Chapter 73 Seven Years of the Apocalypse, Shaanxi Pass People Change, Internal and External Troubles!!

The defeat of Liaodong!

The 200,000 elite of the Ming army came out and was defeated by the hands of the Jianzhou Jurchens!


“Jianzhou, Jurchen! What is Li Chengliang doing to eat, Liaodong hides such a big enemy, and he hides it and does not report it! ”

The Wanli Emperor was furious, and the Zheng Guifei in his arms was not fragrant.

His facial expression flickered and darkened, not because of the dispute between the country and the capital mentioned by the light curtain, he did not step into the palace gate for thirty years, connived at the court struggle, and sent the mine supervisor to compete with the people.

He recognized all this! The whole court and the public used these to scold him behind his back, and he didn’t know it.

What he couldn’t believe was that the hundreds of thousands of mighty masters of the Great Ming were defeated in Liaodong!

“How is that possible!?”

In the worried eyes of Concubine Zheng on the side, the Wanli Emperor muttered.

Liu Li, Juniper, these people who shined in the Peninsula when they resisted the Yan and suppressed Banzhou, as well as those Ming elites who fought in the south and the north and won several battles.

All of them, defeated in Liaodong!?

The same language has caused an uproar elsewhere.

“Liaodong, Liaodong again! At the end of the Sui Dynasty, Goguryeo came out, and several conquests were not defeated; Now there is Jianzhou Jurchen, and the elite generals of the Ming army have all fallen to Salhu! ”

“Thirty years without stepping into the palace gate, without dynasty, without sacrifice, without approval, without seeing! What kind of person is this Wanli Emperor, is he fighting a cold war with Qunchen!? ”

“Alas, in the first battle in Liaodong, the Jurchens were extremely difficult to control, and I am afraid that it would become a serious external trouble! The death of the Ming Dynasty, the rebel army to conquer the world, most of them are inseparable from this! ”

“Wanli forty-seven years, how long has this Wanli lived! One year number took forty-seven years? ”

People are curious and sighing!

No wonder it will show that death has planted the seeds in Wanli, the rise of the northeastern Liaoning, the party strife in the imperial court has been revealed, plus the emperor does not have the heart to govern, all kinds of accumulation, can it not die?

If you add some natural and man-made disasters, it will really accumulate!

“Jianzhou Jurchen! Damn, the plough court swept the cave, didn’t you want to destroy this group of barbarians!? ”

Zhu Jianshen, the usually heavy emperor, was furious. He was annoyed at the moment, if he had destroyed this small tribe when he swept across the grassland, there would be no disastrous defeat in later generations.

“Thirty years without going to the palace gate, what kind of slacker is this! So foolish, is it really my Zhu Yuanzhang’s species? ”

Zhu Yuanzhang roared angrily, furious. This Wanli simply refreshed his lower limit, thinking that he spent days and nights, eating and drinking, and worrying about national affairs!

And Wanli, without approving the chapters, without seeing the courtiers, why hide in the deep palace? Daming, Yongle Dynasty.

Zhu Di glared at the crown prince Zhu Gaojie fiercely, and hated iron and steel: “How our Zhu family is all a strange family, boss, you explain and explain.” ”

The prince who was lying innocently was speechless, and the Han King Zhu Gaoxu on the side was very jealous.

“Barbarians in the Northeast? Jurchen, huh…”

Zhu Di immediately smiled coldly!

The people of the previous dynasty were also emotional.

Yue Fei sighed, “The Jurchens are still there!” After being swept away by the Yuan, they can even recover, abominable! ”

Zulong also frowned: “Why, every dynasty and every generation faces the threat of the Northern Barbarians?” The Sui Dynasty was, the Tang Dynasty was, and now the Ming Dynasty too? They take it seriously, so hard to extinguish!? ”

Wang Xuan, Feng Quqian and the others were silent!

After the rise of Jin, the Ming Dynasty has sunset, and the national fortune will fall again, but it’s a pity!

