Chapter 140 Attack Lingnan and Kill Shenzhou!!

Wang Xianzhi died like this?

Five years after Qianfu, three years after the uprising, the leader who rose up died in battle Huangmeishan!

This scene made some people sigh.

“Wang Xianzhi, in the end, it is not considered to have turned his back on the rebel army! Die a strong death! ”

Although this person has thought about recruiting An many times, where is it not human nature? A long-term conquest is on the edge of life and death, and it is reasonable to hope for peace.

“What he values most is the average slogan, right?”

Wanli Shoufu Zhang Juzheng muttered, average? What an absurd slogan?

Since Mengke, there has been great social turmoil for thousands of years. But there is always one idea that stands out: the meaning of redistributing wealth equally.

Wang Xianzhi said, and later someone said, Wang Xiaobo, Li Shun! After that, Li Zicheng!

“Equal nobles, all rich and poor!”

“It’s out of sight!”

Undoubtedly, although the rebel army has a brutal and destroying side, the world of Datong described by its slogan is fascinating!

However, people of all eras did not stay half a point because of Wang Xianzhi’s death, after all, he was not the protagonist.

And the protagonist of this vigorous uprising explained as early as the first moment, that is, the yellow nest!

“How do I escape!?”

Li Shimin pondered! Huang Chao’s situation is not good, Shandong is definitely not a place to stay for a long time, and if you stay, you will definitely die.

Running away is really forced by the situation!

“But all the Tang armies have begun to encircle, and it is not so easy for the grass army to jump out of the encirclement.”

Li Jing, the Great Tang Military God, his eyes are shining!

[The death of Wang Xianzhi was an immeasurable loss to the rebel army.

However, for Huang Chao, the main force of the other rebel army, it is a difficult question to conclude.

On the one hand, Wang Xianzhi’s subordinates Shang Rang did not set up their own portals but led the crowd to defect to him, which greatly increased his power.

On the other hand, as soon as Wang Xianzhi died, he became called Wang again, and naturally became the first living target of the Tang army.

Both good and bad, both stress and challenge!

Huang Chao is still the head of the iron and wants to fight a few battles with the Tang army in the Central Plains. He repeatedly led his army to attack Bozhou and Song Prefecture, and then returned to attack Puzhou and Cao Prefecture.

The grass army was defeated and suffered major setbacks.

In the process, it is worth mentioning that when Huang Chao attacked Songzhou, a hairy boy came to join the rebel army!

This man’s name is, Ju Wen!

The third oldest in Zhu Wen’s family, also known as Zhu San, was brave and ruthless, and he was a scoundrel when he was young.

However, his childhood was extremely bumpy, his father died early, and his mother was unable to raise three sons, so he defected to the landlord Liu Chong’s family.

Liu Chong, however, was a very strict person, often not accustomed to Zhu Wen running amok in the countryside, and whipped him.

However, his mother valued Zhu Wen very much and told Liu Chong: “Zhu Wen is not an ordinary person, you have to be kind to him!” ”

Liu Chong wondered, can Zhu Wen’s skin also be done?

Of course, this Zhu Wen also showed a very special side, once he went to the city of Songzhou, and happened to assassinate Shi’s daughter in the temple to put incense on the wish.

Zhu Wen immediately looked straight, young Mu Ai, his face was red. He returned home and said to his second brother Zhu Cun: “Emperor Guangwu of the former Han Dynasty has a saying: Be an official and be in charge of Jinwu, and marry a wife and marry Yin Lihua!” ”

“You and my brothers are no worse than Emperor Guangwu, I want to say something today!”

“In this life, if you don’t marry a wife, if you want to marry, you will marry Miss Zhang!”

Of course, Zhu Cun looked at Zhu Wen like a fool, brother, don’t be funny.

Liu Xiu again, that is also a descendant of the Empress of Han, and he has also attended taixue, and he is still a famous beautiful man! You look at you, which one is comparable to Liu Xiu?

Our family is poor, we can’t afford a mirror, we can’t see ourselves, go to sleep and forget.

Zhu Wen was deeply shocked, but not discouraged. Every night, I secretly shouted Miss Zhang three times to cheer myself up.

It is reasonable to say that this door is not right, but who let the opportunity come?

Huang Chao led the rebel army to besiege Songzhou, and Zhu Wen followed with his sword, and said to his second brother Zhu Cun: “The eldest husband has a lifetime, and he should treat the sword of three feet and make an immortal achievement!” And today, it is the time when my generation is rampant.”


“Long heard Wang Xianzhi, Huang Chao is a hero of the world, admired by the world, you and my brothers will join the army and fight for glory and wealth!”

Second brother Zhu Cun immediately agreed, said to leave, bid farewell to his eldest mother and eldest brother overnight, and joined Huang Chao’s team!

Of course, Huang Chao is so busy now that he can’t care about the two hairy boys who are halfway in the army.

But he didn’t know that soon one of them would become his right hand!

What is more important at the moment is how to reverse the decline and jump out of the encirclement of the imperial court encircling and suppressing the army! 】


People of all eras laughed, but there were fundamental differences.

