Pirate World.

The Straw Hat Pirates and their gang held a banquet in a calm sea.

“Luffy! Quickly see the light curtain has been updated again! ”

“This light curtain owner is so diligent, so considerate of us!”

Usopp pointed high in the sky and exclaimed, now their world has changed dramatically.

Not long ago, the newspapers published some kind of chaos in the country, Draco violent deaths, and such things.

“Star King?”

Luffy tilted his head and looked at these two words, and instantly came to the spirit!

Is it Wang this time, then he must also give respect to the other party, immediately stood up, and shouted:

“I’m the man who wants to be One Piece!”

But there was no response.

Only a flock of seagulls floated above his head…

Everyone looked helplessly at their silly captain…

How is this head melon seed getting worse and worse, is it that it has fallen into the sea too many times recently, has the brain entered the water…

Moon World.

“Is it the real king this time…”

King Arthur sat on the throne, propped his chin, and looked examining.

After all, the only king who can be recognized by her is the ancient hero king until now.

“Let me see how you become king!”

She is now powerless to return to heaven and can only hope that other worlds can help the current situation.

Jin Sparkle is still that proud look, and he doesn’t put any king in his eyes.

“Hmph, presumably he has something to please me too!”

Since he can be selected by the light curtain, he must not be a faint monarch!

Then let him see how big the gap between this Star King and himself is!


Sword Art Online World.

In reality.

“Mom and Dad! That’s my brother’s name! ”

“They won’t be alone, will they!”

Naoba was both expectant and apprehensive, did his brother go to other worlds?

“Naoba, be quiet, look good!”

Tong’s father frowned, seemingly very majestic, but in fact, he was nervous.

Is that child no longer in this world?

So what is the situation in the game he is trapped in now?

If anyone is the stupidest, only Grandpa Tong, but after a moment of stupidity, he became more and more excited.

“Great, my wish has finally come true!”

Asuna looked at the excited Kirito, and her heart was very unpleasant.

The old lady is standing here, you and I are air!

In her discontent, the light curtain began to reveal the picture…


【Start of screen】

[Humans finally realized a completely imaginary space one day…]

[In modern cities, people gather in a hurry just to grab an MMO game…]

[Suddenly, the picture came to the home of a black-haired boy…]

[The computer in front of the teenager is reporting the situation at the scene, but he doesn’t care about the content on it…]

[Immediately afterwards, the teenager put down the book in his hand, put on something similar to a helmet, lay on the bed, and connected the network cable to the computer…]

[At this time, a smile rose at the corner of the boy’s mouth, staring at the corner of time, and at the hour of the hour, a voice sounded in his head…]

【”Start connecting! “】

[As the words fell, his front suddenly changed to another world, no longer in the original world…]


Kazuma: “Has the game of this world reached this point!” I really want to go! ”

Chunxue: “The level of science and technology in this world is similar to ours!” ”

Countless people in the ordinary world are excited to see this, this immersion game can actually be practical!

They looked at the computer in front of them, the games on their phones, and felt bored…

The people in the Sword Art Online world were resentful of this!

“Isn’t this a game developed by that demon…”

“This is the game! Let my children be gone! ”

“Shigeba Jinghiko!”

The families who were ruined by this game are crazy about their hatred.

Those who learned about the SAO-related events were even more shocked.

Has the world created by the demon actually been recognized by the light curtain…

“It’s really a brother!”

Naoba bit her lip tightly, and the tears in her eyes couldn’t stop pouring out.

If he hadn’t gone to the kendo that day, wouldn’t he have been able to stop his brother from going to that death game…

This made her feel very remorseful.

A mountain lodge.

The weak Shigeraba calmly watched this scene.

“That world is real…”

“The game is not a joke…”

He had no remorse for what happened next in the light curtain.

Since you have chosen this game, you must be enlightened!


【Screen continues】

[The boy has changed into another face and looks a lot more mature…]

“I’m back! This world! “】

[Immediately afterwards, more and more people appeared around, and their faces were full of joy…]

[The picture gradually becomes larger, and the appearance of this world is revealed…]

[A large tower-like fortress suspended in the air…]


The Armored Dragon King was shocked, the extent of this fortress was far beyond his imagination.

“This fortress is actually dozens or even hundreds of times larger than mine!”

Alice in the hotel kept pulling Rudius, saying that she also wanted to play such a game!

“Don’t play! People will become depraved! ”

Rudy sternly refuses this, this has to be played, the sword king can become the electric king!