“The dispute between the country and the prince!?”

Li Shimin took a deep breath and slowly spit it out.

[Prince, the root of the country! ]

More than ten years of national disputes were extremely harmful, countless ministers were reprimanded, degraded and beaten with rods, and at the same time, the trend of forming parties arose in the imperial court.

Above the government of the DPRK, it is getting darker and darker, there are many parties, and the parties are contending! The Xuan Party, the Zhejiang Party, the Qi Party, the Chu Party, and the Donglin Party all appeared on the stage.

The eldest son of the emperor, Zhu Changluo, was humble with his biological mother, and he was not allowed to love his father since he was a child, and since he grew up, he was not allowed to open a house, not to educate, and to be helpless.

Zhu Changluo survived the dispute between the country and the foundation, and his successful ascension to the throne was not only the result of relying on the ancestral system, but also the result of the support of many Donglin parties!

Emperor Zhu Changluo of Taichang came to the throne, and during his reign, he eliminated maladministration, actively reformed, abolished mining taxes, tax collections, rectified chaos, and revived the imperial court, which shook the government and the public for a while.

However, a short twenty-nine days later, Emperor Taichang died in the treacherous “Red Pill Case”!

At the age of thirty-eight, he died violently!

His son Zhu Youxiao ascended the throne, year name: Apocalypse! 】

The calamity of the country, the struggle between the ruling and opposition parties, the violent death of the emperor, and the accession of the new monarch to the throne!

At this time, it was only a month since Wanli’s death, and two emperors died one after another, which can be imagined the impact on Daming.

“Waves!? Even the light curtain used this word to describe the Red Pill case, what kind of hidden mystery should it be? ”

“For twenty-nine days, alas, Emperor Taichang is pitiful! After being born, lonely and helpless, withstanding torments, and finally ascending to the emperor, who expected to die young? ”

“The monarch is newly dead, and the young monarch is on the throne! Don’t forget, there is also a tiger-eyed Jurchen outside the customs that is expanding wantonly! ”

Countless people lamented, lamenting their bad luck, their internal struggles were fierce, and there were foreign races sharpening their knives outside!

This is the reason for Daming’s demise!

Zhu Youzhuang also served as a prince with a bad life, and at that time he was persecuted by Wan Guifei and his life was not saved. At this time, looking at this Zhu Changluo, who has the same fate, it can be described as a mixture of feelings.

“If you are born without raising or teaching, what is the helplessness of life?”

“Daming has been the eldest son of the emperor since ancient times, and the abolition of the eldest son and the establishment of the young, causing the government and the public to suspect, and the monarch to separate, isn’t it a big mistake?”

Zhu Youzhuang mourned at the emperor in the later life, looked at the ignorant Zhu Houzhao, and sighed! This is his descendant!

“Your Majesty…”

Concubine Zheng said with trepidation, extremely frightened. The dispute between the country and the capital is public, and the impact on Wanli can be seen, but is it her fault?

She did nothing, and countless documents were handed in from outside the palace, accusing her of being a “demon concubine” and “scourge the world, and disturbing the heart of the king”, pointing directly at her harem for politics.

The Wanli Emperor couldn’t help but be stunned, and thought of the sentence in the light curtain: Ming death, starting from Wanli!

He doubled his self-blame, thinking of the Wang family, who was silent in the palace and washed his face with tears all day, so that he was blind, sighed deeply.

Said to Concubine Zheng: “Concubine Ai, Zhu Changluo’s child died early, and Daming died in the hands of his son, Xuan’s grandson…”

“Doesn’t that just mean that Zhu Changluo is not suitable to be an emperor? Since this is the case, Tomorrow will open the dynasty, discuss with the courtiers, and establish Xun’er as the prince! ”

“In this way, it may be possible to avoid the calamity of Ming Dying!”

In the deep palace, the emperor and the noble concubine discussed in secret.

