Chapter 87 Thousands of miles are as fishy as promised, and one year will reach the world!!

“The leftover water and the remnant mountain have no attitude, and they are cooked by Shumei into a wind and moon!”

“Two or three geese, also bleak.”

Xin Qiqian said the verses he had done heavily, his eyes full of tears and pain. The north is trapped in the dust, but the imperial court is peaceful, and even if the aspiring man has an iron heart, he wants to make up for the crack in the sky!

In vain? Can only be like a bleak swallow, excluded from the imperial court, expressing his ambitions in the deep mountains and jungles, and cannot see a group of powerful people above the imperial court ~ raging people!

Chen Liang on the side was also shocked.

He never imagined that Nan Ming, who was sitting under half of the rivers and mountains, would be like this?

Decay, defeat, and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, it should be the color of the renewal of Vientiane, but it has the shortcomings of its body, and it perfectly inherits the legacy of the Apocalypse Chongzhen Dynasty.

“Alas, I am Song Yiguan Nandu, there is still Yue Wumu, Han Zhongwu is in the sky, this Nanming half of the Jiangshan has such a character?”

“I’m afraid it’s… No! ”

It is also extremely shocking, not only Xin Qiqiao, Chen Liang and the two, it can be said that all eras have been frightened.

Foreign ministers are domineering, internal ministers are facing off in court, and kings are drinking pleasure, what is this? This is the elephant of the dead country!

You can’t fight with the Qing army, you will show your stuffing when you dove!

How sad it should be that countless people desperately raise such a thought, both heartless and powerless!

“Once the Shun army is destroyed, who will be next? Do you still need to ask, of course, Nanming. ”

“Just rely on the four towns in Jiangbei, rely on Zuo Liangyu? It’s funny! ”

“Qi….. I don’t see the need for Jianyu to make a move, just Nanming’s situation, I have to blow myself up first. ”


At first glance, it seems unreasonable, but many people think about it carefully, and what they say is really appropriate!

This Nanming won’t be the first to blow himself up, right?

The internal collapse to this point, really will not self-detonate?

“Your Majesty, those Donglin villains still don’t forget their hatred!”

Seeing that the Donglin Party bullied not only their mother and son, but even her grandson, Zheng Guifei was really angry.

Wanli hurriedly went to comfort, but his heart was bottomless, it seems that Zhu Yousong is also rotten and can’t support the wall, and it’s far inferior to Chongzhen! He sighed in his heart, what sins he has done, his children and grandchildren are people who do not fight.

“Ming dies, but really dies in party strife!”

Is the scourge of party strife unknown to people? The situation in the DPRK is chaotic, and Daming has come to this step, and there are figures of party struggle.

However, by this time, Nanming was still engaged in party strife and internal strife. The Donglin Party interfered with King Fu’s accession to the throne, causing the merit of the decision to fall on Haozhen, Jiangbei, which could be described as a fatal blow to the Southern Ming.

No amount of calamity stirred up by the Donglin Party is as great as this violent stirring up at once. Make a decision, make a decision, directly let Hongguang have no prestige, plus Hongguang is a complete comatose monarch!

Nanming is completely finished!

“How should such a dynasty deal with the arrogant Northern Empire?”

Li Shimin was shocked by Nan Ming’s infighting and sighed deeply. Nanming has not yet been reborn, but he is already dying, and it is better to expect them to overturn the Qing army, it is better to expect Li Zicheng to be resurrected in place!

“No wonder Li Zicheng despises Nanming so much, and an escaped general like Zuo Liangyu can be regarded as the Optimus Pillar.”

“How can the Qing army that defeated Li Zicheng be put in the eyes?”

Zulong muttered!

He intuited that Huaxia Shenzhou would once again usher in the catastrophe of heaven and earth! Yuan is the first time, should Qing be the second time?

[In the chaos in the Central Plains, the minister of the Southern Ming Dynasty stole peace, dreaming of “uniting with the Qing army to encircle and suppress the Dashun army, and even sending envoys with a high profile. ]

Kyoshi Discussion and Peace.

Although some people in the Hongguang court entrusted the restoration of the Han family to the Southern Ming, they were repeatedly frustrated due to the fight of the monarchs, and the self-improvement they advocated simply did not work.

The Southern Ming monarchs turned a blind eye to the bad situation, rather than saying that they chose to fall into illusions, being careful not to offend the Qing army.

Their modest expectations, however, were not sympathetic to their enemy Dolgon.

