Chapter 95 Ji Xiao Yiying, brothers close the wall, Baoqing battle!!

Li Dingguo, two famous kings, the world is shaken!

This is something that has not been possible in the world since the beginning of the Wanli noon.

The words of Huang Zongxi in the light curtain were still in his ears, but the shock in the hearts of countless people was far from dissipating.

What’s the situation? Li Dingguo first sniped Kong Youde, the king of Dingnan, and then killed Nikan, the Prince of Jingjin of the Qing Court, and came an unprecedented double kill!

Now it’s a real Jurchen prince.

“Fierce, fierce!”

“Less than a year after the expedition, crisscrossing several provinces, successively conquering Xiang, Gui, defeating hundreds of thousands of Qing troops, killing two kings, my God!”

“God-given ZTE General!”

“Yes, this person is deeply aware of righteousness and faithful. Don’t forget that the overall strategy of the Western Army to resist the Qing Dynasty was forced by Li Dingguo to death. ”

There is no more hearty victory to wash away the grievances of people of all eras.

Jurchen, the eight flags are like the shadow that presses on the people of this era, the Jurchens are not satisfied with ten thousand, full of invincible?

Li Dingguo overturned in one fell swoop, and the eight flags are invincible in the world? In the midst of my army, Nikan was split in half with one sword, and one of them waited, and the second waited.

Facts have proved that the elite of the Eight Flags is just that, and it is all set off by the Southern Ming Imperial Court!

“Sun Ke is expected to be inside the main and Li Dingguo is outside the lord, these two people are invincible when combined.”

“Yes, Sun Kewang is beyond imagination to farm the fields, and he is really a ghost talent to supply his 300,000-strong army in the Southern Ming Dynasty with the power of a province in Yundi!”

“Plus Li Dingguo Tian’s divine martial arts, turn over, there is a drama!”

“Zhang Xianzhong’s ability to collect righteous sons is powerful, each of the four brothers is a dragon among people!”

Famous ministers of all eras praised it, and the great victory of Xianggui was a decisive battle!

Its significance has gone far beyond the battle itself, and the fighter created is even better.

It depends on Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo whether they can grasp it!


“This is our righteous son.”

Zhang Xianzhong, who was stationed in Fengyang at this time, laughed heartily, and he also paid attention to the dynamics of the light curtain and was excited.

Although he is dead, Yizi is angry!

Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu, are all momentary stars, Ai Nengqi, forget it.

Sure enough, the four people next to him were equally colorful. Sun Ke was proud, Li Dingguo was stunned, Liu Wenxiu was surprised, and Ai Nengqi was only left with grievances.

“Li Zicheng is more powerful than us, but he can’t bear the fight of Yizi.” When our Yizi’s name shook the world, the rest of him was still eating ashes in Kudong! ”

“The four of you, no, three, unite and do a good job! Drive out the Jurchens and restore China. ”

When he thought that Li Zicheng wanted to annex him a few years ago, Zhang Xianzhong hated his teeth. But he is now cheerful and raises his eyebrows.

“Righteous father, Kewang will not let the righteous father down!”

Sun Kewang said excitedly, and glanced at Li Dingguo defiantly. Then turn to the light curtain, he is really majestic, when the king of Qin, he obeys himself, killing officials is the same as killing chickens.

The only flaw is that Li Dingguo is still so perverse and disobedient to him!


Zhang Xianzhong praised, he really didn’t expect to pick up four treasures everywhere. With these people, why is the world worried? Who in the world can stop it?

However, he didn’t expect that the light curtain would slap him in the face the next moment!

[Li Dingguo’s two famous kings can be said to have reached the peak at once, the Qing army is afraid and afraid, and the Ming army is happy and sincere! ]

Within a year, he killed 20,000 people in two prefectures and seventeen counties, which was enough to make Li Dingguo’s prestige break through the sky.

But there is one person who is not happy, that is, of course, the King of Qin, who sits in the rear and calmly dispatches, the Lord of the Sun Kingdom!

As early as when Li Dingguo sniped Kong Youde in Guidi, Sun Kewang was already extremely jealous, lest he make another battle merit and transfer him to Xiangdi.

Unexpectedly, it actually contributed to the situation, and created Li Dingguo’s greater great cause.

Compared with the Qing court’s tremble, Sun Kewang was even more disappointed, and what he had in mind was not unfolding like this.

To be fair, Sun Kewang, who established the Yunnan and Qian Anti-Qing Base and raised an army of 300,000, is also not bad, even if Li Dingguo’s two famous kings have unearthly feats, they may not be able to directly catch up with Sun Kewang.

However, Sun Kewang stared at Li Dingguo like this, and he was extremely nervous. It’s not so much jealousy as jealousy!