Alice slumped her face and actually didn’t play with her!

“I can’t play, and my technology in my previous life didn’t reach this point!”

Rudy spread his hands, this level of technology they didn’t touch!

“But this other world is a little strange, it seems that you can switch back and forth.”

He was a little puzzled, is there anything special about this game world?


【In the screen】

[The boy seems very excited, quickly shuttling through the retro streets…]

“Hey! That little brother! “】

[The pink long-haired man stopped the teenager, looking at the boy’s running appearance, he knew that the teenager should have played this game before, otherwise he would not be so familiar with the road and how to go…]

[The pink-haired man’s name is Klein…]

[The boy’s name is Kirito…]

[Under Kirito’s teaching, Klein learned a lot of things…]

[From a rookie to a novice…]


The world of video games.

“Heavenly Dao classmate, your level needs to be strengthened!”

Yuno Keita took the opportunity to point at Klein and said.

Tiandao’s eyes widened, unable to believe his ears.

He actually thinks her dish!?

But she couldn’t refute it, she was a real dish…


【In the screen】

[The two quickly leveled up, and the time came to the evening…]

[Klein lamented that the absolute genius who made this game is too real! ] 】

[It’s like you’re in a real other world!] 】

[“Naw… How many floors did you go to during the closed beta? “】

[Klein stared at Kirito standing in front with some curiosity…]

[“Let’s go to the eighth floor in two months…”]

[“One month is enough this time…”]

[Kirito’s eyes lit up when he said these words, his face was full of excitement, he really loved this world of swords…]

[Klein jokingly complained…]

【”You’re really addicted…”】

[Kirito has become a severe VR patient…]

[“Whether you are sleeping or awake, your mind is full of this world…”

[“More alive than the real world…”]

[Kirito raised the sword in his hand, his eyes were like a torch, it was great to be able to come to this world…]


“Kid, don’t you learn from him in the future, you know?”


“He’s a heavily addicted teenager…”

“But that is the world of swords, I will also become a hero in the future!”


Those parents are very helpless, they can’t complain about this light curtain!

In the SAO world, they looked at this scene in shock, is this the black-clothed swordsman, the cheatbreaker!

It’s simply not a person, few people climbed on it during the internal test, and he actually reached such a high level alone…

“Kirito-kun, it’s too powerful!”

“Worthy of him, Liz Arms Shop welcomes you at any time!”


【In the screen】

[Klein saw that it was not too late and was ready to exit, but he couldn’t see the login interface…]

[Klein’s face was confused, Kirito thought he was joking, but he looked at his own…]

[“What about my logout button!?”] “】

[The door has been welded, the logout button has been cut…]

[A bad feeling lingered in their hearts, this is only the first day, there should be no such thing…]


Overlord World.

“It seems that they can’t log out either, and they are trapped in the game world!”

Old Bone felt the deep malice of the world, and so did he!

“But looking at that young man’s appearance, it seems that he prefers the world of swords, and he can be regarded as getting his wish…”

Old Bone looked at the boundless starry sky, this is the starry sky in the big tomb, this is the world created by the partners together.

He prefers to be with his companions than the world.


Empty nest old bones daily loneliness…


【In the screen】

【The bell is ringing…】

[Players in the entire SAO are teleported to the central square…]

[The players looked at each other, completely unaware of what was going on…]

[Suddenly, the sky turned blood-red…]

[Gollum… Gollum…]

[In the sky, scarlet blood continues to flow down…]

[Gradually, the blood began to condense into a faceless monster in a blood-colored robe…]

[Players watched this scene in a panic, not understanding what was happening…]

[The blood-robed man ignored everyone and spoke up with his own care: 】

【”Dear players~Welcome to my world~”】

[“Right now I’m the only one who can control the world…”]

[This blood-robed man is the game’s developer, Crystal Kayaba…]

[This incident of not being able to log out is not an accident, but he deliberately did it…]

[Players can’t log out, outsiders can’t remove their helmets…]

[Those who did not listen to the advice, there are now 213 players, in Irongrunt and the real world left forever…]

[At the same time, when their HP reaches zero, it also means death…]

[Panic, despair, chaos and other emotions are in the player’s heart, one second was still living peacefully, but now he has to face death…]

[Now there is only one option for players!] 】

[That is to completely open up this world! ] 】

[This world, like the real world, is blocked with everything! ] 】

[If you pass the level, you will be born, if you fail, then you will not survive! ] 】

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