After Li Zicheng lost the pass, the aftermath was eliminated. On the one hand, Dolgon ordered Azig to continue to pursue the Shun army, and Dordor, who had broken through the Tong Pass, immediately returned to the division.

The wishful calculation of the Hongguang court to “borrow the capture of Pingkou” came true, but they finally set themselves on fire and suffered their own evil consequences.

Dodor led the main force of the Qing army to the south!

However, Nanming really blew himself up at this time, and Zuo Liangyu, who was “forced by Li Zicheng”, went all the way south under the banner of “Qing Jun’s side”.

Behind Zuo Liangyu was Li Zicheng, and behind Li Zicheng was Azige, running wildly.

Instantly shocked the Hongguang Imperial Court!

Zuo Liangyu’s army went east, and the Qing army invaded the south, and they couldn’t solve either of them, not to mention that the two came at the same time!

As a result, the so-called four towns of Jiangbei were washed away like pieces of paper, and the barrier created by millions of taels of silver was only a splash.

Gao Jie, one of the four towns in Jiangbei, was originally a subordinate of Li Zicheng, known as the mountain harrier, first a rebel army and then a Ming army, and was fierce.

In fact, he was also the only Southern Ming general to go north to regain the Central Plains, but before he could leave his territory, he was assassinated by Xu Dingguo.

Doduo passed through Sizhou, and his subordinates Li Benshen and Li Chengdong led the army to surrender!

Liu Liangzuo, one of the four towns in Jiangbei, his brother surrendered to the Qing army as early as the Battle of Dalinghe, he was naturally a good man, the Qing army had arrived, and Liu Liangzuo led more than 100,000 people to surrender to the Qing.

Liu Zeqing, one of the four towns in Jiangbei, was second to none when he was called upon. However, resisting the Qing army? He decisively chose to surrender.

Doduo returned to the Central Plains in March, and ran to Yangzhou in May! At this time, Shi Kefa, the governor of Jiangbei, had led the remnants of the army to retreat to Yangzhou.

Shi Kefa sent reinforcements from all towns, but none of them arrived! In fact, it has already been cleared.

Soon after, Yangzhou fell, Liu Zhaoji died in battle, Yangzhou prefect Ren Minyu, He Gang and other heroic sacrifices, Shi Kefa was killed and sacrificed after being captured!

After the Qing army occupied Yangzhou, raise the butcher knife! Dodor ordered the city to be slaughtered on the grounds that he did not listen to the call! Yangzhou killed in ten days, and the corpses in the city were like a mess, and more than 800,000 people died!

Jiangbei completely fell, Yangzhou fell again, and the Qing army was ready to cross the river south.

Yangzhou was lost, and the news of Shi Kefa’s martyrdom reached Nanjing, and the Hongguang court suddenly fell into panic.

The Qing army crossed the river in a big way, defeated the Ming army water division one after another, occupied Jingkou, and approached Jinling!

The Hongguang Emperor was so frightened that he did not inform the ministers in the city, and after informing Ma Shiying, the two sneaked away by night.

The second time, Jinling Qunchen found that the emperor had run away and immediately made a mess. However, the panic did not last long before it was stopped.

Because the vanguard of the Qing army had already resisted the city.

More than 30 high-ranking officials and dignitaries, including Xincheng Bo Zhao Zhilong, Baoguo Duke Zhu Guobi and Wei Duke Xu Yunjue, Longping Marquis Zhang Gongri, University Scholar Wang Duo, Cai Yichen, Shangshu Qian Qianyi of the Ministry of Rites, and Zuo Du Yushi Li Zhen opened the city gate and went out to greet the suburbs.

When it rained heavily, the iron horse of the Qing army was kneeling under the kneeling of Jinling Qunchen and entered Jinling!

Qian Qianyi, the former leader of Donglin and the head of Shilin, even heard that Doduo had ordered his hair to be shaved and braids when he went south, and Qian Qianyi suddenly said: “The scalp itches terribly. ”

Went out temporarily for a while. When he returned, he found that Qian Qianyi had braids on his own.

Hongguang ran, but not away.

Instead of running south, he ran to Huang Degong, who was guarding Wuhu. Huang Degong was now resisting the leftist army heading south.

Zuo Liangyu was originally on the hospital bed, heard that Li Zicheng went south, dragged the sick and ran, and finally died on the road. When Li Zicheng was defeated, Azige followed, and his son Zuo Menggeng dared to collide with Li Zicheng, who beat his father in a rage, and directly led an army of 200,000 to surrender!