Of course, this is also due to Sun Kewang’s unstable status, the youngest Ai Nengqi had a good relationship with Sun Kewang, and he was also a ruthless person who killed Ming officials like chickens. However, when suppressing Tusi, Ai Nengqi died violently, the four generals became three generals, and Sun Kewang lost an arm and lost his absolute ability to suppress.

He is now the lord of the Qin state, and he also has to be careful of three people: Yongli, who is imprisoned, Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo, who hold military power.

Especially Li Dingguo, Sun Ke is expected to be 10,000 careful!

Soon an opportunity to give Sun Kewang a grudge came, that is, another army to go out – Liu Wenxiubu!

Wu Sangui, Li Guoying, and Li Guohan were originally scheduled to attack southern Sichuan and Kong Youde to attack Yunnan and Guizhou, and at the beginning they went very smoothly, capturing almost all of Shu.

However, Liu Wenxiu commanded 50,000 soldiers and horses into Shu, and the situation began to change, almost like Li Dingguo, sweeping the Qing army.

Xuzhou Dajie, stop Xi Dajie, fight all the way Wu Sangui and flee in embarrassment.

As soon as the elephant rushed, Wu Sangui’s Liao army was not an opponent at all. Wu Sangui’s Liao army, which was regarded as a treasure of the housekeeper, was ploughed thoroughly by Liu Wenxi, and almost the entire army was destroyed.

After the land of Shu was recovered, Wu Sangui and Li Guoying retreated into Baoning Mansion, intending to retreat into Guanzhong and abandon the land of Shu.

Liu Wenxiu was invincible after entering Shu, and gradually became arrogant: The Qing army wanted to retreat? I’m going to wipe them all out here.

The courage was so frightened that the deputy general Wang Fuchen hurriedly persuaded, let Wu Sangui return to Guanzhong, and we can occupy the land of Shu.

But Liu Wenxiu disagreed!

“My focus is not on the gains and losses of the city of Baoning, but on annihilating the living forces of the Qing army. Now Wu Sangui is the turtle in the urn, dying, why let him live!? ”

“Make dumplings, serve a pot, and don’t let Wu Sangui escape alone and one horse!”

In the end, the 50,000-strong army besieged Baoning non-stop, not giving Wu Sangui a way for them to retreat, intending to take them in one net.

The Qing army defended the city alone, trapped the beasts and fought a battle against the city; The Ming army attacked with all its might, wanting to kill the Qing army completely, and both sides killed red eyes in Baoning.

Liu Wenxiu “covered the mountain, the sound of artillery shook the sky”, divided the troops to guard, lined up fifteen miles horizontally, the front line of war elephants, the second artillery, swarming to attack the city!

Although the momentum is impressive, the Ming army is not all the Great Western Army, some of them are the remnants of Li Chengdong, some are the remnants of He Tengjiao, and some are still mountain thieves, which can be described as uneven!

Wu Sangui was also in the battle formation for a long time, and after a few days, he finally discovered the weak point of the Ming army, that is, Zhang Xianbi, who had just thrown himself into the Great Western Army!

One point is thorough, if you don’t seize it, you won’t have a chance. The Qing army concentrated its forces to attack Zhang Xianbi, but Zhang Xianbi really could not resist.

One person collapsed led to ten people to collapse, ten people collapsed led to a hundred people collapsed, and finally Liu Wenxiu’s army let one cause chaos.

The Ming army was defeated by Baoning, and the general Wang Fuchen, the general Yao Zhizhen, Zhang Xianxuan, Wang Jiye, Yang Chunpu and others were captured and killed by the Qing army, losing most of the soldiers!

After the victory, Wu Sangui was shocked and sighed: “I have never tasted such a fierce enemy in my life, and I owe it to my ears!” ”

The two sides are really at the time of life and death, but it is a pity that the Qing army is superior!

Liu Wenxiu was defeated, and Sun Kewang was furious when he heard this, and his first reaction was not to send troops to reinforce Liu Wenxiu and stabilize the decline.

Instead, he removed Liu Wenxiu from office and sent him to Kunming to think about it, and Zhang Xianbi? He was beaten to death by Sun Kewang.

Liu Wenxiu has been removed! Who’s next? 】

Hiss, Liu Wenxiu swept the land of Shu and almost asked for the lives of Wu Sangui, Li Guohan, and Li Guoying, but I didn’t expect that I was defeated when I was in the nick of time?

Wu Sangui, of course, everyone knows. Is it the one where Shanhaiguan surrendered and sealed a Pingxi king? It is simply and Kong Youde, it is still gratifying, Geng Zhongming is a raccoon raccoon, and he has forgotten his ancestors.

This is not enough to shock everyone, after all, Kong Youde, Nikan are dead, and Wu Sangui is not yet on the list.

What is shocking is that Sun Kewang is going to make trouble, he won’t come to a backstab, right?

Imprisoning Yongli, removing Liu Wenxiu’s military power, who is next, of course, is Li Dingguo!