Everyone who knew the name of Zhu Wen suddenly realized, watching the rise of this Houliang Taizu!

And the people of Qin Han gasped, feeling that this Zhu Wen’s life trajectory was quite similar to someone, could it be that he was also a person of luck!

“Why is this script so familiar?”

Liu Xiu’s brain was black, and he swept around and found that the eyes of the group of ministers were all on him.


Liu Xiu scolded lightly.

“Heh, this Zhu Wen is a little interesting, it is definitely not simple to make the light curtain say so large.”

Zulong was amazed.

According to experience, the most important interpretation of the light curtain is also the big man who influenced the first life.

This Zhu Wen, how can He De have such skills!

“Could it be that this is another… Liu Xiu? ”

Zulong shook his head after speaking, Liu Xiu’s kind is simply rare in a thousand years, it is estimated that Zhu Wen is still a little worse.

“Zhu Wen, this guy, do you want to talk about achievements.”

“Is it not the Great Tang Dynasty that personally ended the first ladder in history?”

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang sighed with emotion.

The gravediggers of the Great Tang Dynasty all appeared, Huang Chao, Zhu Wen. One destroys its foundation, the other destroys it single-handedly!

“This is that there is a lone loyalty in the northwest, and a full loyalty in the Central Plains!?”

“Don’t say, this Zhu Wenna is really magical!”

Emperor Taizong of Song and Zhao Er finally spoke, facing the group of ministers with a look that you understand. He was referring to the story of Zhu Wen and Miss Zhang.

Miss Zhang, whose name is Zhang Hui, the first virtuous queen of the fifth generation!

At first, Zhu Wen was not worthy of him, but in this chaotic world, who can say clearly? A few years later, her family fell into disgrace and was in exile.

And Zhu Wen’s goods, transformed into a party temperance. Emperor Yuzong of Tang also gave him the good name of Zhu Quanzhong.

The two of them met unexpectedly. Zhu Wen found Zhang Hui, a lieutenant general in the chaotic army, proposed to him, and completely repeated the story of Liu Xiu, the emperor of Hanguangwu.

Zhang Hui was the empress, both rigid and soft, assisted Zhu Wen, dominated the Central Plains, and was the first domain in the world.

However, as soon as Zhang Hui died, Zhu Wen seemed incapable and gradually declined, and the Later Liang dynasty he established also perished in this vicissitude!

“Fate, it’s so bizarre!”

Of course, what is even more bizarre is the development of the light curtain below!

[Huang Chao led the grass army in the Central Plains to suffer repeated setbacks, and when attacking Cao Prefecture and Puzhou, he suffered successive defeats.

Huang Chao is a smart person, calmed down and carefully analyzed the situation, and quickly knocked on his head!

Is he stupid to go to the death with the Great Tang Dynasty?

Faced with an unfavorable situation, Huang Chao made a final kill: fraud! He quickly sent someone to report to Chang’an, and he was ready to end Zhao’an at any time.

Emperor Li Ru and the prime minister of the dynasty were excited, Wang Xianzhi was dead, and Huang Chao had fallen again, wouldn’t this rebellion be quelled?

Li Ru ordered to grant the official post of General Huang Chao Zuowei, Zheng Sanpin, a member of the imperial court, and take up another post!

I don’t know what Huang Chao’s state of mind is at this time! In those years, I couldn’t become an official after taking the entrance examination several times, but now I put it off, and this official position has come.

However, Huang Chao is very disdainful, just a fraud, the imperial court still takes it seriously?

Therefore, Huang Chao’s move to delay the army caused him to open the situation in an instant. He did not take office, but took advantage of the relaxation of the imperial army and fought all the way west along the Yellow River.

From Huanzhou, it rushed all the way south for more than 200 li to Bianliang, and from Bianzhou to 350 li to Songzhou!

This thunderous operation really frightened the imperial court army!

What is Huang Chao doing, to fight Luoyang? This formation is undoubtedly fighting the eastern capital Luoyang, right?

Maybe Huang Chao can not have this heart, but the Tang court army can’t leave Luoyang alone, and once again arch Luoyang to form an iron barrel.

And Huang Chao naturally did not go to fight Luoyang, but turned over and jumped, turned his head and entered Jiangnan!

The imperial court froze, the main forces were guarding Luoyang, who knew that Huang Chao was playing with them, and easily crossed the river.

Jiangnan, that’s a tax-paying land! As soon as the yellow nest goes, how to get it! In August of the fifth year of Qianfu, the army of Huang Chao entered Hangzhou, and the sound shook Jiangnan!

The imperial court once again made a killer move: Gao Biao! This general, who recovered Annan and forced the landing of Nanzhao, was transferred to Zhenhai Jiedu to suppress Huang Chao.

Huang Chao, Gao Biao, the two began to clash!

In September, Huang Chao broke Hangzhou and then besieged Yuezhou! Here is known as “cocoon tax fish salt, food and clothing”, the lifeblood of the imperial court, the most important.

