Video Game Empire

Chapter 635: Li, the God of Wealth who wants to gain prestige

"Li Sheng, I'm really ashamed of your praise!" Zhong Siyuan said with a hearty smile on the phone.

"Zhong Lao has participated in Hong Kong's public service since 1960. His achievements in the past 30 years, I call you "the conscience of Hong Kong politics", are completely worthy of it!

Hong Kong is now in the most special period. How to ensure that Hong Kong's prosperity and stability will not be affected by external changes? It is necessary for people of insight like Mr. Zhong to actively stand up and speak out on behalf of the 6 million Hong Kong citizens! "Li Xuan also said politely.

His speech at CUHK yesterday, unsurprisingly, caused an uproar throughout Hong Kong and Kowloon. Li Xuan not only directly labelled Zheng Lianru, Li Feipeng and others with obvious pro-British stances as "Hong Kong-traitors" and "spiritual British", but also turned up the old accounts of the May 30 and Shaji massacres 65 years ago. Beat the British into crime-ridden executioners!

Such a sharp language, spit out from a mouth with huge influence like Li Xuan, can imagine the shocking force it brings! At least the entire Hong Kong media industry has gone crazy. The paparazzi reporters who haven't appeared outside the gate of Li's house for a long time have begun to frantically contain Li Xuan again.

Although Li Xuan's Asia Satellite TV has been criticizing various policies of the British Hong Kong authorities in recent years. However, the political positions of Dongfang Group and Li Xuan himself have always been very vague before this!

This is also the common practice of most rich people in Hong Kong. After all, in the process of Sino-British wrestling, whoever favors will offend the other. Therefore, it is better to use the mud on both sides and enjoy the benefits of both sides!

And Li Xuan's very sudden voice this time, his stance is clear, so that people who know him can't help but wonder if the "God of Wealth Li" has been downed? So since yesterday, the phone call at Li Xuan's house has not been interrupted, and many people want to find out more from his mouth.

Li Xuan's approach seems reckless, but in fact it is not as unwise as outsiders think!

First of all, Li Xuan has seized the commanding heights of morality, and it is difficult for opponents to whitewash themselves. For example, the May 30 massacre and the Shaji massacre, the **** facts are there!

In order to give their readers a better understanding of the historical background, many newspapers and magazines deliberately took out a lot of pages in today's typesetting to review the May 30 Massacre and the Shaji Massacre and the whole cause and effect!

How are the British going to clean up?

Is it really like Li Xuan said that the Governor of Hong Kong personally came forward to apologize? Not every politician has the courage of German Chancellor Brandt.

Brandt's shocking kneeling in front of the Polish Jewish Victims Memorial made the whole world forgive Germany! But what is particularly ridiculous is that Poland, who should have been another protagonist in the incident, still has many people who refuse to forgive!

Brandt's kneeling was actually far less sincere than the media advertised. At that time, the negotiations between Germany and Poland fell into many difficulties because of the issue of war compensation. So Brandt, in order to gain diplomatic sympathy points, came up with the idea of ​​kneeling on his knees in the Eastern way to redeem himself for Germany!

But the United Kingdom is not a defeated country. Ever since it replaced Spain as the new empire on which the sun never sets, the British Empire has not suffered a defeat for nearly two or three hundred years! Although the throne of the world's number one power was snatched by the United States, it was also a non-war crime. Who made the main battlefield of the two world wars take place in Europe!

If the United Kingdom now apologizes for the mere deaths in the May 30th Massacre and the Shakey Massacre, what about the countless souls who died in the colonial history of the British Empire for hundreds of years?

And do you think the whole thing is as simple as a verbal apology? If you admit that you are wrong, you are obliged to take follow-up responsibility! The issue of war reparations between Germany and Poland has not been fully clarified until now. How can the British be stupid enough to open a Pandora's Box for themselves!

In fact, Li Xuan really prepared this kind of backhand. He has already found several immediate family members of the victims of the tragedy! As long as your Excellency the Governor has the courage to apologize, Li Xuan will secretly fund them to go to London to file a lawsuit and claim compensation from the British government!

Therefore, if Your Excellency the Governor of Hong Kong does not want to cause trouble to the local judges, he can only obediently wear the hat of "executioner"! Of course, the British Hong Kong authorities are not without countermeasures. For example, they can find fault with the Oriental Group! Charges such as tax evasion, illegal business operations, and suspected monopoly are all very good excuses for dealing with the Oriental Group!

Chinese businessmen have believed since ancient times that people do not fight against officials! It's a pity that Li Xuan is not an ordinary businessman. Its subsidiary, Dongfang Group, is one of the largest multinational companies in the world.

For multinational giants, friction with governments is only part of their daily operations! How dare you call yourself a multinational company if you don't even dare to wrestle with the government!

Aren't the British eager to promote democracy in Hong Kong? In a democratic society, the best benchmark to measure how much democratic authority a person can enjoy is how much legal fees you can afford!

Take the United States, the beacon of democracy-democracy, as an example. In the case of committing the same crime, black suspects are often sentenced to much heavier sentences than white suspects! Some people say it's racism, but it's actually money discrimination!

White middle-class families can afford to spend more money, and asks better lawyers to defend. The golden lawyers of those well-known law firms are not fighting alone!

His assistants and trainee lawyers will analyze the evidence provided by the plaintiff word by word, trying to find loopholes to make the evidence invalid. They will also find similar judgments that are most favorable to the defendant from the vast ocean of past precedents, so as to give judges reasons for lighter sentences.

And black families without money can only choose public interest lawyers provided by the court! This kind of person is either a fledgling rookie lawyer to brush up his resume and increase his experience. Even if there are some old fritters lawyers, they are here to gain reputation and spend time, in order to make their public image bigger!

The former is not strong enough, and the latter is absent-minded, so naturally it cannot be the opponent of the battle-hardened prosecutors! Therefore, it is also a normal result for black suspects to be severely and severely sentenced!

And the large legal department of the Oriental Group and the terrifying legal expenses every year are enough for it to enjoy the highest level of democracy on the planet! What's more, democracy is the opposite of efficiency!

Have you ever seen that multinational company file a lawsuit, and it can be resolved with three divisions and two divisions? Whether it can win or not, the Oriental Group can at least drag the lawsuit long enough! Because time is on Li Xuan's side, it is very likely that the British have already left Hong Kong before the lawsuit is over!

Therefore, as long as the Hong Kong British authorities dare to make trouble from the Oriental Group, Li Xuan will dare to have a reverse match. With the help of the excellent bss of the Hong Kong British authorities, the reputation of the Oriental Group in Hong Kong will be brushed to the highest level. Reverence level!

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