Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 354 Crazy?! Gundam Mecha?! What the hell!!!


When the other Demon Kings heard the surprised tone of the seventh Demon King Ramiris, their eyes widened involuntarily, and they exclaimed in surprise.

"Void collapse?! How is this possible! How can the energy of void collapse appear on a weapon?!"

The fourth demon king, Daguri Yulu, was very surprised, with a look of disbelief. The weapon in the spider's hand was just a legendary weapon, how could it be...


The Fourth Demon King Daguri Yulu was stunned, could it be said?!

The seventh Demon Lord Ramiris took a deep breath and continued speaking in a heavy tone.

"Don't you feel it yet? This Shinigami scythe has evolved!

With a word to wake up the dreamer, all the demon kings frowned, trying to perceive the terrifying coercion of the Shinigami scythe in the hands of the spider from the video screen.

Fear slowly climbed up the bodies of all the demon kings, this... Shinigami sickle, actually has the power of a creation-level weapon!


This has never been felt false and so real, is this possible?!


"This is?!"

Limuru was stunned, the energy was somewhat familiar in his eyes, and it was impossible to speak. In the end, the great sage reminded him with a mechanical voice.

[Scythe of Shinigami now has the power of a creation-level weapon, and it can even release the energy of the collapse of nothingness with its own consciousness. 】

Rimuru's expression became extremely complicated, why?!

Why does this energy appear in the hands of the spider?

No, why should it appear on the spider's weapon?!

Can auto-upgrade evolution really grow into a founding-level weapon?!

How is this possible!

"What is that?! The power of the origin of the universe?!"

The Archangel Whis looked solemn at the moment, and could sense the mysterious power from the black mist, while Kakarot and Vegeta were dumbfounded, unable to perceive this level of power at all.

But judging from Whis's expression, Spider-Man's Shinigami scythe has grown into a terrifying weapon.

Terrifying beyond imagination!

"When did this weapon become so powerful?".!

Sengoku was stunned. After the loud noise just now, the Shinigami scythe seemed to be sublimated, exuding a terrifying aura all over his body.

Where the black fog spreads, it devours all matter!


Garp's face was solemn, his hands clasped together and his chin supported, and he couldn't help but tremble while watching the video.

If such a weapon appeared in their world, I am afraid that people all over the world would be crazy about it. Personal strength is not worth mentioning in front of this weapon!

"Void energy?! What the hell is going on with this weapon?!

Gu Aotian took a deep breath, clenched the golden staff with one hand, and the whole person kept retreating, the terrifying energy seemed to be able to swallow him.

Just that small mass of black fog energy, in his eyes, seems to contain the entire vast universe, mysterious and unpredictable!


For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the feeling this weapon brings to them is like a holy relic. Looking at the weapon is like seeing the evil god, and countless people are amazed by it!

Everyone could see that Spider Zi's hands were shaking in the video, but she still retracted the scythe calmly, as if everything was in the Master.

Demon King Ariel and Potimas both had serious expressions on their faces, as if they were rethinking the strength of the spider, is this guy always pretending?!

On the ground battlefield, the four queen spider monsters are fighting fiercely against the armored chariots and the army of robots, while most of the imperial soldiers are attenuated, and they are like cannon fodder.

As soon as the screen changed, he came to the cosmos battlefield again. Qiu Lie was approaching the mechanical octopus at full speed. Even in the universe, this terrifying mechanical octopus was an extremely huge existence.

At the moment of waving its tentacles, it can easily destroy the meteorite. When it noticed Qiu Lie, it launched a dense light bomb attack on him.

Bright spots of light instantly filled the entire screen, and Qiu Lie immediately cast a barrier. The true dragon barrier can counteract all physical and magical attacks.

As a god, in the face of this human-made technological weapon, the giant mechanical octopus was destroyed with just one blow, and the trillions of audiences in front of the screen were stunned.

Indeed a god!

In the face of this level of existence, it is unbelievable that it can be easily killed in an understatement.

Just when everyone thought that Qiu Lie was going to return to the planet, he was stunned in place, as if he was talking to someone, and kept nodding his head.

Afterwards, Qiu Lie stayed in the universe and did not intend to return to the planet.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded, what does this mean?!

Could it be that there is something more powerful than God?

Otherwise, why would someone like Qiu Lie change his actions because of external factors?

Incredible, horrified by the trillions of viewers, and more powerful!

The world of spiders is so interesting!

As soon as the screen turned, it returned to the perspective of the spider, Potimas led the way, and wanted to reach the location of the bomb as soon as possible to dismantle this existence that was enough to threaten the world.

The Demon King Ariel easily cleared the enemy forces all the way, and the passage inside the UFO was very complicated, and Potimas took them left and right with ease.

After a long journey, I finally found the target location, and there was a solid gate in front of it.

Potimas hacked into the door lock, the heavy door opened silently, and Spider Zi kept forbearing.

If it didn't (well, well) it was the scumbag Potimas who was needed to defuse the bomb, I'm afraid he would have done it long ago!

Just wait until the moment he defuses the bomb, kill him!

The contemplative spider heard a loud bang, the heavy door opened, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen held their breaths.

The three of them have their own ghosts, and all of them are particularly looking forward to what will happen next.

After the door was opened, there was a crooked column in the center of the empty room in front of him, and nothing else could be seen.

Podimas stared at the center of the room with a surprised expression, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also noticed something bad from Podimas' eyes!

The pillar in the center of the room is starting to deform!

Everyone was stunned!

A Gundam Mecha appeared in the video?!!!


What is the situation!!!.

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