[The Emperor of the Apocalypse ascended the throne, and the Donglin Party was greatly used for its efforts to stabilize the national foundation.

Donglin party members Ye Xianggao, Zou Yuanbiao, and Zhao Nanxing were given the opportunity to govern, but the party rivalry above the imperial court intensified.

The Zhejiang, Kunming, and Xuanxuan parties were successively ostracized.

Soon the Emperor of the Apocalypse lived in the deep palace and worked as a carpenter, in addition to promoting the trusted Wei Zhongxian.

The eunuchs headed by Wei Zhongxian formed an alliance with some people from the Zhejiang, Qi, Chu, Xuan, and Kunming parties, and were called “gelding parties” by the Donglin Party!

During the Apocalypse Year, the Gelding Party and the Donglin Party fought each other!

After all, it was Wei Zhongxian who won the victory, he was the eunuch of Si Li Bingbi, and he was the governor of the East Factory, with five biao, ten dogs, ten children, forty grandchildren, etc., inside and outside the imperial court, all over the dead party!

Once forced the Donglin Party into the downwind, Zuo Guangdou, Wei Dazhong, Huang Zunsu and others were killed one after another.

Wei Zhongxian controlled the dynasty, did whatever he wanted, and was lust for power, claiming to be “nine thousand years old!” ”

However, when the internal struggle of the Apocalypse Imperial Court was fierce, the expansion of the Jurchens outside the Guanwai was getting closer and closer.

After the Battle of Salhu, Nurhachi swept through Liaodong! In the year of the apocalypse, Nur Hachi moved the capital to Liaoyang!

In the second year of the apocalypse, Nur Hachi defeated Liaodong through Liaoxiong Yanbi and Liaodong Governor Wang Huazhen, and captured the important town of Guangning in western Liaoning!

After Jinlian fell into Yizhou, Jinzhou, and Dalinghe! In the battle of Dalinghe, the 8,000 white pole soldiers in Shuzhong, the Zhejiang army led by Qi Jiguang’s nephew Qi Jin, the whole army was destroyed!

In the third year of the apocalypse, Xiong Yanbi was involved in party disputes and was imprisoned and killed by the castration party.

Emperor Sun Chengzong, the Emperor of the Apocalypse, toured eastern Liao, and oversaw Jiliao, and he appointed Yuan Chonghuan and Zhao as generals, and built a defensive line from Shanhaiguan to Jinzhou, covering western Liaoning.

With Shanhaiguan as the backing, Ning Yuan as the backbone, and Jinzhou as the forward, there are countless castles in the chaos to strangle the Jurchen soldiers.

In the sixth year of the apocalypse, Sun Chengzong was impeached by the castration party!

In the same year, the Later Jinnu chief Nur Hachi led an army to approach Ningyuan City, and Yuan Chonghuan defended the city, supplemented by red-clothed cannons, to force the Jin army back.

Nurhachi died soon after, and his son Emperor Taiji ascended the throne. The external troubles were raging, and the fire of the internal uprising was finally ignited.

In the seven years of the apocalypse, the court was dark, the people were miserably exploited, and the people had no livelihood! At that time, land annexation was intense, taxes and taxes were excessive, and natural disasters were rampant, which finally led to a popular revolt.

In the land of northern Shaanxi, the people “have exhausted their skin and bones, and they cannot save their lives”, the famine has become more and more serious, coupled with the epidemic and disease, there are many dead people, “the grass and trees are exhausted, and people cannibalize each other”, but the officials are looting and urging the requisition!

Hundreds of people finally couldn’t stand it, they used swords, with ink painting as their goal, ants lived under Cheng County!

The leader Wang Er shouted: “Who dares to kill Zhixian!” ”

Everyone shouted in unison: “I dare to kill!” ”

Three shouts in a row, all in unison! Immediately break the county, kill the county order, raise the flag against the Ming!

The peasant uprising at the end of the Ming Dynasty began! 】

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