“What the light curtain said is not bad, Li Dingguo is two famous kings, and the credit is heaven-shaking; But your grandson can be the king of Qin, the credit is also not small, and he can use the nerves to prevent Li Dingguo? ”

“Brother Yi’s meritorious service should have been a great thing, why can’t Sun Kewang turn a corner? The amount of equipment is a bit small! ”

“He won’t want to sneak up on Li Dingguo, right? Is this great situation going to be ruined in one fell swoop!! ”

People of all eras are crazy, and they finally usher in a war that turns the tide against the sky, and they don’t want to cause trouble.

Zulong said faintly: “Sun Kewang…”

Emperor Wudi of Han Liu Che: “You dare to move, I will send troops to destroy you!” ”

The corner of Li Shimin’s mouth twitched: “No matter how stupid you are, you won’t do it at this time, right?” ”

Zhao Kuangyin swallowed: “When Cao Cao, you have to endure loneliness!” Where is this, can’t bear it? ”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were even more secretive!

“What do you want to do? Brother closed the wall, backstabbed righteous brother? ”

Zhang Xianzhong put aside Sun Kewang and stared at Sun Kewang with both eyes. Qi brushed, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu, and Ai Nengqi looked at each other with complicated and melancholy eyes.

“This, this has nothing to do with me!”

Sun Ke wanted to cry without tears.

[Going to Liu Wenxiu’s prince and removing his military power not only made Liu Wenxiu frustrated, but also caused dissatisfaction within the Great Western Army.

However, Sun Ke Wang could not detect it, he saw that Li Dingguo had once again made great battle achievements, and he couldn’t wait.

No longer sitting in the rear, but personally led the “front army” to leave Guiyang, enter Xiangdi, and send his general Bai Wenxuan to attack the city.

His headquarters was indeed elite, and he attacked Chenzhou in one fell swoop and killed the general soldier Xu Yong.

At this time, the battle situation was very clear, the Qing army suffered a major setback, the commander was killed, and the morale was depressed, and it was a good time to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill the remnants.

However, Sun Ke hoped to abandon it and did not launch a final decisive battle, but instead jealous of his ability and tried to deal with Li Dingguo.

At this time, Sun Ke was expected to be stationed in Yuanzhou, Li Dingguo was in Baoqing, and the Ming army reached its peak military strength, showing a posture of inversion.

Li Dingguo killed Nikan, but the rest of the troops led the army to retreat, and Li Dingguo wanted to invite Sun Kewang to attack together.

Anyway, the eight flags are so many people, it is only 100,000 when it is full, and now killing 20,000 people is to give it a major blow, which is enough to make the Qing army fearful.

Then meet the rest of the Dashun army in the east and march east, and no one in Jiangnan can resist!

Li Dingguo’s idea is very beautiful

However, Sun Kewang just didn’t send troops, and Sun Kewang kept writing letters to let Li Dingguo go to Yuanzhou, and wrote seven letters in three days!

Li Dingguo angrily abandoned the plan and wanted to ask Sun Kewang what he was thinking!

Halfway through, Liu Wenxiu’s son secretly told Li Dingguo: Sun Ke is looking forward to the banquet at the Hongmen, and if he goes, he will be sent to death!

Li Dingguo finally realized what was going on, because his righteous brother was afraid of him. Even if the two usually have a bad relationship, they didn’t expect to come to the step of meeting the swordsmen.

He wept bitterly and wrote to Sun Kewang: “It is not easy to get to this step, success or failure is at hand, we should work together to restore the Daming River, do not listen to rumors, let us two kill each other.” The loved ones hurt, the enemies are fast! ”

However, Li Dingguo’s earnest words did not move Sun Kewang. Sun Kewang was angry and wanted to help Daming Jiangshan? Directly lead troops to the battle bundle.

Li Dingguo took into account the overall situation, avoided cannibalism, led his troops to leave Baoqing, and entered Liangguang from Xiangdi.

Twenty years of brotherhood has disappeared here, written off! After forcing Li Dingguo away, Sun Ke is expected to enter Baoqing smoothly!

However, at this time, the Qing army learned of Sun Li’s internal strife, and Tunqi collected the remnants of the army and fought with Sun Kewang.

Sun Kewang finally suffered the consequences of his own evil, and the two sides would fight in Baoqing, although there were generals Bai Wenxuan and Feng Shuangli under his command!

Heavy rain fell in the sky, and the two sides went straight to each other, which soon turned into a battle with heavy casualties.

In the end, the Ming army was narrowly defeated, suffered heavy casualties, and withdrew from Baoqing.

And the Qing army narrowly won, also suffered heavy casualties, and its boss Tunqi was imprisoned after the war!

But there is no doubt that due to the infighting between Sun and Li, or Sun Kewang’s selfish intentions, the unprecedented opportunity for revival since the joint anti-Qing dynasty was short-lived!

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