“The Qin people started from it, and the Han people followed it!” Did Han inherit the Qin system? ”

“Is the dynasty after Daqin the Han Dynasty?”

In the Qin Palace, the ministers were speechless one after another, slowly suppressing the shock in their hearts, looking at each other several times, and a heated discussion broke out immediately.

“I never expected it to be true! Duke Pei had entered the Hangu Dynasty, and Liu Bang eventually completed the task of destroying Qin, and was subsequently crowned King of Han! ”

“Xiang Yu, this fang, slaughtered the people of my Qindi, but did he think that Liu Bang would kill back to Guanzhong one day, and then go east to Hangu and kill him!”

“Everything has its own laws, everything has its own fixed number!”

Or indignation, or ridicule, or complexity, the life of the courtiers is varied.

Xiang Yu understood the hatred of destroying the country and killing his uncle because of the hatred of killing his uncle.

Whether it is killing pawns in pits, or killing children and infants, digging imperial tombs, burning a house, everything can be boiled down to hatred!

And then as it was said before in the light curtain,

Those who kill their fathers and brothers, people or kill their descendants, Xiang Yu did something in Xianyang, and everything has a time to pay respect!

Liu Bang, occupying Guanzhong and occupying Shuzhong, undoubtedly inherited the basic plate of the Qin people back then!

Follow the example of Daqin, become a tiger and a wolf

Out east again, the Qin people killed Xiang Yu angrily!

Xiang Yu was finally divided into corpses, and among the four people, three were all Guanzhong Qin people!

“Although Daqin has achieved the unification of the territory, it is difficult to hide the divorce of the people’s hearts!”

“Although all the people in the world call Qin people, do they really think they are Qin people?”

Zulong sighed softly, stood up from his throne, and carried his hands behind his back!

“How can everyone in the world be convinced by the yearning for Daqin? Or, can’t Daqin replace the Han Dynasty? ”

After hundreds of years of conquest

The centrifugal force of the world’s unification is too great, and the Daqin that has just been built, under various factors, the wall collapsed and everyone pushed and collapsed with a bang!

Zulong saw through this!

But, the key is to address this!

“The human heart…”


“What a big drama, what a magnificent era!”

“Countless reckless heroes appeared on the stage of history, and then withered one after another, is this the chaotic era of the end of Qin?”

Wanli Shoufu Zhang Juzheng and the other pavilion elders after reading it

I was shocked!

Although the light curtain is displayed one after another, without stopping, people intuitively feel the vastness of time!

But how long is the real time?

It’s only three years!

In three years, Chen Sheng Wu Guang, Wuchen Han Guang, Wei Guantian Zhan, Xiang Liang Xiang Yu, Qin II Zhao Gao, and Zhang Han Wang Li and others all ended one after another!

Even, they knew that the subsequent Chu-Han War was really a withering of talent!

Zhao Guoda General Chen Er was backed by Han Xin in a battle, the Jedi was overturned, and his life was lost!

The former Optimus Pillar Zhang Han was secretly Chen Cang by Han Xin, flooded the ruined hill, and apologized for his sin!

The invincible Chu Overlord was ambushed by Han Xin on ten sides, trapped under the bow, and committed suicide with a sword!

Even, Han Xin, Peng Yue, Yingbu and others were destroyed one after another after Liu Bang became emperor!

In this way, the establishment of the Han Dynasty was ushered in.

Zhang Juzheng sighed indignantly and pointed out Jiangshan:

“At the end of the Zhou Dynasty, Qin unified the world for the destiny of heaven! Qin eradicated the shortcomings of the ancient times in one fell swoop and implemented a new law. The Great Han Dynasty has been brilliant for nearly four hundred years, and Qin Zhi has meritorious service! ”

“If the First Emperor has a virtuous son, keeps the imperial industry, and revitalizes Daqin, in another thirty years, the heart of the world will return to Qin!” At that time, even if someone has Liu Bang, Xiang Yu is a hundred times more capable, what can he do? ”

“It’s a pity that Fusu has benevolence but is cowardly, Hu Hai is young and stupid, Zhao Gao is a traitor to the country, and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms are demons outside, and the world is complaining!”

“This Qin Shi Huang’s great misfortune is also!”

It caused several pavilion elders around Zhang Siwei to be shocked!


“Is it over… It’s time to end, the peasant uprising at the end of the Qin Dynasty ended in victory, the violent Qin was overthrown, and the rebel army won the world! ”

Li Shimin said in a low voice.

