Many people in the ordinary world know about the brave, after all, there are many MMORPG type games.

But I have never met a brave man with such a cautious personality.

Which brave one didn’t come up and frantically kill monsters and upgrade, for fear that he would be late to save the world.

Pirate World.

Inside the headquarters of the Navy.

Sengoku, who is already semi-retired, buttoned his nose and flicked a piece of booger on Karp’s clothes, and now he is half-Kapu.

“Karp, I think I’m cautious, do you think I can be a brave?”

Karp rubbed the oil stains on his hands on Sengoku in disgust.

“Sengoku, are you confused!”

“How old are you, don’t look in the mirror!”

The two old men quarreled again over the question of bravery.

The sailors outside the house looked helpless, now the world is making trouble like this, the two of them still have the mind to make trouble here.

The Draco no longer dared to call themselves gods, and it was already fortunate that they could save their lives one by one.

No one is afraid of them anymore, even if they die, what if there is a rebirth?

It’s terrifying to think like this, and you can’t control it without fear.

It is already unknown how many countries have been defeated by the revolutionary army.

“Lieutenant General, another Draco has been divided!”

“Handle it carefully, bury it, don’t make a noise…”

Navy Soldier: “? ”

Those who don’t launch the demon slaughter order, are they all so hasty now…


Brave the world.

“It turns out that Lista is such a goddess…”

Many male gods saw Lista, who had been in Yan Yi, and gradually began to dislike it.

I thought it was a good woman, but it turned out to be the ultimate version of Akuya…

Can’t like fools, it’s easy to lead yourself off!

At this time, Lista, who was in Gaiabrand, had no idea that the gods’ opinion of her had changed qualitatively.


【Screen continues】

[Lista is in the temple, preparing food and heading to the place where Shengya is cultivating, which is her home…]

[Even if he didn’t eat, Shengya didn’t hurry to take the rice balls made by Lista, and said cautiously: “It may be poisonous… You eat first…”

With tears in her eyes, Lista swallowed the rice balls and said with a grudge: “They all say it’s not poisonous! ] Eat quickly! “】

[Seiya took the rice ball and glanced at it, and muttered, “There is no quick-acting poison…”

[Lista blushed and roared, “There is no delay!!! “】

[Obviously, Lista was once again defended by Shengya’s cautious personality! ] 】


Those who are poisonous and resistant fell silent when they saw this scene.

Put down the food in your hand slowly, after all, you have been poisoned before, in case there is a more poisonous chronic poison.

For a time, countless people suffered from hypochondria.

The future world of reincarnation slime.

“Test poison, I’m all poisonous resistance, this is still eaten from the cuisine of Ziyuan!”


The little brother Buta laughed out loud, completely ignoring that Ziyuan behind him was looking at him with a gloomy face…

King Meng and the others fled directly from this place in fright…

A few seconds later, came the screams of the little brother…


【In the screen】

[Lista remodeled her surroundings with a slumped face, and put down her figure, and once he was ready, he could contact her through this…]

[After Lista finished speaking, she slammed the door and left…]

[However, she waited for four days without waiting for Shengya to find her…]

[It wasn’t until the seventh day that the figure sounded, and he ran excitedly to Shengya’s residence…]

[As soon as I entered the door, I saw Shengya who had just come out of the bath, and I suddenly felt that the deer was bumping…]

[And what shocked her even more was that Shengya relied on muscle training, and her level went up…”

[Cautious saint, holding his chin, muttered, “I still want to be promoted to the full level…”

“It’s time to go to Gaiabrand!”] “】

[Lista opened the portal, you must go this time! ] 】

[Shengya clenched his right hand and felt the power in it, now he can’t improve much with muscle training…]

【“Ready… Perfectly! “】

【”Completely well prepared! “】

[Through the portal, they came to a green grassland…]

[The moment Saint Zai landed, he was on guard, and kept looking around…]

[At Lista’s suggestion, they went to Edna Town to buy equipment…]


Good blessings to the world.

“Akuya, look! What is the goddess gap! ”

Kazuma snatched a glass of wine from the goddess of mental disabilities and drank it framed.

How miserable he came to this world, and then look at others, although the goddess has a bad brain, she is good for equipment!

I’ve been wearing a sweatshirt for a long time!

“Ah! Dead home squat! That’s my treasure, spit it out for me! ”

Akuya was crying, constantly shaking the collar of the real thing.