Gao Biao ordered Zhang Xuan and Liang Min to block it, and finally broke the Yellow Nest Army in Yuezhou!

Huang Chao has reached the moment of crisis and survival, in front is Gao Biao’s strong generals, in the rear is the pursuit of the Central Plains Tang army, there are tigers in front and wolves in the back, which can be described as heavy losses.

As a last resort, Huang Chao once again sacrificed a killing move: fraud!

Emperor Li Ru believed again, appointed Huang Chao as the general of the Right Guard, and promoted his official to half a rank!

However, before the edict reached Huang Chao’s hands, Huang Chao surrendered and rebelled, not daring to fight Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but went south to Minyue!

Due to the lack of ships, Huang Chao led the grass army to gouge the mountains for 700 li and entered Fuzhou by land, extending the land.

All the way to the burning room, killing people like numb, at this time it was the sixth March of Qianfu!

This Fujian land could not support the army of the grass army, and after resting for a few months, Huang Chao once again crossed the Five Ridges, advanced into Lingnan, and led the army to the west.

In May, it is already the largest city in Lingnan, Guangzhou, surrounded by groups!

However, Huang Chao’s fault was committed again, and he once again asked for surrender, the conditions were not large, and he could put Lingnan under his control.

The central imperial court once again caused a dispute, and Prime Minister Zheng Bi was the one who had demoted Song Wei before, and now he believed that after years of conquest, it was really impossible to fight again, and advocated acceptance.

And Prime Minister Lu Yi held a different opinion, after all, Guangzhou is the first trading port of the Tang Court, who is not distressed by the loss?

On the other hand, Song Wei was degraded and his prestige was greatly damaged, but he also promoted Gao Biao to marshal and made great achievements. What’s more, Gao Biao had defeated Huang Chao, so there was no need to be afraid at all, and suggested the main battle.

These two prime ministers did not obey the other, and finally made a big fuss, “throwing inkstones at each other”, making the whole body covered in ink.

Emperor Li Ru couldn’t stand it anymore and demoted both of them to officials, but finally decided to fight!

The Yellow Nest also did not pretend, stormed Guangzhou, and soon attacked the city, occupying this prosperous city.

Then he raised his big knife and killed and plundered the four sides, Han Chinese, Persians, Yutai people, a full 120,000!

And Huang Chao, who has been fighting for many years, has finally got a base where he can roost.

“If you want to take the land of the South China Sea, it will always be a nest!”

Obviously, Huang Chao doesn’t want to go! 】

Hiss, people of all ages gasped.

In one year, Huang Chao led the rebel army to move many miles. Kill from the banks of the Yellow River all the way to Guangzhou?

Moreover, under the encirclement and interception of the Tang army, he inserted his wings and escaped from Shengtian!

“This is the providence of God!”

Cao Cao sighed softly. Is Huang Chao powerful, that’s of course! However, Huang Chao suffered a lot of defeats.

But why is it always possible to make a comeback and gather an army?

“In the world of war, it is Li Min’s life that suffers!”

Liu Bei was also greatly moved. The endless stream of displaced people is Huang Chao’s never-ending source of soldiers.

But when Huang Chao entered Guangzhou, why did he kill the people?

“Tang Ting, it’s really waste!”

Zulong frowned and said displeased.

The group of ministers echoed one after another, which can make Huang Chao play a trick, which is really not good!

“Yes, just by fraud, Huang Chao has deceived three or four times! But from the emperor Zaifu to the small officials, why don’t they break it? ”

“Are you fantasizing?”

Feng Quqian was also speechless, he really didn’t know how such a court could run.

“After many years of running and fleeing thousands of miles, this yellow nest can also be regarded as a treasure land of feng shui!”

Li Zicheng sighed with emotion.

Such as their rebel army, that does not want a piece of Ansheng good development territory? But it’s so hard!

Waves of imperial court armies will not let you develop!

And the yellow nest is very good! Located in Lingnan, isolated from the mountains, and the main force of the Tang army is not there, it is just a good time to claim hegemony!

However, would Huang Chao really do this!?

[Huang Chao captured Guangzhou and controlled Lingnan, which could have established a foundation, but the reality problem did not allow it! ]

First, after all, Lingnan is a remote place with few people, except for a few large cities in Guangzhou, it is not rich at all, and naturally it cannot satisfy the grass army.

Second, Huang Chao ordered to kill, but after the big killing, there must be carelessness, not the rebel soldiers were infected, the dead were thirteen or fourteen, and many soldiers “persuaded to return to the north, in order to fight a great advantage!” ”

The third is the mentality of the yellow nest. He is no longer a downtrodden person in Chang’an City, but a general with hundreds of thousands of troops and thousands of miles of territory, how can a corner of Lingnan satisfy Huang Chao?

For various reasons, it is impossible for Huang Chao to live in Lingnan for a long time!

In October of the sixth year of Qianfu, Huang Chao decisively returned to the Central Plains and turned the world upside down again!

The general trend of the world, boom! 】

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