Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 23 The red hair is in crisis and is about to lose

Sengoku sighed and looked at Garp with a sad face. As human beings, their own strength will continue to decline with age and physical condition.

That's what Whitebeard is in right now, and they're not much different.

Time has always been a ruthless knife.

"The bloodline of that guy Kaido is still unclear. Combined with the rare Devil Fruit, the fish-fish-fruit mythical beast-species blue dragon form, his physical fitness has reached an extremely terrifying level."

Garp finally put down the potato chips in his hand and raised his fist. If he was at his peak, would he be able to tie Kaido?

Kaido was clearly stronger than the mountain he had flattened with one punch.

"Pirates are getting more and more tricky now, and I hope there will be no surprises in the upcoming Summit War."

Akainu recalls the Summit War in the video, as long as Ace is successfully executed and Whitebeard is left in Marineford.

It's worth paying any price!

Including his own life!

Pirates of the old days, they lived a little too long.

Many residents of the Pirate World were also watching the live broadcast. Most of the ordinary people trembled in their legs just seeing Kaido transformed into a blue dragon, and they could not stand even in battle.

"This, this... Is this the power of the Four Emperors? It's too terrifying!"

"Dragon's Breath, if it falls on our country, I'm afraid the whole country will be wiped out. What kind of monster is the World Government fighting?"

"Pirates are really scary!"


Shanks couldn't resist Kaido's majestic dragon breath, but fortunately Kaido stopped attacking.

Shanks' crew realized something was wrong the moment the dragon's breath exited, and they all ran away.

"It has to be the captain! Such a terrifying attack can withstand such a terrifying attack!"

"Nonsense, otherwise why are you not the captain, just rely on your strength, you can only eat, hahaha!"

"By the way, do we want to help the captain against Kaido?"

"Do you understand the battle between men? Didn't you see that Kaido came alone? Didn't bring any subordinates. If we help, wouldn't it be disgraceful to Shanks?"

While Shanks' crew was discussing, another monster came rushing not far away, and from a distance, it seemed that the Hydra was twisting and dancing.

"Look! What the hell is that?"

"Eight.. Eight Toki Orochi?!!!"

"Is Kaido's ally? I seem to have heard of this Kurozumi Orochi. Its fruit ability is Zoan, Snake Fruit, Phantom Species, Orochi Ochi!"

"As expected of the Beasts Pirates, there are so many beasts under their hands!"

"Deputy emperor? What should I do?"

"What else! Stop him, don't let him bother Shanks!"

Orochi is several times larger than the figure in the anime. Each snake is hundreds of feet long, and it can even swallow an entire house in one bite.

Japanese legendary monsters are the nightmare of most people.

"Kaido! I'm here to help you!"

Kurozumi took his subordinates and quickly scuffled with the Shanks crew, causing quite a stir.

Genos: "Another monster! Orochi! What is this Beasts Pirates, it's just a group of freak pirates! Saitama-sensei, these monsters don't really exist in our world, do they?"

In this video edited by the original author, the tenth place is still a normal person, and the ninth place is a bit beyond imagination, and now a monster live broadcast has been made.

It's getting more and more hit. Genos wants to upgrade his body now. Even if he becomes a robot completely, he needs more and more powerful strength!

If there is such an enemy in the live broadcast, now he has no power to fight back!

Saitama: "What if they exist? As long as they dare to invade human society and disturb the stability, I will punch a freak!"

For Saitama, there isn't any battle that would interest him, but who knows?

Compared with the indifference at the beginning, Saitama is now a little curious about the ranking after that.

The ninth place, Whitebeard's strength, has surpassed the top guys in the Hero Association he knew.

Who will be the eighth?

Madara: "This is really a world where monsters are rampant! It's so interesting! I just don't know how powerful this Orochi is, its size is about the same as my Susanoo!"

Uchiha Madara has just dealt with a bunch of trash fish from the ninja coalition, and he has completely disliked the shadows of the major villages.

Having the power of God is also a kind of loneliness, and he longs for a more challenging battle.

Otherwise, he will not face the entire ninja coalition alone.

Ah Qi: "Wow! It's another monster. This battle is getting more and more interesting. It seems to be more interesting than being an assassin."

Ah Qi drifted leisurely on the sea. Tired of paddling, he lay on the boat and watched the live broadcast to open his eyes.

Suddenly I feel that my tenth place is too hydrated?

However, he was also the number one shadow assassin in Xuanwu Kingdom before he lost his memory. He should have been very strong in the past, at least in this world.

Yihu: "Is it a high-level virtual? It seems to be very powerful, but it is still weaker than the dragon in the sky. I wonder if my Zanpakutō can fight it!"

Marko: "Dad! Look, Kaido and Shanks fight! So strong!"

He has never seen his father fighting with all his strength. Even if he clashed with other pirates when he was young, he would kill him with a single slash.

The pirates with similar strength to the father also point to it because they are afraid of the strength of the father.

So to this day, Marco has never seen Dad go all out to fight.

As the strongest man in the world, if he regained his peak strength, what would he look like in battle?

Not only Marco, the captain of the first division, but also other division captains are looking forward to the upcoming Summit War.

Dad's strength will also be announced to the world!

"If it's a one-on-one round, Shanks is probably not Kaido's opponent!"

Whitebeard recalled what happened at the Rocks Pirate, Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, two of the strongest monsters.

They are not pure human blood, they have unique advantages compared to normal humans.

That is the natural advantage of monsters!

Whitebeard vaguely remembers that when Charlotte Linlin had an eating disorder while logging on to an island, she devoured a beast that Kaido admired, causing Kaido to rage.

The two fought hard, and Charlotte Linlin won in the end. If it wasn't for the Rocks to organize, I'm afraid there would be no Kaido character now.

It probably became Charlotte Linlin's food at the time.

Unexpectedly, Kaido has grown to this field now!

Thinking about it this way, the strength of the aunt should not be underestimated.

Whitebeard clenched the Naginata in his hand, his face solemn.

Even if he is facing Kaido now, although he can defeat Kaido, he does not dare to take too many attacks.

In the live broadcast, the confrontation between Shanks and Kaido's dragon claws is already at the point of retreat, and the difference between the bloodlines is becoming more and more obvious.

Shanks was running out of stamina, but Kaido was getting more and more brave, and excitedly shuttled between the thunderous clouds.

"Shanks!!! You stay in Wanokuni forever! Hahahaha!"

PS: I beg you, let's have some flowers and tickets! *

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