“I feel that the former Sui and Qin dynasties are also in the same category. They are all the first generation of Ming monarchs, the second generation of dead kings, all dynasties that ended a hundred years of chaos! ”

“But they all died in a short time, this is the general trend of history!”

Listening to what His Majesty Li Er said, the courtiers also had similar intuitions!

With the same fate and different luck, Qin Sui has too many similarities!

Li Shimin’s eyes lit up: “What the immortals said, Qin ruled the world against the trend, and he couldn’t compare with Yin Zhou, it makes sense!” “

“A hundred years of conquest, capture Kyushu, cut off the nations, kill too much! It is unbearable to be the lord of the world for a long time, ruling over all peoples! ”

“A little sudden incident may lead to the collapse of the empire!”

Immediately, Li Shimin let out a long sigh!

The Han Dynasty was different, and the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, was born in an uprising by destroying the tyrannical Qin!

and does not carry the hatred of the eastern countries, and at the same time builds the capital Guanzhong and inherits the Qin industry, only four hundred years of rivers and mountains!

Take the world with the trend, and it will be long!


Great Han, the period of Emperor Wudi of Han!

“The people of the world are too bitter…”

Liu Che suddenly spoke up, attracting the attention of the two people next to him.

“The sword is not extinguished, the fight continues, who is cheaper in the end?”

He asked himself in a low voice, thinking.

Three years of the Uprising War, five years of the Chu-Han War, who in the Qin State and the Six Eastern Countries had the last laugh?

Qin, who ruled the world, was destroyed, and the Qin royal family was destroyed!

What about the six eastern countries, the princes and generals, the princes and grandsons, and the Thai half died in the war!

The people of the world died more than 10 million, a sharp drop of more than half!

No one is the winner in the end!

The Han Dynasty was established on the ruins, but it took over a dilapidated mess!

Even finding a few manned horses in the country is stretched; Xiao He, Cao Shen and other Xiangguo took the car, and they were still sitting on mules!

A hundred industries are withering, and the people are suffering!

Instead, there is a deepening of side problems.

Single-handedly unified the grassland, established a larger Xiongnu power, and looked at Shenzhou!

Zhao Tuo of the Southern Expedition of Baiyue established himself as the king and cut himself off!

There are hardships everywhere, the siege of Baiden, and the shame of his relatives, and the humiliation of his Han Dynasty has continued until now!

“Xiongnu, South Vietnam, and Siyi!”

“The problems that Qin Shi Huang did not solve will be solved by Xuan! Decades have passed, and your good days should come to an end! ”

“The Great Han Dynasty, it should be revitalized in the hands of Xuan!”

Ambitious emperor, heavy speech.

Wei Qing, Huo Qubing worshiped in awe. The mission that has not been completed by the predecessors, it is up to them to complete! The fruits of generations will be shown to them!

They want the Han Dynasty to subdue and threaten the world!

“Your Majesty, the ministers and others will fight hard to wipe out the Xiongnu South Vietnam and open up territory for Your Majesty!”


Great Qin, the twenty-ninth year of the reign of the King of Qin.

Hidden by the trees, the carriage galloped on the avenue, and the motorists beat the horse one after another!

“Yu’er, you are the hope of the Chu Kingdom, and also the hope of the world!”

“As soon as the light curtain comes out, it is bound to be a dispute in the world, and Qin Shi Huang will definitely not be able to bypass you!” Uncle escorts you away! ”

Xiang Liang said with blood-red eyes!

Although it was cool, the violent Qin collapsed with a bang, and the family was destroyed.

But the existence of the light curtain is undoubtedly a natural disaster for them!

Now it is not the imbecile Huhai who rules the world, but that person

Even if it is a light curtain, it is called the hero of the Ancient Emperor, Qin Shi Huang!

He knew that Daqin would fall at their hands, could he let them go?

He, Yu’er; Including Zhang Liang, Zhang Er, Chen Yu, and even that Han Emperor Liu Bang, none of them could escape!

All of them are fish on the cutting board!

Rebel? Dead! As long as that person is still alive, as long as the Violent Qin Imperial Court is not in chaos, there will never be a chance for these remnants of them!

Xiang Yu was shaken: “Uncle, I don’t want to run!” ”

“Qin Shi Huang is coming, how can I be afraid of him!”

“On the light curtain, I can destroy his Huan clan, and I can still do it now!”

Sonorous and extremely intimidating, no wonder the light curtain is called an overlord! Xiang Liang is also a person who has seen the big scene, and when he sees Xiang Yu at this moment, he can’t help but feel in a trance!

Just then, the whistle sounded!



Dozens of men in black came out of the trees!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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