Huang Degong died in the battle formation with an arrow through his throat! And the Hongguang Emperor was naturally captured, and the following year he was beheaded by the Jingshi and only became the emperor for eight months!

Hongguang Daming, who was pinned on high hopes and was helped by Kuangfu Daming Society, was flattened in one fell swoop! 】

First defeat Li Zicheng, and then defeat Hongguang!

The Qing army actually defeated the strong enemies of the two sides within a year, which immediately shocked countless people!

“How is it possible…”

“Nanming, this is lonely!? All the way down, up to the prince, down from the subjects, all welcomed the Qing army into Beijing!? ”

“The four towns in Jiangbei, Zuo Liangyu in Chu Town, what kind of people are these people!”

“Xu Guogong, Baoguo Gong, Qian Qianyi, hiss…”

In particular, the part of Jinling that surrendered was either the founding lord or the descendant of the heroes of the Jingjian, but the surrender was decisive and sharp.

On the first day, the soldiers came to the city, and the second day they negotiated surrender.

“Heh, do you expect that group of nobles who only rely on the remnants of their ancestors and are extremely extravagant to resist the Northern Empire? The country is in trouble, how many people can there be who are in solidarity with the country? ”

“This is the end of the dynasty!”

Countless people laughed bitterly, and no one will change.

Jinling, Yingtianfu, the founding place of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, one of the two capitals, since the fall of Jingshi, countless people have regarded him as the center of revival.

However, in just one year, it fell in a blur!

“Ministers are guilty, and descendants are not filial!”

Xu Da, the first Duke of Wei, suddenly panicked, bowed down and cried guilty, and immediately rows of ministers knelt on the ground, begging for forgiveness.

One by one, secretly scolded, isn’t this a pit ancestor for the descendants?

Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang looked indifferent, waved his hand, and signaled them to get up! He also has anger in his heart, who to talk to?


“That’s it, that’s it!”

As the light curtain said, the country is in trouble, except for a few outstanding people, those who are not more important than the country?

It is imperative to surrender the insurance family!

It’s just that I am unwilling, I have been raising a group of white-eyed wolves for three hundred years! Zhu Yuanzhang sighed deeply!

But he didn’t expect that what made him even more angry was still ahead!

[Jinling has fallen, and there is still a vast southern part that has not yet been occupied. Dodor ordered Bolo to lead his army south to Jiangsu and Zhejiang!

At this time, King Zhu Changshu finally got his wish, and after the fall of Hongguang, many local officials supported him to oversee the country!

Prison the country, and then call the emperor!

However, Zhu Changshu was not willing to take this rotten job at all! Just kidding, everyone knows that the Ming Dynasty is over, isn’t it looking for death to hold him out at this time?

So when the Qing army came to Hangzhou, the first thing Zhu Changfang did was to treat the army!

Treat the army, whose army to treat? Qing Army, of course! The Qing army rushed all the way from Jinling to Hangzhou, and it must have been dry mouth, and Zhu Changshu knew that he would open the city gate and send warmth!

This move suddenly made more than 100,000 Ming troops defending the city desperate, scattering and fleeing in one day, and it was really impossible to fight.

Therefore, Zhu Changshu was captured and Hangzhou fell! The essence of Jiangnan is all occupied by the Qing army!

At this time, Dolgon swelled, and within a year, he made two major opponents and hit three-quarters of the rivers and mountains, and everyone suddenly expanded!

The Qing army stopped its march, thinking that Hongguang had been removed, and the rest of the southern transmission could be determined!

When Dordor returned to Jingshi, Dorgon replaced him with Hong Chengzhuo, using Hong Chengzhuo’s popularity to recruit the prefecture and weaken the resistance.

The achievements are remarkable, under the call of Hong Chengzhuo’s prestige, the Jiangnan Thai Banzhou capital changed its banner!

Immediately, the Qing army summoned the royal families of the Ming Domain from all over Jiangnan to Beijing to prevent them from rebelling. King Zhou and the other thirty clan kings, without exception, were captured without resistance.

Only King Lu of Zhoushan insisted on resigning on the grounds of illness!

In the first year of Hongguang, the second year of Shunzhi, the Qing army defeated the two most powerful enemies in the world, occupying three-quarters of the rivers and mountains!

The world, at your fingertips, is close at hand! Loss】

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