“Hey, I really want to change a goddess!”


【In the screen】

[The two entered the town of Edna, and under the guidance of the girl Nina, successfully found the weapon shop…]

[Shengya looked around, pointed to an armor, and said calmly: “Then you want this steel armor… Three copies…”]

[Lista was stupid when she heard that everyone was stupid, and quickly blocked in front of the owner of the weapon shop, her expression was extremely hideous…]

[“Don’t do that much! “】

【”What is needed…”】

[“Wearing… Spare… Spare when it’s gone! “】

[But in the end, I was stopped by Lista and only bought one set…]

[Shengya put on his armor, turned around and came to the herb shop, under the dull eyes of the boss, reported what he wanted…]

【”30 smoke bombs, 50 herbs”】

[“There is also an amount of antidote weed…”]

【Everything is ready, it’s time to face the real monsters!】 】


Everyone in the world was dumbfounded when they saw this person.

“Lying groove, is it so cautious!”

The preparation must be so thorough, cautious to this point, then the demon king must not have thought of it!

“I thought it was already prudent to exercise before, but I didn’t expect that was the beginning…”


Shield World.

Shortly after becoming a brave, Dun Yong, who was framed by the royal family, was leaving the kingdom with Raphtalia and Philo at this time.

“Yes, I should be so cautious, if only I were as cautious as he was at the beginning…”

Iwatani Shangwen sighed deeply, if it weren’t for his credulity of others, wouldn’t things have developed to this point.

“There is still a chance!”

As long as he becomes stronger, then nothing will affect him!


【In the screen】

[The two came to the grassland, which is still a certain distance from the novice village…]

[“There’s no need to go out of your way to take risks…”]

[Seiya stood behind Lista with her waist in her waist, looking around cautiously…]

“Don’t worry! The equipment is already quite good! “】

[At this moment, a slime suddenly jumped out…]

[A look of wisdom, at a glance, it is a low-level monster! ] 】

[Lista pointed at the slime and shouted, “Look, that’s a monster!”] “】

[Looking back, Shengya actually hid behind a stone…]

[“Oh? Strange creatures…”]

[Is it after genetic modification? “】

[Slime stared at Shengya with a shiji face, constantly squirming his body…]

[“This is a monster! Slime! “】

[“Haven’t you met in the game!”] “】


[Lista glanced at Shengya a little speechlessly, and then said with a smile: “Slime’s words will jump to attack…”

[“But adults can be defeated with sticks, and they are very weak monsters! “】

[“Huh!? “】

[Lista looked back and saw that the saints were stupid, what kind of trouble is this amplification move! ] 】

[Shengya took a deep breath, stared at the slime, and his whole body emitted white smoke…]


[Face Slime! ] Saint Ya intends to go all out! 】

[“Huh… This is…”]

[Before Lista could ask anything, Shengya’s expression gradually became fierce, and she yelled, “Let’s take it!!! “】

[“Atomic splitting!!! “】

[The sword body emitted dazzling white light, and in an instant, the tip of the sword condensed a huge magic ball! ] 】

【Boom!!! 】

[Instantly burst, shocking explosion, causing the air to constantly vibrate, and the ground in front of him was split by sword qi for more than ten meters! ] 】


[Slime screamed, instantly disintegrated under this attack, completely disappeared, not even a single cell left! ] 】

[Slime: “Don’t you really can’t afford to play?”] “】

[“Wait! One slime is too much! “】

[Shengya straightened up, looked at the ground, and said in a deep voice: “It’s not over yet!!! “】

[He doesn’t feel at ease yet! ] 】

[“Probably alive!”] “】

[Shengya’s palm condensed a crimson magic ball and slammed it to the ground…]

[“Hell Karma Fire!!! “】

【Boom!!! 】

[The hot flame instantly fell into the ground that had just been blasted, causing an explosion again! ] 】

[Lista’s face was blown out of shape under this attack…]

“So slime is gone! “】

“Nope! It’s not over yet! “】

【”I can’t be at ease yet! “】

[Slime:”????? “】

[Seiya raises his sword again and releases his skill…]

[“Atomic splitting!!! “】

[“Hell Karma Fire!!! “】

[History of me… It’s just a little level 1 monster… Can’t afford such a thick burial…】

[The two major attack skills continued to blast out, and explosions were heard one after another! ] 】

[People who don’t know still think that someone is at war…]

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