head, unavoidably disappointed in his heart, are the strength of the descendants so weak?

No wonder Madara had to give them all to Impure World Reincarnation?


After a long time, many ninjas in the council room gradually accepted this fact.

In this case, once Madara's plans are exposed, their enemies may change. *

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